
  1. 作为中国传统家具及装饰艺术的杰出代表,屏风艺术具有非常悠久的历史,伴随朝代更迭,在浩渺的历史长河中,屏风艺术产生了大量具有鲜明艺术特色的装饰形式和作品。

    As an outstanding representative of Chinese traditional furniture and decorative art , screen has a very long history in ancient China , as dynasty changes , screen art has produced a large number of decorative forms and works with distinct features in the long river of history .

  2. 希冀通过对再现与隐喻特征的释读,为还原古代屏风艺术面貌提供相对准确的解读方式,同时也对深入掌握屏风绘画作品内涵提供多元化的研究视角。

    Hope to provide a relatively accurate way of interpretation to restore the art outlook of ancient screen through the interpretation of the characteristics of " Representation and Metaphor ", but also to provide a wide range of perspectives that can have an in-depth understanding of screen paintings ' connotation .

  3. 莫高窟屏风画是敦煌艺术中十分重要的一部分。

    The screen painting of Mogao Grottoes is an important part of Dunhuang art .