
  1. 山东医学高等专科学校新生预防艾滋病健康教育处方教育效果评价

    Effect Assessment of the Prescription for Health Education on AIDS Prevention for Freshmen in Medical College

  2. 为此,山东医学高等专科学校有意对实验室管理工作进行大规模的整改,建立一整套合理有序的工作流程,防止在工作期间再次出现信息管理不当、管理模式较为落后等现象。

    To this end , Shandong Medical College , is interested in large-scale rectification , laboratory management and the establishment of a set of reasonable and orderly workflow , to prevent the recurrence of improper management of information during working , the management model is lagging behind the phenomenon .