
xiǎo cōng ming
  • petty trick;cleverness in trivial matters;be sharp-witted but pretty-minded;be intelligent in small ways;petty shrewdness
小聪明 [xiǎo cōng míng]
  • [cleverness in trivial matters;be sharp-witted but pretty-minded] 在小事情上表现出来的聪明(多含贬义)

小聪明[xiǎo cōng ming]
  1. 人类有大智慧,却因为对得失斤斤计较,最后都变成了小聪明。

    Human beings have great wisdom , but meticulous calculation of losses and gains reduces it to cleverness in trivial matters .

  2. 当然,仅仅指望我自己这点小聪明,是怎么也走不到今天这么远。

    Certainly , only count on one 's own cleverness in trivial matters , it is so far today that can 't walk really .

  3. 她声称女人“靠她们的小聪明来达到目的”。

    She claimed that women ' use their feminine wiles to get on . '

  4. 你在跟我耍小聪明吗,小子。

    Don 't you be smarting off to me , boy .

  5. 他周游世界,靠施展小聪明过日子。

    He traveled around the world , living by his wits .

  6. 耍小聪明的笨驴又上路了。

    The foolish , tricky donkey again set on its way .

  7. 他在耍小聪明他是过于自负了

    He 's trying to be clever . It 's overconfidence .

  8. 我认识一个人,好多年来他就靠施展小聪明过日子

    I know a fellow who live for year by his wit

  9. 服务器上的变更通知还是有点小聪明的。

    Notification of changes on the server can be a bit trickier .

  10. 我本期待着小聪明和算术技巧能赢得掌声。

    I expected to be applauded for my cleverness and arithmetic skills .

  11. 我说什么来着,让你别耍小聪明。

    What did I say ? I said don 't get clever .

  12. 好吧,耍小聪明?

    Huh ? OK . All right , wise guy .

  13. 不要跟我耍小聪明,小伙。

    Don 't get smart with me , young man .

  14. 小聪明看到的是芝麻,大智慧看到的是西瓜。

    Smart see is the sesame , great wisdom see is watermelon .

  15. 这种有争议的趋势就是趋向于耍小聪明。

    The trend at issue is the trend towards cleverness .

  16. 无论怎样努力,小聪明是办不成大事的。

    No amount of effort through petty tricks will achieve great things .

  17. 带着那些玩意儿是不是有点耍小聪明?

    Think it 's so smart to take those things with us ?

  18. 如果你比他聪明,那是小聪明;

    If you are smarter than him , it 's petty trick ;

  19. 他想卖弄小聪明捉弄我。

    He tried to be clever at my expense .

  20. 他在海外胡作非为了一段很短的时期,靠他的小聪明过日子。

    He rioted abroad for a brief term , living by his wits .

  21. 我本期待着我的小聪明和算术技巧能赢得赞美。

    I expected to be applauded for my cleverness and my arithmetic skills .

  22. 别跟我玩小聪明。

    So don 't you get smart with me .

  23. 若不是身心交瘁,她本可以凭她天生的小聪明过日子。

    Without the breakdown she would have got by upon the native wit .

  24. -我觉得她自认为自己有点小聪明-她说,

    I think she thought she was a little clever -- she said ,

  25. 这是不是你打的小聪明?

    Was this one of your clever little plans ?

  26. 你知道吗你说得对小聪明

    You know , you 're right , brain man

  27. 在这样一个起伏不定的游戏中,仅仅靠一点点小聪明是远远不够的。

    Smart is less than enough in this game full of ups and downs .

  28. 除了书本和小聪明,还有更重要的东西,友爱和勇气。

    Books and cleverness , there are more important things , friendship and bravery .

  29. 别和我耍小聪明,你没这个料。

    Don 't get smart with me ; you don 't have the equipment .

  30. 穷人小聪明,看眼前现实;

    The poor at present reality ; actually .