
  • Minor Western Heaven
  1. 山西隰县小西天大雄宝殿彩塑是明末清初的反映佛教历史和极乐世界的大型塑像遗存。

    The painted statues in " Minor Western Heaven " Mahavira Temple in Xixian County are remains of large statues at turn of Ming and Qing Dynasty reflecting the history of Buddhism and Sukhavati .

  2. 隰县对外贸易公司位于“中国金梨之乡”、国家级文物保护单位小西天所在地&山西省隰县。

    Xi County Foreign Trade Corporation in ShanXi province is located in Xi County called " the hometown of golden pears in China " .

  3. 直到天色黑了,看不清猫猫了,才回到小西天,对付那些个难过的夜晚。

    Has been black until the weather , could not see clearly the pandas , only then returned to the small Western Paradise , coped with these sad night .

  4. 为了和猫猫们朝夕相处,我特意搬到碧峰峡基地内的小西天住了几天,尽管那里的条件很差。

    For is constantly together with the pandas , I moved to the Bifengxia base the small Western Paradise to stay specially for several days , there condition was very freely bad .