
The smaller the difference between the meshes of the upper and lower screen , the smaller the percent through screen ;
Histamine causes vasoconstriction and increased permeability of small venules .
The small window admitted very little light .
Without applicating selenium , plasma membrane penetrability of pakchoi cabbage is gradually increased with the degree of salt-stress increased , relative electrical conductivity of leaves in pakchoi cabbage was increased obviously 21.82 % - 41.43 % under salt-stress .
Why do you want to live here & it is a dreadful hole !
The meteorological effect of the sparse and narrow forest belt with small network for farm protection
Numerical analysis of the development of secondary flow vortices and aerodynamic characteristics of a small aspect ratio turbine rotor cascade
With increasing concentrations , membrane permeability was increased by every heavy metal ion , but the shoot length was decreased .
Ultimately , blend has good comprehensive performance , the barrier property for water vapor or oxygen and other non-polar small molecules is very high , mechanical properties just change a little .
Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him , penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing .
There , the adult Louie , as he was called , bounces through the plane while bullets begin shredding its exterior and soon its occupants , the fusillade opening little circles of light in the hull as effortlessly as a pencil punches holes in paper .
Site-specific small-molecule fluorescent probe with advantages of small size , membrane permeability , low background and simple preparation will be a.