
shān cūn
  • mountain village
山村 [shān cūn]
  • [mountain village] 山区中的自然村落

  • 沿着山村小道,我找到了大队部,可是不见一个人。--《太行青松》

山村[shān cūn]
  1. 夕烟笼罩着山村。

    The evening mists are hovering over the mountain village .

  2. 如今咱们山村也有了自己的大学生。

    Now our mountain village has its own college students .

  3. 除了几个零星的小山村之外,这个地区杳无人烟。

    The region is uninhabited except for a few scattered mountain villages .

  4. 欢声笑语满山村。

    The mountain village rang with cheers and laughter .

  5. 寂静的山村,顿时沸腾起来。

    The quiet mountain village suddenly became astir .

  6. 巡回剧团来到山村,人们笑逐颜开,奔走相告。

    When the touring theatrical troupe arrived at the mountain village , the villagers all ran to tell one and another beaming with delight .

  7. 山村笼罩在一片白蒙蒙的晨雾中。

    A hazy morning mist veiled the mountain village .

  8. 小山村掩隐在绿树丛中。

    The little village is covered with greenery .

  9. B:不。我们在一个山村露营,用篝火做饭。

    B : No.We camped in a mountain village.And we cooked our meals over an open fire .

  10. 他出生在一个偏僻的山村。

    He was born in a lonely mountain village .

  11. 龙从天上掉下来后,落在一个僻静的山村里。

    Falling down from heaven , the dragon landed at a remote village .

  12. 那个穷山村今非昔比,家家都看上了电视。

    The poor mountain village is no longer what it used to be . Every household has a TV set now .

  13. 柳井正把宇部与约翰•福特《青山翠谷》(JohnFord’sHowGreenWasMyValley)中坚忍不拔的威尔士煤矿山村相提并论,这部影片讲述了对环境与社会的过度掠夺。

    Yanai compares Ube with the gritty Welsh mining village in John Ford 's How Green Was My Valley , a film about environmental and social despoilment .

  14. 戴安娜来自加拿大海湾群岛(GulfIslands)中具有田园风情的小岛盐泉岛(SaltSpring),凶手则是一个来自安徽省偏僻山村、年仅18岁的农民工。

    The victim was from idyllic Salt Spring , one of Canada 's Gulf Islands , and the killer was an 18-year old migrant worker from a remote village in Anhui province .

  15. Facebook正在对这个项目的其他部分进行大力投资,包括给边远山村提供廉价Wi-Fi,和通过在高空飞行的无人机发送互联网信号的实验。

    Facebook is investing heavily in other parts of the project , including experiments to deliver cheap Wi-Fi to remote villages and to beam Internet service from high-flying drones .

  16. 该项目每次训练大约50名来自Oaxaca城市周围山村的学生。

    It trains about forty students at a time who come from villages in the mountains that surround the city of Oaxaca .

  17. 晚上晚些时候,在这个偏远的小山村里,Qingyu和其他队员与当地民众一起娱乐。

    Late at night in the remote mountain village , Qingyu and her team entertain the locals .

  18. 周五,图林根州的一个叫做Wickersdorf的小山村的残疾人的院子里发现了一只死鹅,经检测,其阳性基因正好与H5N1禽流感病毒相符。

    A dead goose found in the yard of a home for disabled persons in the hill village of Wickersdorf in Thuringia tested positive for the H5N1 strain of bird flu on Friday .

  19. 计算中采用山村等人提出的包括壳效应的新电子能量损失局域模型,原子间作用势使用Moli啨re势?

    Moli é re potential as interatomic potential and the new local model of the electronic energy loss , including shell effect , which was advanced by Yamamura , have been used in the calculation .

  20. 她的朋友也许也是从中国的东南Xiongsen熊和老虎山村得到了很多乐趣,那里有很多活着的母牛当着众人欢呼的时候,给老虎们当了食物。

    Her friend might also get a kick out of the Xiongsen Bear and Tiger Mountain Village in southeast China , where live cows are fed to tigers in front of cheering crowds .

  21. 而正在南蒂罗尔的索尔达(sulden)山村度假的默克尔总理,似乎也有时间(在阅读了我们有关怎样解散欧元区的备忘录后)来机智应答。

    And Mrs Merkel , while holidaying in sulden in South Tyrol , seems to have found the time ( after reading our memo on how to break up the euro ) , and the ready wit , to reply .

  22. 我住过的那个地方是一个山村。

    G.The place in which I lived is a mountain village .

  23. 雪崩切断了进入山村的通道。

    The avalanche cut off the access to the mountain village .

  24. 这是我去年呆过的山村。

    This is the mountain village where I stayed last year .

  25. 玉林高山村明清古民居文化初探

    On the Culture of Dwellings in the Gaoshan Village of Yulin

  26. 这孩子是在一个偏远的山村中长大的。

    The child was brought up in a remote mountains village .

  27. 这位老太太是从很远的一个山村来的。

    The old woman has come from a faraway mountain village .

  28. 我们来到了一个环境优美的小山村。

    We arrived at a small village with a beautiful neighbourhood .

  29. 他们的学校在一个遥远的小山村里。

    Their school is in a small mountain village far away .

  30. 与所有其它的聚居区都隔断的山村;

    A mountain village that is isolated from all other communities ;