
  • 网络urine creatinine;UCr;u-cr
  1. 模型组尿肌酐排泄量降低,与正常组比较差别有统计学意义,P<0.05。

    Urine creatinine decreased in the model group , there was significant difference compared to the normal group , p < 0.05 .

  2. 24小时尿肌酐检测样本保存方法的探讨

    Investigation of the preservation methods for 24-hour urine creatinine test sample

  3. 晨尿尿蛋白/尿肌酐比和24h尿蛋白定量的临床评价

    Assessment of Spot Urine Protein - Creatinine Ratio from 24-Hour Urine Protein in Clinical Practice

  4. 测定尿肌酐、尿汞含量和肝与肾GSH、丙二醛(MDA)、汞含量及谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活力。

    Mercury level , contents of GSH , MDA and GSH-Px in liver and kidney were evaluated .

  5. 并同时测定实验动物血、尿肌酐值及血清脂质过氧化物(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)变化情况。

    Meanwhile the content of creatinine , Maleic Dialdehyde ( MDA ) and Superoxide Dismutase ( SOD ) activity in the serum and of the tested animals were measured .

  6. 方法:采用鲎试剂基质显色法定量测定内毒素,用放射免疫法测定ET,常规生化法测定血肌酐,同时留24小时尿液测定尿肌酐与尿钠。

    METHODS : The plasma endotoxin , endothelin , creatinine , and 24 hours urine creatinine and sodium were measured by Limulus test method , radioimmunological method and biochemical analysis , respectively .

  7. 喂养至12w,测定各组血糖,血中总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、尿素氮、肌酐、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)水平,尿肌酐水平和24h尿蛋白含量。

    12 weeks later , blood glucose , blood cholesterol , trigalloyl glycerol ( TG ), urea nitrogen , creatinine , HbA1c , urinary creatinine , and urinary protein for 24 hours were measured .

  8. 方法乳胶颗粒增强比浊法检测143例肾病患者血清CysC浓度,用全自动生化分析仪检测血尿素氮(BUN)、血清肌酐(Scr)和尿肌酐,并计算24h尿肌酐清除率(CCr)。

    Methods Cys C concentration was measured by using latex particle enhanced turbidimetry in 143 cases of nephrology . BUN , serum creatinine ( Scr ) and urinary creatinine were detected by automatic biochemistry analyzer . 24-hour urine creatinine clearance ( Ccr ) was calculated .

  9. 尿肌酐标化尿氟含量的探讨

    Discuss of Fluoride Content of Urine was Standardized with Urine Creatinine

  10. 处死前测定血肌酐、尿肌酐,计算内生肌酐清除率;

    Before sacrificed , creatinine clearance ( Ccr ) was measured .

  11. 自动葡萄糖/血液尿素氮/肌酐及尿肌酐分析仪

    Automatic glucose / BUN / creatine & urine creatine analyzer

  12. 尿肌酐值随年龄增长而升高。

    The urinary creatinine values increased with age .

  13. 每份尿样同时作尿肌酐浓度的测定。

    The concentrations of creatinine in every urine sample were measured in the meantime .

  14. 毛细管电泳多次进样法快速测定尿肌酐

    Rapid Determination of Creatinine in Urine by Capillary Electrophoresis in a Multiple Injection Mode

  15. 我国人的基底代谢与脂肪含量及尿肌酐排出量的关系

    Relationships between basal metabolic rate , body fat content and 24 hours urinary creatinine excretions

  16. 浅谈尿肌酐实验的改进

    On the Improvement of Creatinine Experiment

  17. 糖尿病患者在刚发现患病时和以后每隔6-12个月,应检查尿肌酐清除率。

    People with diabetes should have their creatinine clearance measured or estimated every six to12 months .

  18. 同时测量血、尿肌酐,计算内生肌酐清除率。

    The concentrations of serum and urine creatinine , and the creatinine clearance were also measured .

  19. 利用上臂测量及尿肌酐值观察男性中小学生的肌肉发育情况

    Measuring the arm indicators and urinary creatinine excretion to study the development of muscle in school boys

  20. 2低尿肌酐水平(P<0.05);

    ( 2 ) a lower level of urinary creatinine ( P < 0 . 0 5 ) .

  21. 252例中小学男生尿肌酐值测定及24和4小时尿肌酐的相关关系

    Urinary creatinine values of 252 school boys and the relationship between 24 hour and 4 hour urinary creatinine

  22. 研究发现,尿肌酐浓度与尿比重之间具有一定的相关性,尿肌酐排泄存在明显的个性差异和体内变异。

    It was found that there was a slight correlation between urinary creatinine concentrations and specific gravity of urine .

  23. 尿肌酐排泄量较正常组下降,但无统计学意义。

    Excretion amount of urine creatinine decreased compared to the normal group , but there was no significant difference .

  24. 4组间尿肌酐浓度、尿白蛋白/尿肌酐的差异无显著性。

    No significance between the urine creatinine concentration and urinary albumin / increatinine ratio were seen among different metabolic subgroups .

  25. 对北京市252名9~17岁健康中小学男生进行了24小时及4小时尿肌酐值测定。

    24 hour and 4 hour urinary creatinine excretion was measured in 252 healthy school boys aged 9 to 17 in Beijing .

  26. 血及尿肌酐回收试验结果,分别以血清校准液和水溶性标准液定标测定结果为佳。

    In the recover test , the results of CRE in serum and urine were better by using serum calibration and using water solution standard respectively .

  27. 监测指标为体重、上臂肌围、肱三头肌皮皱厚度、尿肌酐浓度、血清转铁蛋白、前白蛋白、免疫球蛋白、血清总蛋白、白蛋白、血红蛋白及红细胞计数。

    The body weight , arm circuit , urine creatinine , serum transferrin , serum pre albumin , serum albumin immune globumins , serum total bilirubin , hemoglobin and red blood cell count were measured .

  28. 各年龄组24小时尿肌酐含量与上臂肌肉面积的比值均在0.32左右。尿肌酐值与上臂肌肉直径和面积高度相关。

    The ratios of 24-hour urinary creatinine excretion and arm muscle area of all the boys in 9 age groups Were about 0.32 . There are significant correlations between urinary creatinine values and arm muscle diameter and arm muscle area .

  29. 结果表明,成人组随机尿碘μg/L值受季节气温增高而值升高,当气温较高尿液浓缩时,尿碘浓度和尿肌酐浓度同时增高,故二者比值与尿碘μg/24h值接近。

    When temperature was high and urine was concentrated , both urinary iodine contents and urinary creatinine were increased for adults , therefore , the ratio of the 2 values were similar to the value expressed by μ g / 24h .

  30. 皮肌炎患者24h尿肌酸肌酐与肌无力程度相关性分析

    Correlation analysis between 24 hours urinary creatine creatinine and amyosthenia in patient with dermatomyositis