
shǎo jiàn
  • after a little while
少间 [shǎo jiàn]
  • (1) [soon]∶过一会儿;隔不多时

  • 少间便知

  • 少间,帘内掷一纸出,即道人意中事,无毫发爽。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  • (2) [be better]∶指病稍好

  • 病少间

  • (3) [gap]∶一点空隙

  • 户外之屦,至无少间

  1. 结果CT图像呈低密度改变者,病理上表现为细胞数少,细胞间含水量增加;

    Results When the tumor was low dense on CT pattern , less cellular number with increasing the amount of fluid between the cells was demonstrated pathologically .

  2. 大、小注入下少子寿命间的定量关系及其在晶闸管设计中的应用

    The Quantitative Relation Between the Minority Carrier Lifetimes under High and Low Injection and Its Application for a Design of Thyristor

  3. 圆满完成了从原来的订单少,突然间变得订单多数量大的这一过程。

    The successful completion of the Order from the original small , suddenly become many orders for large quantity in the process .

  4. 厦门的岩鹭仅分布于东部海岸,该区域人为干扰和污染少,潮间带底质以砂砾、岩石为主。

    The heron is only distributed in eastern coast of Xiamen which had less human activity and pollution , and its intertidal zone was rocky and sandy .

  5. 通过理论计算,着重分析了大、小注入下基区少子寿命间的定量关系及其对正向压降的影响;

    It also analyses emphatically the quantitative relation between the minority carrier lifetimes in the base region under the different conditions of injection and their affects on the forward voltage drop by the theoretical calculation ;

  6. 利用Fourier变换解决了特征抽取问题,做到了所需特征参数少,且彼此间不相关。

    Characteristic was extracted by Fourier conversion , so that less characteristic parameters were needed and they were not interrelated .

  7. 胎牛血清包被组与未包被组相比,贴壁细胞少,培养的间充质干细胞纯度较高,破骨样细胞相对较少。

    Compared with the uncoated group , the adherent cells of the coated group were fewer , but the purity was higher and the osteoclast were fewer .

  8. 该调度算法能够保证任务的调度长度最小,所需处理器数目尽量少,没有处理机间通信开销。

    The proposed scheduling algorithm can generate a schedule with the least Scheduled Length and a minimal number of Processors , and without any communication between Processors .

  9. 低压过流保护的灵敏度不高是由于少匝数匝间短路时变压器电压下降很少。

    The sensitivity of the low - voltage overcurrent protection is limited due to the little voltage drop in case of a few turn turn - to - turn fault .

  10. 自然戒断3个月时,睾丸曲细精管全部萎缩,成熟精子少或无,间质细胞减少或消失,间质纤维组织明显增生。

    At the end of the third month of natural withdrawal , all seminiferous tubules were atrophy in testes , there were no mature spermatozoa and leydig 's cells were decreased , obvious fibrous tissue hyperplasia was seen .

  11. 结果治疗组术后胃肠功能恢复较对照组快,腹壁切口感染及裂开较对照组少,两组间有显著差异(P<0.01)。

    Results Gastrointestinal function recovered more quickly in experiment group than control group while incisional infection and incisional split seldom occurred in contrast to control group . There were statistical significance between these two groups ( P < 0.01 ) .