
xiǎo é dài kuǎn
  • Small loans;petty loan
小额贷款[xiǎo é dài kuǎn]
  1. 因而,相关法律制度的不健全或缺失已成为制约小额贷款公司发展的瓶颈。

    Therefore , the legal system related to inadequate or lack of petty loan companies has become its development bottleneck .

  2. 第一节为小额贷款公司法律制度设计本身所带来的问题。

    Section I is the problems arising from the petty loan companies themselves , as a result of its legal system design .

  3. 就拿快切绿色收获机举个例子,它是田纳西州一位年轻农民乔纳森·戴辛格几年前靠当地一家慢钱集团的小额贷款开发的一种工具。

    For example , take the Quick Cut Greens Harvester , a tool developed just a couple of years ago by a young farmer , Jonathan Dysinger , in Tennessee , with a small loan from a local Slow Money group .

  4. 此外,通知还要求规范放贷机构及其外包合作机构营销行为。小额贷款公司要加强贷款客户身份的实质性核验,不得将大学生设定为互联网消费贷款的目标客户群体,不得针对大学生群体精准营销。

    Micro lenders should strengthen identity verification of clients and not make college students their target clients for online consumer loans or carry out targeted marketing aimed at them .

  5. 部分小额贷款公司以大学校园为目标,通过与科技公司合作发放互联网消费贷款,导致部分大学生过度消费,陷入高额贷款陷阱。

    Some micro lenders have targeted university campuses and issued online consumer loans via cooperation with technology companies . The practices have caused some students to overspend and fall into debt traps .

  6. 该公司现在正与非洲商业银行(CommercialBankofAfrica)合作,提供计息账户和小额贷款。

    It now collaborates with Commercial Bank of Africa to offer interest-bearing accounts and small loans .

  7. 他是孟加拉乡村银行(GrameenBank)的创始人。该组织从70年代开始提供小额贷款。

    He is the founder of the Bangladesh-based Grameen Bank , an organization which has been providing microcredit since the 1970 's.

  8. 本文分析了我国小额贷款公司的鲶鱼效应并利用DEA模型对最早试点的7家小额贷款公司的效率进行实证分析,发现七家小额贷款公司自试点以来,整体运行效率是好的。

    This paper applies DEA model about the pilot seven microfinance companies empirical analysis , found the whole operation efficiency is good .

  9. 当时,Prosper、LendingClub这样的公司开始跳过传统银行这个中介,邀请个人在类似于Facebook的平台上提供、获取小额贷款。

    Companies like prosper and lending club were attempting to disintermediate the traditional banks by inviting individuals to request and make small loans on Facebook-like platforms .

  10. 市场研究集团欧睿信息咨询公司(EuromonitorInternational)估计,2014年至2018年,未偿还小额贷款将以每年23%的速度增加,远远低于2009年至2013年每年平均81%的增速。

    Market research group Euromonitor International estimates that small loans outstanding will grow at an annual 23 per cent between 2014 and 2018 , much slower than the average annual rate of 81 per cent in 2009 to 2013 .

  11. Iqbal和孟加拉乡村银行的创始人MuhammadYunus建立了关系,该银行向孟加拉人民提供小额贷款,帮助人们梦想成真。

    He struck up a relationship with Muhammad Yunus , the founder of Grameen Bank , which provides microfinance , to turn the dream into reality .

  12. 通过建立小额贷款公司技术效率影响因素分析的Tobit模型,得出了影响小额贷款公司技术效率的因素。

    Through the establishment of the technical efficiency of small loan companies Tobit factor analysis model , the company obtained the technical efficiency of micro-credit factors .

  13. 本部分首先利用自由分布法(DFA)对浙江省四类农村中小金融机构的X-效率进行了测度,这四类金融机构分别是小额贷款公司、农村银行、村镇银行以及农信社。

    This part uses the approach of DFA to measure the X-efficiency for four types of rural financial institutions in Zhejiang province . They are Micro-finance companies , rural banks , village banks and RCC .

  14. 小额贷款(Microfinance)又称微型融资,可定义为一种特殊的金融服务亦或金融机构,主要为那些被排斥于正规金融体系之外的客户提供额度较小的金融服务。

    Small loans , also known as micro-financing , can be defined as a special kind of financial services or financial institutions , mainly those who have been excluded from the formal financial system than the smaller amount of customers in financial services .

  15. 多年来,BRAC开创了为“无法借贷的穷人”提供小额贷款,帮助成千上万的妇女发现他们自身的创业精神,解决生计。

    For years , BRAC has pioneered the advancing of small loans to the " unbankable poor ", helping thousands of women discover their entrepreneurial spirit and find a livelihood .

  16. 从解决现实问题出发对农村小额贷款业务进行研究分析。

    Analyzed rural micro-loan with the purpose of solving existing problems .

  17. 第一部分,小额贷款公司的基本概述。

    The first part is a basic overview of micro-credit companies .

  18. 我国农村小额贷款公司可持续发展问题研究

    A Study on Sustainable Development of China 's Rural Micro-loan Companies

  19. 小额贷款风险影响因素的关系结构分析

    A Study of Relative Structure On Influence Factors of Microfinance Risk

  20. 它的小额贷款业务每年要发放10亿美元的贷款。

    Its microfinance operation disburses about $ 1 billion a year .

  21. 然而,目前关于小额贷款公司的法律政策很不健全。

    However , the small loan companies on very sound legal policy .

  22. 新票号:小额贷款公司的山西实验

    New Receipt Numbers for Micro-loans Initiated by Companies in Shanxi

  23. 下岗失业人员小额贷款政策执行过程研究

    Study on the Executing Process of the Laid-off Workers ' Microfinance Policy

  24. 通过该网址Kiva.org.任何人都可以成为小额贷款提供者。

    And anyone can be a microlender through a site like Kiva.org .

  25. 笔者认为,小额贷款公司是经营贷款业务的非银行金融机构。

    I believe that the micro-credit company belongs to non-bank financial institutions .

  26. 小额贷款主要目的是发展农业并帮助农户脱离贫困。

    It aimed on developing agriculture and helping farmers out of poverty .

  27. 今天,有数以千计的小额贷款组织。

    Today , there are thousands of micro-lending organizations .

  28. 第四,研究加强小额贷款公司政府监管的对策。

    Fourth , the countermeasures to strengthen government regulation of small loan companies .

  29. 赋予妇女社会经济权利(例如,改善获得教育与小额贷款方案);

    Socio-economic empowerment of women ( e.g.improving access to education and microcredit schemes );

  30. 小额贷款公司发展的法律障碍及克服路径

    On the Legal Impediments of the Development of Small-loan Company and Possible Solutions