- Nikolai;Nicolas;Nicholas;Nicolai

Nicolas Sarkozy , the centre-right French president , by contrast , has tempered his criticisms of the US role .
President Nicolas Sarkozy of France triggered a furore earlier this week when he suggested Switzerland be blacklisted as a non-co - operative tax haven .
Chiswick church is dedicated to St Nicholas , patron saint of sailors .
There were two central and countervailing forces in the life of Nikola Tesla .
Nikolay Storonsky prides himself on straight answers .
Last summer , when Apple ( AAPL ) was trading for $ 260 a share , we ran an item on some analytical work by Nicholae Mihalache , a Romanian mathematician who teaches at the University of Paris .
At the beginning of this year , French president Nicolas Sarkozy announced an effort to find a new measure for GDP that took a greater account of quality of life .
They may even be helped by the example of the French renaissance that President Nicolas Sarkozy 's labour market reforms look set to unleash across the Rhine .
With its expansive glass fa ? Ade and dramatic curves , the site had previously hosted state dinners for French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel .
Mr. Durov learned programming from his brother , Nikolai , a mathematician and Mr. Durov 's right-hand man at VKontakte and Telegram .
President Nicolas Sarkozy of France is to push for a more assertive European Union exchange-rate policy towards China this autumn to try to shore up ailing exporters hit by the strong euro .
As Nicolas B é liard , the Peninsula 's general manager , told me , " We consider internet to be a basic and necessary service for our guests . "
MEETING at the Airbus head office between Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy on July16th was due to bring the drama of EADS to a climax .
First , the US made an effort to re - engage diplomatically with the continent ; then more Atlanticist leaders emerged such as President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany .
Temp worker Nicola Thorp , 27 , from Hackney , arrived at finance company PwC to be told she had to wear shoes with a " 2in to 4in heel . "
The council struck down the tax a year ago in a blow to Mr Hollande , who had made it a key proposal in his successful 2012 election campaign against former president Nicolas Sarkozy .
Nicolas Sarkozy , the French president , said at a Franco-German summit at EADS headquarters in Toulouse : We have agreed to give EADS and Airbus the leadership structures of real companies .
Across the Channel , meanwhile , Nicolas Sarkozy , the former ( and possibly future ) president of France , has called for the repeal of the Schengen rules that have dismantled frontier controls within the EU .
He wanted a means of communicating securely with his 34-year-old brother Nikolai , a mathematician and engineer who helped found VKontakte and later developed the encryption code for the Telegram app .
But Italian artist Nicola Bolla , 47 , has transformed them into something a bit more sinister-macabre tokens of death that include an AK47 assault rifle and human remains .
Backed by the financier J.P. Morgan , Nikola Tesla , the inventor and rival to Thomas Edison , built in the early 1900s the Wardenclyffe Tower , a 187-foot-high structure on Long Island , which he said could transmit electricity wirelessly .
Nikola Tesla & A generous master of electricity and gifted inventor
Nikolay put the book down and looked at his wife .
Nicola said he took her to see " the party "
And he singled out French President Nicholas Sarkozy for praise .
And Dr Nicolai and Kathryn can gather their samples .
" Memorandum to Nicholas II . " Pp. 476-478 .
The clown Dimmler and the old lady Nikolay opened the dance .
In England , he became known as Father Christmas .
Nikolay went on spending his term of leave with his parents .