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  1. 我们的新房子坐落在一条小溪旁。

    Our new house sat next to a stream

  2. 去年,他离开了硅谷,搬出了位于一条小溪旁非常豪华的五居室住宅,回到印度,担任雅虎(Yahoo)班加罗尔研发中心的首席运营官。

    Last year , he moved out of his rather lavish five-bedroom creek-side house in Silicon Valley to return to India as chief operating officer of Yahoo 's research and development centre in Bangalore .

  3. 小溪旁那些女人们听得笑起来了。

    The women on the other side of the stream laughed .

  4. 她带头走过一片草地,来到一条两岸绿树成荫的小溪旁。

    She had led across a meadow to a tree-shaded brook .

  5. 他在小溪旁坐下饮水止渴。

    He sat down at the stream fo quench his thirst .

  6. 布赖特吹动在小溪旁棕色的土地上的扫帚。

    Bright blows the broom on the brook 's bare brown banks .

  7. 但是有一天,当他坐在山谷中的一条小溪旁时,

    But one day , as he sat by a mountain stream ,

  8. 站在潺潺的小溪旁,听流水洗涤你的记忆。

    Stands nearby murmur the rill , listens to the running water to wash your memory .

  9. 是您,在我心灵的小溪旁,栽下了第一行垂柳。可知道?

    It is you who plants the first line of pillows by the side of my soul brook ?

  10. 一般人会将之藏在小溪旁的草丛中,或者隐藏在沼泽里人烟稀少的地方。

    Common residents hide it in the bush nearby the stream or in the obsolete place of marsh .

  11. 而哈里森和他的妻子林达正索诺塔小溪旁的泥砖小屋里渡过他们几个月的冬天。

    Harrison and his wife , Linda , spend the winter months in an adobe casita on the Sonoita Creek .

  12. 经过了两年自认为是痛苦的失败后,有一天它在小溪旁对这个运水脚夫说:

    After two years of what it had perceived to be bitter failure , it spoke one day to the water bearer by the stream .

  13. 这个房间的玻璃墙可以缩到天花板上,因此德科夫妇可以将餐桌推到石头露台上,在一条人造小溪旁野餐。

    The glass wall is designed to retract into the ceiling , so they can roll the table out onto the stone deck and dine al fresco by a man-made stream .

  14. 它本来也许就这样完蛋了,但幸运的是,一个外出找活干的裁缝正好坐在小溪旁休息。

    It would have been all over with her , likewise , if , by good fortune , a tailor who was traveling in search of work , had not sat down to rest by the brook .