
  1. 山新杨冬季枝条经FC处理,选择萌发新枝的茎段和叶片为接种外植体;

    Stem segments and leaves of new shoot ing , which are from winter shoot treated by FC , was used as inoculating explant .

  2. 发现中国新记录种2个、贺兰山新记录3科、14属、43种。

    In these bryophytes , 2 species are new records in China .

  3. 采用正交试验设计方法,对山新杨芽接药剂选择及嫁接砧木品种选择进行试验,选出较合适的药剂组合及芽接砧木品种。

    By using orthogonal design was selected the optimum medicament combination and stock species of bud grafting for Populus davidiana × P.

  4. 本文主要报道了南极格罗夫山新回收的100块陨石的岩石学和矿物化学特征。

    Petrography and mineral chemistry of100 meteorites collected from the Grove Mountains , Antarctica , were studied and their chemical-petrographic types were assigned .

  5. 济钢鲍山新村新生活水源地的开发及应用

    Development and Application of New Living Water Source of Baoshan Xincun

  6. 山核桃新病害&果实黑斑病的病原菌分离与鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of the Pathogen Caused a New Disease-nut Black Spot on Carya cathayensis

  7. 山旱区新修梯田土壤培肥途径及其效益研究

    Effects and Ways of Soil Fertility Improvement for New Terrace Field in Mountain Areas of Qinghai Province

  8. 不过,如果玩文字游戏的话,那么这个阿尔卑斯山上新开的酒店其实是让客人睡在无数星星下面。

    However , playing with words , this new Alps venture lets guests sleep under millions of stars .

  9. 徂徕山&新甫山地区太古宙杂岩体地质地球化学特征及生成机制

    Geological and geochemical characteristics and formation mechanism of the Archaean complex rock bodies in the culaishan & xinfushan area

  10. 奥林帕斯山比新的海平面高出10千米以上,火星上还是有巨型山脉的。

    Olympus Mons still rises well over 10 kilometers above the new sea level . Mars has some huge mountains .

  11. 山葡萄新品种北冰红结果枝摘心不同留叶数对果实品质和产量的影响

    Effect of Different Leaves Pinching of Bearing Branches on Fruit Quality and Yield in New Variety " Beibinghong " of Vitis amurensis Rupr

  12. 在大埔及北大屿山兴建新的车辆扣留处及验车中心的筹划工作进展良好。

    Planning also progressed well for a new vehicle pound and vehicle examination facility to be built at Tai Po and North lantau .

  13. 龙运巴士有限公司(龙运)自一九九七年六月起在北大屿山及新机场经营。

    The Long Win Bus Company Limited ( LW ) commenced bus operations for North Lantau and the new airport in June 1997 .

  14. 城郊工业村规划发展的思考&以株洲市兴隆山社会主义新农村建设规划为例

    The Thinking on City Planning Development Issues of Outskirts Industry Villages Taking the Socialistic New Country Construction Planning of Zhuzhou Xinglong Mountain as Example

  15. 对19次南极科考队从格罗夫山地区新回收陨石中的104块进行了分类工作。

    ( 1 ) 104 meteorites that collected in Grove Mountains region , Antarctica , by the 19th Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition ( CHINARE ) were classified .

  16. 林隙干扰对缙云山白毛新木姜子种群密度、频度、径级分布、空间分布格局、径向生长都有不同程度影响。

    Gap disturbance had different effects on the density , frequency , distribution of size class , spatial distribution pattern , radial growth pattern of Neolitsea aurata var. glauca population .

  17. 通过样方调查、样带调查及径向生长格局分析法,对缙云山白毛新木姜子种群特征、林隙干扰效应及更新策略进行了研究。

    Based on plot investigation , transect plot investigation and radial growth analysis , we studied the population characteristics , disturbance effect of gap of Neolitsea aurata var. glauca in Jinyun Mountain and its regeneration .

  18. 其次,内容上的记实性特点,如元好问的《续夷坚志》和刘祁的《归潜志》都保存着大量的历史史料,《山居新话》等都记录着丰富的遗闻轶事。

    On-site , sexual characteristics of the second , the content , such as Yuan Haowen renew " Continued Records of Listener " and LiuQi " Memoir from Retirement " are kept a large number of historical materials ," mountain new words " are a rich record of anecdotes .

  19. 阿里山森林铁路新购之砸道车TA-01。

    The new road maintenance vehicle TA-01 .

  20. 流失海外响堂山石窟造像新识

    The Losing Statues From The Xiangtangshan Grottoes in A New Light

  21. 兰州兴隆山北缘断裂新活动特征的初步研究

    Principal Features of Recent Activity of the Northern Marginal Fault of Xinglong Mountain in Lanzhou

  22. 2006年,天门山再次上演新的传奇。

    Another legend was on in2006 .

  23. 其中螺山站,新厂站需要预报流量,除新厂站以外其余各站,均以水位作为预报对象。

    The flow discharges at Luoshan and Xinchang stations need to be forecasted . All stations except Xinchang station take water level as the object of forecast .

  24. 山羊皮乐队凭新单曲又一次登上了畅销歌曲排行榜的前列。

    Suede are once again riding high in the hit parade with their new single .

  25. 本文介绍采用天平法和X射线衍射法(XRD)无损分析测定福泉山出土三件新石器时代古玉器。

    This paragraph presents us non - destructive analysis by using scale and X - ray Radiation Diffraction to evaluate three ancient jades of the Neolithic era found on Fuquan Mountain .

  26. 对盆山耦合研究的新看法

    Thinking on the present research of basin - mountain coupling

  27. 东喀喇昆仑山奥陶纪鹦鹉螺化石新材料

    New Ordovician nautiloids from Eastern Karakorum Mountains , SW Xinjiang

  28. 广东莲花山断裂带的新构造运动特征

    Some characteristics of neotectonic movements in the Lianhuashan fault zone , Guangdong

  29. 新疆南雅尔当山震旦系的新观察

    New observations of the Sinian system in the southern Yardang mountains , Xinjiang

  30. 新疆南天山大地构造研究新进展

    New advances in the study of the tectonics in the South Tianshan mountains , xinjiang