
shān lǐnɡ qū
  • Mountain area;mountainous terrain
  1. 探讨山岭区高速公路纵坡坡长限制的确定方法.然而API基础油换用规则有局限性。

    A method to determine the limitation of grade length un freeways in mountain area was presented in this paper .

  2. 山岭区公路工程地质灾害的防治

    On the preventions of highway engineering geologic hazard in mountain terrain

  3. 山岭区连续长下坡路段失控车辆尤其是大型车辆冲出路基造成重大事故的案例时有发生。

    Severe accidents of errant vehicles often happen in mountainous areas .

  4. 山岭区小桥涵调查工作内容及方法

    Task and Methods of Small Bridge Surveying in Area of Foothills

  5. 山岭区公路改造工程超高设置方法

    Super Elevation Design of Highway Rebuilding Project in Mountainous Region

  6. 山岭区公路路基经济断面设计时应考虑的几个问题

    Several Problems of Subgrade Economical Cross Design in Mountainous Highway

  7. 山岭区高速公路坡长限制研究

    Research on the Limitation of Grade Length on Freeways in Mountain Area

  8. 浅谈山岭区公路选线

    A brief talk on the chosen route of mountain area

  9. 黄土高原山岭区的选线

    The Chosen Route of Mountain Area in Loess Plateau

  10. 山岭区高速公路线形设计初探

    Linear design 's exploration of highway in mountain ridge

  11. 山岭区高等级公路线形设计研究

    Layout Design of High-grade Expressway Along Mountain Ridges

  12. 山岭区高速公路超高设计中有关问题的探讨

    On superelevation design of expressway in mountain area

  13. 山岭区高等级道路交通事故多发地事故隐患分析

    Analysis of Hidden Danger in Eventful Place of Traffic Accident of Super Roads in Hilly Area

  14. 我国西部广大地区地形、地质条件复杂,山岭区公路建设中遇到大量的隧道工程。

    Because of complicated terrain and geological conditions in western China , a great number of tunnel engineering may occur during the highway construction in mountainous areas .

  15. 连拱隧道是目前使用较多的一种比较新颖的隧道结构,它跟小间距隧道一样,是我国目前在山岭区修建隧道的理想结构形式。

    Arch tunnel is currently used in more of a relatively new tunnel structure , which tunnel with small spacing , as China is currently building the tunnel in the mountain area the ideal structure .

  16. 又以地貌、降水为主要依据,划分了东部风沙区、丘陵沟壑区、残塬沟壑区、石质山岭区和高地草原区等五个黄土高原沙棘飞播类型区。

    On the basis of morphology , rainfall , We can divide five types of sowing Hippophae rhamnoides Linn zones by plane : Eastern sandy-wind region , gullied-hilly region , remaining yuan region , stone-hilly zone and upland grass .

  17. 对山岭区高等级公路的线形要素指标的运用及相互间的配合进行了分析与探讨,从与自然地形和周围环境相协调的角度出发,提出采用以曲线为主的山区公路线形设计方法。

    The application and cooperation of layout element indexes in constructing high-grade expressway are analyzed in this paper . It is proposed that the highway layout design should adopt curves mainly in mountain regions according to the coordination of topography and surroundings .

  18. 结合工程概况和工程沿线的自然地理状况,介绍了路线布设的原则,提出了山岭区二级公路改造工程的选线方案,并对其进行了分析比选,进而拟定了合理可行的路线方案。

    Combined with project survey and the physiographical condition of line-plot , it introduces the line layout principle , brings forward line selection scheme of the secondary highway modification project in Shanling district , and does analysis and selection , at last it studies out the proper line scheme .

  19. 我国西南地区的四川省地处高原东部边缘地带,多为山岭丘陵区,其地形、地貌、地质、水文条件复杂,近几年地质灾害时有发生。

    As the important province in southwest china , Sichuan province locates on the eastern edge of high altitude district which has complex landform , geologic and hydrologic conditions . Thus , geological disasters have occurred many times in recent years .

  20. 山岭重丘区公路20m以下空心板梁集中预制安装的利与弊

    Discussion on advantages and disadvantages of concentrated precast and erection for voided slab beams with less than 20 meters in the heavy rolling area

  21. 山岭重丘区小桥涵设置

    Small Bridges and Culverts Courses in Mountain and Hilly Area

  22. 山岭重丘区高等级公路改建工程路基施工

    Subgrade construction of high grade highway reconstruction in mountain and hill terrain

  23. 山岭重丘区公路排水系统的设计体会

    The Experience on Highway Drainage System Design in Mountain Heavy Hilly Area

  24. 山岭重丘区高速公路交通事故分析

    Analyzing the Traffic Accidents On the Freeway of Mountain Range

  25. 山岭重丘区二级公路水泥混凝土路面滑模摊铺工艺

    Slipform Paving of Cement Concrete Pavement in Mountain Area

  26. 山岭重丘区高等级公路布线及程序设计

    The Route Arrangement Design of High Grade Highway among the Heavy Hill Area

  27. 山岭重丘区高速公路桥梁桥台型式的设计

    Design of Bridge Abutment Form in Mountainous Areas

  28. 山岭重丘区高速公路中线及高程测量分析

    Center Line and Elevation Surveying Analysis of Freeway in Mountainous Region and Heavy Hill Area

  29. 路基滑坡是山岭重丘区高速公路工程中常见病害。

    The subgrade landslide is a common distress in expressway in mountainous / heavy rolling area .

  30. 尤其山岭重丘区旧路改造项目,沥青混凝土路面缺陷更显突出。

    Especially for road reconstruction item in Mountain , the limitation of asphalt pavement is more obvious .