
  1. AQM-127A低空超音速靶弹全尺寸工程研制飞行试验大纲

    AQM-127 A Full Scale Engineering Development Flight Test Program

  2. 基于尺寸工程的轿车行李箱盖总成与尾灯装配偏差分析

    Study on Assembling Errors of Luggage Compartment Door Assemblies and Rear Lamps of Car Bodies Based on Dimension Engineering

  3. 尤其是在乘用车行业,随着国内外各大主机厂尺寸工程的陆续实施,更加凸显出对先进合理的计算机辅助公差分析技术需求的迫切性。

    Especially in the passenger car industry , the advanced and reasonable computer-aided tolerance analysis technique is desperately needed .

  4. 灌水率的大小关系到渠道断面的设计尺寸和工程成本。

    The quantity of irrigation rate influences the design sizes of the canal section and the construction cost .

  5. 为了与工程实际相符合,本文采用三维实体建模,几何尺寸与工程实际相符;

    Three-dimensional solid modeling method is introduced in this paper for good result , and the geometrical size of the model is consistent to the true value .

  6. 大尺寸结构陶瓷工程化制备技术进展

    Progress of Manufacturing Process of Large Size Structural Ceramics

  7. 体积尺寸与安装工程造价相关性更好,相对面积尺寸,体积尺寸还综合了竖向尺寸因素。

    Volume size and cost of installation of a better correlation , the relative size of size , volume size includes the vertical size factor .

  8. 尺寸标注是工程制图过程中相当重要的一环,其正确性对产品设计是非常重要的。

    Dimension work is a considerably important link in the whole progress of Engineering Drawing . Its correctness for products ' design is very important .

  9. 为了减小坝体尺寸,节省工程造价,应综合考虑稳定性和强度要求,选择适当的材料交界面坡度。

    In order to reduce the dam size , save construction costs , appropriate interface slope should be selected by taking stability and strength requirements into account .

  10. 预应力混凝土横向大悬臂连续箱梁桥由于其可以减少墩台数目或减小墩台尺寸、节省工程量,增加桥下净空,所以在城市桥梁中得到广泛应用。

    The PC continuous box girder with transverse long cantilevers is widely applied in urban bridge due to reducing abutment size and its number and increasing clearance under the bridge .

  11. 该系统由带轮数据库、及其计算和结构设计等部分组成,并对包括参数输入、标准模板制作、零件图编辑及尺寸标注等工程图的生成方法作了详细介绍。

    The system consists of the database , parameter calculation and structure design of V-belt wheel etc. The parameter input , making standard mould , editing part drawing , labeling dimension and the creating method for engineering drawing are detailed .

  12. 试验研究成果表明,所设计的12M型尾水管不但有优良的综合水力性能,而且有经济的外形尺寸,适合于工程成洞的需要。

    The result of research and experiment indicate that the designed draft tube of type 12 M have not only excellent comprehensive hydraulic characteristics but also economic dimensions , adaptable to the requirements of excavating and shaping the tailrace tunnel for the underground works .

  13. GB/T3668.7-1983组合机床通用部件中间底座和立柱尺寸升降机底座更换工程

    Modular units for machine tool construction Centre bases and columns Dimensions replacement of lift foundation

  14. 它拥有一支优秀的尺寸稳定性,结合工程特性的平衡,低翘曲性和耐水槽标志的形成。

    It possesses a balance of engineering properties in combination with excellent dimensional stability , low warp and resistance to sink-mark formation .

  15. 在对各种视觉技术的原理进行深入分析的基础上,本文的研究立足于实际应用技术问题的解决,并对车辆几何尺寸测量系统的工程构建、测量方法等问题作了具体的阐述。

    After analyzing the theories of machine vision techniques , the researches put emphasis on the practical technical problems , and the construction and measuring methods of the vehicle dimensions measuring system are expatiated .

  16. 研究了77t矿山自卸车前悬挂液&氮缸导向套塑件尺寸波动的各种因素。分析了各种注射模模腔尺寸计算公式及修正手段不能满足大尺寸高精度工程塑件设计要求的原因。

    S The various factors that have caused the undulation of plastics product dimension of guide sleeve in front suspension hydraulic-nitrogen cylinder of 77-ton mining dumper are studied .