
  • 网络small data
  1. 小数据可用于决定当前的状况和条件。

    Small data is used to determine current states and conditions .

  2. 小数据都有哪些用途呢?小数据是具有特殊特征的数据集。

    Small data is a dataset that contains very specific attributes .

  3. 小数据能引发那些基于现在正在发生的事件。

    Small data can trigger events based on what is happening now .

  4. “小数据”是指又个人或小公司所产生的数据。

    Small data refers to the data generated by an individual or small company .

  5. 小数据还可以告诉我们位置、温度、适度、压力、振幅,甚至一件物品是否已经被打开等信息。

    Small data tell us about location , temperature , wetness , pressure , vibration1 , or even whether an item has been opened or not .

  6. 当这些小数据包到达最终目的地时,IP协议又把这些数据块组装成原来的数据包。

    When the chunks arrive at their final destination , IP assembles the pieces into the original packet .

  7. NETXML技术的应用方便地实现了ERP中某些小数据量存储的功能,提高了系统的运行速度和性能。

    NET XML the function of small storage is realized , which make ERP system run fast and efficiently .

  8. 可以看到系统A向系统B发送了一个小数据包,然后等待响应包,已决定同意或拒绝登录请求。

    Observe that system A sends a small data packet to system B , and waits for a response packet before granting or denying the login request .

  9. RAID小数据随机访问性能分析与优化

    Analysis and optimization for RAID small data random access

  10. 一种计算最大Lyapunov指数的改进小数据量法及其实现

    A kind of Calculating the Improved Small Datum of the Largest Lyapunov Exponent and Its Realization

  11. 当三个小数据包被远方主机的IP协议程序收到时,由于它们分割后各自的标识符而被识别为属于同一个大数据包。

    When the three packets are received by IP at the remote host , they are identified by the fragment ID as belonging together .

  12. 按一列或者相关任务进行排序在内存中像小数据集那样运行;您使用JavaScript就可以有效地完成任务。

    Sorting by a column and related tasks works in memory as expected for small data sets ; you can effectively get things done in JavaScript .

  13. 除了对预测方法作了介绍外,重点对基于小数据量的最大Lyapunov指数算法做了大量的仿真实验;

    The chaos prediction method based on the largest Lyapunov exponent from small data sets is presented mainly , and many simulative experiment is made on it .

  14. 在这个示例中,我们使用MapReduce处理一个小数据集。

    In this example , you see the MapReduce process on a small set of data .

  15. cookie是网站发送给您的浏览器的一个小数据元件,可以存储在您的系统中。

    A cookie is a small element of data that a web site can send to your browser , which may then store it on your system .

  16. 通过数值计算结果表明:有限字长混沌序列的周期态和过渡态都具有正的最大Lyapunov指数,且小数据量法对有限字长效应是鲁棒的。

    The results show that both periodic and transitional chaotic sequences have positive maximum Lyapunov exponent , and the small data sets method is robust to the finite word length of the computer .

  17. 和用户级VIA相比,内核级VIA全面提高了存储系统节点和服务器间通信性能,尤其是对于512字节以下小数据包,延迟至少降低30%。

    The kernel level VIA can improve all aspects of the I / O path between storage nodes and servers compared to the user level VIA , and especially can decrease the latency at least 30 % for small sized requests ( < 512B ) .

  18. 通过上述方法,结合短基线差分干涉思想,确定了一个小数据集D-InSAR处理流程。

    Thus , by combining these methods with small baseline differential interferometry , a new D-InSAR procedure is developed for a small data set .

  19. 通过分析这种车头间距变化过程的变化曲线并利用小数据量方法计算Lyapunov指数,证明了基于OVM模型产生的交通流中存在着混沌现象。

    The changing processes and the Lyapunov exponents is calculated by the small data set method , the result shows that the chaos exactly exist in the traffic flow of OVM .

  20. 在小数据查询方而,利用虚拟表、语法分析树和内存数据库实现小数据查询,通过复制、移动和分割虚拟SQL查询语法树分支进行优化。

    In common data query , using the virtual table , the syntax analysis tree and memory database to realize common data query ; by copying , moving , and divided the branch from virtual SQL query syntax tree to make the query optimized .

