
jū mín ɡòu mǎi lì
  • Resident purchasing power;people's purchasing power
  1. 推动收入分配体制改革,增强居民购买力,稳定增加农民收入。

    Promote reform of income distribution system , increase purchasing power of residents and stabilize the increase of farmers ' income .

  2. 世界银行使用了新的方法,对比了146个国家的经济规模与居民购买力。

    The World Bank used new tools to compare the economies and buying power of people in one hundred forty-six countries .

  3. 经济适用房是适应于广大中低收入居民购买力而建设的相对低成本住宅。

    Economical and appropriate house is constructed with relatively low cost in order to meet the purchasing power of the vast middle to low income people .

  4. 第四章分析了上海零售业态空间结构形成因素与形成动力机制分析。业态的影响因素包括:居民购买力与生活水平、商业全球化、城市土地级差地租、快速城市化及交通设施建设。

    Chapter 4 analyzes spatial influence factors on format development and formation mechanisms of format . Retail influence factors include people live level and consume level and urban rent and so on .

  5. 笔者对长春市住房保障制度实施现状进行了大量的走访及调研,从长春市城区住房基本情况入手,分析了长春市商品房均价及长春市居民购买力。

    The author did a large number of visits and research , from basic situation of Changchun City housing , analyzing the Changchun City , Changchun City Average price and purchasing power of residents .

  6. 允许人民币和其他亚洲货币升值将有助于提高居民购买力,增加劳动收入的比重,并为重新调整投资提供正确的激励。

    Allowing the renminbi and other Asian currencies to rise would help increase the purchasing power of households , raise the labour share of income , and provide the right incentives to reorient investment ' .

  7. 住房价格水平相对于居民购买力及租金水平一定程度偏高,对杭州住房市场健康有地序发展及居民安居有一定负面影响。

    The housing price level is relatively high comparing to the inhabitant purchasing power and rent price , which is bad for the development of the real estate market in Hangzhou City healthily and orderly , and the inhabitant feeling at ease either .

  8. 二是本文的实证结果发现居民购买力的增强并不必然正向的影响巨灾保险需求,相反,还可能因为随之而来的自保能力的增强而抑制巨灾保险需求。

    Secondly the paper brings forward definitely that the enhancement of residents ' purchasing power does not surely give a positive impact on Catastrophe insurance demand , on the contrary , it may reduce demand for catastrophe insurance because of the increase of residents ' self-insurance ability .

  9. 城镇居民住房购买力研究

    Study on housing purchasing power of urban residents

  10. 这个国家的币值和境内居民的购买力一起下降了。

    The value of the country 's currency declined along with the purchasing power of its inhabitants .

  11. 过高的房价严重超出了普通居民的购买力,住房问题已成为全社会关注的焦点。

    High housing prices has bayonet the purchasing power of ordinary people . Housing has become the focus of attention .

  12. 而房价高速上涨,严重超出我国一般居民的购买力,为我国社会的稳定埋下了隐患。

    And with the running housing prices , which beyond the purchasing power of the general population would introduce impact on our harmonious society and seed hidden danger for the stability of society .

  13. 从静态看,近年来武汉市住宅购买力在逐渐下降,但是从动态分析来看,居民的购买力维持在一个合理的范围。

    If from a static perspective , the domestic purchasing power of Wuhan has decreased gradually in recent years , but from the dynamic perspective , the purchasing power of residents is maintained in a reasonable range .

  14. 近两年来受国际经济环境恶化的影响,商品房价格上涨趋势开始逐渐放缓,但仍远远超出大部分普通居民的购买力承受范围。

    Because of the impact of the deterioration of the international economic environment in the past few years , real estate prices rising trend began to slow down , but still far beyond the purchasing power of most ordinary residents .

  15. 但鉴于这样的下跌会对居民的储蓄购买力带来的影响,先将一小部分钱转为外汇是明智的保险措施。

    But given the impact that such a decline would have on the purchasing power of your savings , moving a little money into foreign currencies is a sensible insurance policy .

  16. 基于BP神经网络的南方五省(区)居民生活用电购买力及其省间差异评价

    Assessment of purchasing power and its inter-provincial diversity of electricity for five southern provincial residents ' living on the basis of back error propagation

  17. 要努力增加城乡居民收入,提高居民购买力水平;

    We must work hard to increase the incomes of both urban and rural residents and raise their purchasing power .

  18. 扩大国内需求,首先必须增加城乡居民特别是低收入群体的收入,培育和提高居民的购买力。

    In order to expand domestic demand , we first of all need to raise the incomes of urban and rural residents , especially those with low incomes , to increase their purchasing power .