
  • 网络The Nicene Creed
  1. 尼西亚信经说,不,耶稣不是变为神祗,他一直是神祗。

    The Nicene Creed said , no , Jesus did not become divine he always was divine .

  2. 例如尼西亚信经,正式宣布三位一体教义,成为了正统。

    For example , the Nicene Creed , that proclaims that the doctrine of the Trinity becomes orthodox .

  3. 但这个信经并没有成为主流因为在整个四世纪,主教之间仍然有分歧,有些人并不接受尼西亚信经。

    It didn 't win the day because throughout the fourth century you still had fights among different bishops , some people not accepting the Nicene Creed .

  4. 很多基督徒,罗马天主教徒,主教派教徒,英国圣公会教徒,还有其他一些教会,都会将尼西亚信经作为文献,在教会中宣讲。

    And a lot of Christians , Roman Catholics , Episcopalians , Anglicans , some other churches , will actually say the Nicene Creed in church as part of the literature .

  5. 他召集了第二次全基督教大会,这次会议于381年在君士坦丁堡召开,会议期间拟定了最终的尼西亚信经正统派的标准。

    He it was who summoned the Second Ecumenical council , this time at Constantinople in381 , where the Nicene greed , the standard of orthodoxy , was drawn up in its final form .