
  • 【电工】minority carrier life time
  1. 少子寿命是PIN二极管的重要参数。

    Minority carrier lifetime is an important parameter for PIN diodes .

  2. 阶越反向恢复法测量PIN二极管少子寿命

    Step Reverse Recovery Used for Measurement of Minority - Carrier Lifetime in PIN Diodes

  3. As掺杂P型材料的少子寿命与同载流子浓度Hg空位为主的P型材料少子寿命相比,大了一个数量级。

    For the same concentration , the minority carrier lifetime of P-type As-doped HgCdTe is one magnitude larger than the Hg-vacancy .

  4. PIN二极管少子寿命测试方法

    Measurements for Minority Lifetime in PIN Diodes

  5. 分子束外延P型Hg(1-x)CdxTe少子寿命的研究

    Minority Carrier Lifetime in P-type Hg_ ( 1-x ) Cd_xTe Grown by MBE

  6. 本文采用的性能改进方法无须采用少子寿命控制技术,因而很容易集成于功率IC中。

    These improvements are achieved without resorting lifetime killing and thus the devices can be easily integrated into power ICs .

  7. It和Qt法测量MOS结构少子寿命和表面产生速度

    Determining minority carrier lifetime and surface generation velocity of a MOS structure by I-T and Q-T measurements

  8. 用MIS结构C(t)特性同时决定半导体表面层内及体内的少子寿命

    Simultaneous Determination of the Bulk and Surface Layer Lifetimes of Minority Carriers in a Semiconductor Using the C ( t ) Characteristics of MIS Structures

  9. RTP工艺中铝背场吸杂对硅片少子寿命影响的研究

    Influence of Al BSF Sintering in the RTP on the Minority Carrier Lifetime

  10. 通过杂质扩散工艺实验,试制了不同p区扩散深度和不同基区宽度的半导体断路开关二极管,利用高能电子束辐照方法改变器件中的少子寿命。

    The diffusion technology is used to fabricate the SOS device with different p-well depth and different base region width , and the irradiation method is used to shorten the minority carrier lifetime .

  11. 提高硅PIN结构二极管开关速度的方法是在硅中引入复合中心,减小器件少子寿命。

    The switch speed of diode is determined by the minority-carrier lifetime in silicon and recombination centers in silicon may shorten the minority-carrier lifetime .

  12. 本文还进一步研究了测试硅单晶片少子寿命的表面光电压法,并在上海先进使用SPV测试设备进行了硅单晶片的测试。

    This paper also researches the surface photo voltage method which is used to measure silicon wafer .

  13. 目前,有关电子辐照局部少子寿命控制技术对4H-SiCPiN二极管影响的报道比较有限。

    There are few reports about the influence of the local lifetime control technique using electron irradiation on 4H-SiC PiN diodes .

  14. 对于所研究的注量范围,所观察的效应是由于IGBT少子寿命减少造成的,而不是由于有效掺杂浓度变化所致。

    For the range of fluences studied , the observed effects result from a reduction in minority carrier lifetime in the IGBT and not from changes in the effective dopant density .

  15. 以微电导少子寿命测试仪和X射线光电子能谱仪测试结果作为依据,对各个影响因素进行了系统的分析,比较不同工艺条件下的钝化效果。

    According to the minority carrier lifetime and X-ray photoelectron spectrum ( XPS ) tests , systematical analysis on the effect of different factors on the passivation performance was carried out . Also , two different wet chemical treatments were compared .

  16. 少子寿命控制技术可以有效减小4H-SiCPiN二极管开关时间与反向峰值电流,改善器件的开关特性。

    Control technology of minority carrier lifetime can effectively reduce the switching time and the peak reverse current of 4H-SiC PiN diode , and improve switch characteristics of device .

  17. 用高频光电导衰减法(PCD)研究了热氧化钝化对直拉硅少子寿命的影响。

    The effects of surface thermal oxidation on the minority carrier lifetime of Czochralski ( CZ ) silicon wafers are investigated by photoconductive decay ( PCD ) method .

  18. 这一现象可能是由本征氢化非晶硅层的缺陷所致,所以,接下来本文运用退火工艺,旨在消除这些缺陷,提高制绒硅片的少子寿命,改善HIT太阳电池的性能。

    Because of the defects of hydrogenated intrinsic amorphous silicon layer , this phenomenon appeared . In order to eliminate the defects , heighten the lifetime of minority carriers and improve the performance of HIT solar cells , process of annealing was studied .

  19. 实验结果表明高温RTP能够提高低杂质含量硅片的少子寿命,而对较高杂质含量硅片的少子寿命有负面影响。

    These results indicated that high temperature RTP could improve the minority carrier lifetime of wafers with low-impurity concentration , but they have a negative effect on wafers with high-impurity concentration .

  20. 因此建议使用开路电压随时间的衰减关系式(Voc(t))测量少子寿命的方法。

    Thus it is suggested that the lifetime of minority carrier should be measured by the relationship ( V_ ( oc )( t )) that open-circuit voltage decays with time .

  21. 结果表明,在实验中所用剂量的γ辐照,对CZ和FZ硅单晶电阻率影响不大,而对其少子寿命影响很大。

    The results show that the influence of the γ radiation with experimental dose on resistivity is small , and its influence on minority carriers lifetime is big .

  22. 采用3.7MeV~5.9MeV质子辐照对500A、1600V快速晶闸管实现了局部少子寿命的控制。

    The local carrier lifetime control for 500A / 1600V fast-switching thyristors was achieved by 3.7-5.9 MeV proton irradiation .

  23. 第三章主要介绍了对所拉制的SiGe单晶的电阻率、少子寿命、锗含量、氧含量、位错密度等参数及生长界面的测试情况和结果分析。

    In Chapter three , we introduced the test techniques , results and analyse of resistivity , lifetime , Ge content , oxygen content , dislocation density and growing interface of the SiGe single crystal we prepared .

  24. 比较了在800℃、900℃和1000℃条件下经2h的磷吸杂、铝吸杂和磷铝共吸杂处理后的多晶硅少子寿命、电性能差异。

    The paper compares the differences of lifetime , electrical performance of mc-Si after being treated by phosphor gettering , aluminium gettering and Al / P-co gettering under 800 ℃、 900 ℃ and 1 000 ℃, 2 hours ' condition .

  25. 然而SiNx/Si界面性质和SiNx膜致密度比较差,在烧结过程中会有大量的H溢出,导致界面态密度很高且有效少子寿命降低。

    However , SiNx film has a bad interface with Si and the density of SiNx film is low , so a large number of H will get away during firing step , which results in high interface state density and low minority carrier lifetime .

  26. 根据Shockley单能级复合理论的计算及采用四种寿命控制方法制造的快速晶闸管电参数的测量、分析和比较,提出对这四种少子寿命控制技术的适当评价。

    According to the calculations of Shockley single level recombination theory and the measurement , the analysis and the comparison of electri - cal parameters for Fast Switching Thyristor to produce with four minority carrier con - trolled methods . Propounds proper evaluating to them .

  27. 离子注入层少子寿命空间分布的测量

    Measurement of Carrier Lifetime Profiles in Ion Implanted Layers of Semiconductors

  28. 高阻硅中深能级与少子寿命的研究

    A Study on Deep-Level and Minority-Carrier Lifetime for High Resistivity Silicon

  29. 应用电子辐照技术控制功率开关晶体管少子寿命的研究

    Minority Carrier Lifetime Control by Electron Irradiation for Power Switching Transistors

  30. 直流输电用超大功率晶闸管少子寿命在线控制

    Process Control for Uniform Minority Carrier Lifetime in Super Power HVDC Thyristor