  21. 同时,基于现阶段不适合使用Apriori算法进行挖掘的特殊情况,运用灰色关联分析对小数据量的情况进行了关联分析与挖掘。

    Meanwhile , at this stage is not based on Apriori algorithm for mining because of the special circumstances , using gray correlation analysis on the situation of small amounts of data analysis and mining of association .

  22. 提出了一种新的求解相空间重构参数的方法-灰关系法,可以同时求解最优延迟时间和嵌入维数;并采用小数据量法计算最大Lyapunov指数。

    A novel method for solving phase space reconstruction parameters - the grey relation method , which synchronously calculate the optimal delay time and embedding dimension is proposed . The small data sets method is adopted to calculate the maximum of Lyapunov exponents .

  23. 通过互信息法和最小误差法计算出延迟时间和嵌入维数,对重构的相空间采用改进的小数据量法计算出最大Lyapunov指数。

    First of all , use mutual information method and minimum error method to calculate the delay time and embedding dimension . Secondly , reconstructing phase space . Finally , use the improved small data volume method to calculate the largest Lyapunov exponent .

  24. 运用最大Lyapunov指数法对脉动燃烧火焰温度时间序列的进行了混沌检测,并采用小数据量改进算法来具体实现检测。

    It can obtain the accurate time series of pulse flame temperature.3.Making the chaos test on pulse combustion time series of flame temperature by the largest Lyapunov exponent method , and using improved algorithm of the small amount of data method to c implement chaos detection .

  25. 在分析常用的计算最大Lyapunov指数小数据量法的基础上,研究了混沌吸引子时间轨道的不可逆特性,提出基于后向搜索和双向搜索计算最大Lyapunov指数的推广小数据量法通用经验公式。

    After analyzing recently common methods of calculating the largest Lyapunov exponent from small data sets , the irreversible property of time trajectories is studied and extended method for calculating the largest Lyapunov exponent of chaotic system is proposed based on backward or bi-direction search phase point .

  26. 多媒体扩展主要利用多媒体程序中广泛存在的SIMD并行性以获得性能加速,加速主要体现在多媒体扩展指令集对小数据类型运算和多媒体程序中常见但比较复杂运算的SIMD支持上。

    The multimedia extension mainly takes advantage of the widely existence of SIMD parallelism in program to achieve performance acceleration . The acceleration is implemented by SIMD instruction sets support for small data type operations and classical complex operations .

  27. 而GPRS无线网络技术由于无需布线、使用安装方便、成本低、监控不受距离、地域、时间的限制,适合批量小数据量的传输,所以广泛的用于远程的无线抄表领域。

    The GPRS wireless network technology adapt to a small amount of data transmission volume because of no wiring 、 using the easy installation 、 low cost 、 no constraints control from distance 、 geography and time . So it used widely in remote areas of the wireless meter reading .

  28. 对常用的定性和定量的混沌判别方法进行了介绍,其中饱和关联维数法和最大Lyapunov指数法是最重要的识别方法,在计算最大Lyapunov(?)旨数时选用较为权威的小数据量法。

    There is detailed description of the qualitative and quantitative means for chaotic identification , among which , saturated correlation dimension and maximum Lyapunov index are the most important indicators , and the more authoritative small amount of data calculation method is used to calculate maximum Lyapunov index . 3 .

  29. 而且,每个索引节点是一个小数据块(在solidDB中大约为256字节),这可以带来好处,因为这种数据块正好适合现代处理器缓存,从而可以通过有效促进缓存的使用提高处理器的效率。

    Also , each index node is a small data block ( approximately 256 bytes in solidDB ), which is beneficial because the blocks fit precisely into modern processor caches , increasing processing efficiency by promoting efficient cache use .

  30. 具体研究内容分为以下几个方面:1、采用IPTA技术处理小数据ASAR影像,对IPTA技术处理中关键问题进行应用分析。

    The study is divided into the following aspects : 1 、 IPTA technology is used to deal with small data ASAR images . The key issues in IPTA processing is analyzed .