
  1. 小沈阳:毕老师,你给我照个相呗。

    Shenyang : We haven 't had our picture taken , sir .

  2. 小沈阳:我会模仿秀。

    Shenyang : I can do a mock show .

  3. 小沈阳:对不起,没那么大的。

    Shenyang : Sorry , nothing that big .

  4. 于是,在这台晚会的6亿多观众面前,小沈阳一炮走红。

    Little Shenyang was an instant hit with the show's600 million – strong audience .

  5. 小沈阳总能让观众们笑个没完。

    Xiao Shenyang always keeps the audiences laughing .

  6. 小沈阳现象主要源于中国的80后一代。但这也可以追溯到更早。

    The Little Shenyang phenomenon is mainly the provenance of China 's post-80s generation .

  7. 小沈阳是个有趣的演员。

    Xiao Shenyan is an interesting actor .

  8. 小沈阳自一炮走红后,已成为了众广告商眼中的“香饽饽”。

    Since a small shenyang 's abdominals , has become the advertisers in the eyes of the fair .

  9. 郭富城、罗仲谦、冯绍峰和小沈阳将会领衔主演该电影。

    Aaron Kwok , Chung Him Law , Feng Shaofeng and Xiao Shenyang are starring in the film .

  10. 我的朋友们,咱们一起来关注小沈阳以后的每一个作品,我也会在这里和大家一起分享的。

    My friends , lets concern for each of Xiaoshenyangs later works , I will share them with you here .

  11. 下面这个节目是讲山寨版的小沈阳到中国银行申请助留学贷款的,很搞笑。

    This is the programme about Shenyang Xiao went to BOC to approve a overseas study loan , very funny .

  12. 中国著名小品演员小沈阳在《三枪拍案惊奇》中扮演了一个主要角色。

    The entertainer known as Xiao Shenyang ( or'littleShenyang , 'after the city in northeast China ) has a starring rolein'Three Guns . '

  13. 然而,中文字幕却是这样的:让我们做个夫妻档,像小沈阳一样,上星光大道。

    Somehow , the Chinese subtitle goes : Let 's be a couple , like Xiao Shenyang , and go to Star Way .

  14. 本次,赵本山将携手徒弟小沈阳为大家带来升级版的《捐款》。

    And , he ` s bringing his apprentice , Xiao Shenyang , to join him in an " upgraded " version of Donation .

  15. 然而,中文字幕却是这样的:“让我们做个夫妻档,像小沈阳一样,上星光大道。”

    Somehow , the Chinese subtitle goes : " Let 's be a couple , like Xiao Shenyang , and go to Star Way . "

  16. 中国喜剧方兴未艾,其中最有传奇色彩的明星之一便是男扮女装的小沈阳。

    Comedy is on the rise in China , and one of its unlikeliest stars is a cross-dressing performer known as Xiao Shenyang , or Little Shenyang .

  17. 出生于瑞士的韩裔女演员李成敏(更为人熟知的是其艺名克拉拉),在这部中国电影中扮演女神,其他主演还有肖央、小沈阳及闫妮。

    Swiss-born South Korean actress Lee Sung-min , better known by her stage name Clara , stars as the goddess in the Chinese film starring Xiao Yang , Xiao Shenyang and Yan Ni .

  18. 私底下,小沈阳很谦逊,甚至彬彬有礼,让人很难想到他会讲下流笑话、化着浓妆带着闪亮的发卡在台上蹦蹦跳跳,同时高喊:我是纯爷们!

    In person , Little Shenyang is modest , even polite , making it hard to imagine him telling off-color jokes , prancing about in full makeup and sequined hair clips , squeaking , I 'm all man !

  19. 也有一些同样表现出雅量大度的获奖者,例如,著名喜剧演员小沈阳曾在2013年获得最差男演员奖,他随后用自己的微博账号发布消息,称自己的演技确实非常糟糕。

    Some winners have likewise been gracious : Xiao Shenyang , a well-known comedian who won the title of worst actor in 2013 , subsequently posted on his Weibo account that his own acting was indeed really bad .