
  • 网络island state;Island country
  1. 澳大利亚是一个奇异的岛屿国家,每个人一生至少都应游览一次。

    Australia is an amazing continental , island country , which everyone should visit at least once in life .

  2. 总的说来,他在小说创作上有以下几个方面的特色:荒岛文学是英国这个岛屿国家的传统的文学题材。

    Generally speaking , he has the characteristic of some following aspects on novel creation : Desolate Island Literature is the literature subject of the tradition that is this British island country .

  3. 在这个岛屿国家里有着令宗教极端分子、印度教徒、和穆斯林等害怕的东西

    There 's about this island-state that appalls religious extremists , Hindus and Muslims alike .

  4. 最不发达国家、发展中内陆国家和发展中岛屿国家特别方案

    Special Programme for the Least Developed , Developing Land-locked , and Developing Countries

  5. 有利于发展中岛屿国家的行动纲领

    Action programme in favour of developing island countries

  6. 海璐称小岛屿国家和领土已经受到了气候变化所带来的影响。

    Hailu said the small island nations andterritoriesare already seeing the effects of climate change .

  7. 日本是一个岛屿国家,延伸在亚洲东部或者太平洋海岸线上。

    Japan , a country of islands , extends along the eastern or Pacific coast of Asia .

  8. 英联邦发展中岛屿国家

    Commonwealth island developing countries

  9. 在旅游方面,岛屿国家认识到旅游业对创造新的就业机会的重要作用。

    On tourism , the island nations acknowledged the significant contribution of tourism to the generation of new jobs .

  10. 发展中国家、最不发达国家以及一些岛屿国家的经济发展近年来遇到比较严重的问题。

    Developing countries , the least developed countries and some island countries have encountered serious problems in their economic development .

  11. 对太平洋岛屿国家来说,一个主要挑战是在学校里加强营养教育,促进健康饮食习惯。

    A major challenge for Pacific island countries is to reinforce nutrition education in schools by promoting healthy eating practices .

  12. 一些岛屿国家的总人口大约只相当于东京一个城区的规模。一些国家在努力克服贫困的沉重负担。

    Some island nations have total populations roughly equivalent in size to that of a single city block in Tokyo .

  13. 营养标签不仅标准不一致,往往还不使用英文&大多数太平洋岛屿国家的通用语言。

    Nutrition labels are not only inconsistent but often not in English , the common language spoken in most Pacific island countries .

  14. 太平洋岛屿国家还重申在西部及中部太平洋为有效管理并保护高度洄游鱼类种群加强地区性团结。

    The Pacific islands also reaffirmed regional solidarity for effective management and conservation of highly migratory fish stocks in the western and central Pacific Ocean .

  15. 马达加斯加,这个野生动物资源无比丰富但基础建设薄弱的印度洋岛屿国家,还受到三股力量的致命影响。

    Three forces are combining with deadly effect on the Indian Ocean island , which is incalculably rich in wildlife but impoverished in basic infrastructure .

  16. 早先的几次火山活动造就了希腊这个岛屿国家独特的地理样貌,柏拉图有关亚特兰蒂斯的这段文字描述得很准确。

    A series of earlier eruptions resulted in the unique shape of the island nation , one fairly accurately described in Plato 's writings about Atlantis .

  17. 委员会指出,一些太平洋岛屿国家对大流行疫苗有很高的摄取率,足以减少这些国家发生疫情的风险。

    The Committee noted that the uptake of pandemic vaccine in some Pacific Island countries appeared sufficiently high to reduce the risk of outbreaks in these countries .

  18. 太平洋附近岛屿国家在全球肥胖率最高,而萨摩亚已经在肥胖率最高的十个国家的榜单里。

    The Pacific island nations have some of the world 's highest rates of obesity , with Samoa usually included in the top ten countries for obesity levels .

  19. 例如,许多小岛屿国家拥有大量椰子树,为当地居民提供了木材、椰子、干椰子肉和棕榈油。

    Many small island nations , for instance , have abundant coconut trees , which serve as sources of wood , coconut , copra and palm oil for the local population .

  20. 我们是一个岛屿国家,由于我们英国人都很有常识,所以我们发现吃炸鱼加土豆条是最好的。

    The point is we live on an island and , because of our strong driving force of Common Sense , we have made the most of it by eating fish and chips .

  21. 然而,由于各岛屿国家的陆地面积、1人口密度、气候、地理地形条件等有很大差异,它们的森林覆盖程度也有很大差别。

    However , due to a considerable variation in land area , 1 population density and climatic , geological and topographical conditions , the extent of forest cover differs greatly among the island states .

  22. 众所周知,英国,尤其是伦敦,天气以雾和蓝天而著名这在岛屿国家是非常罕见的,所以蓝色更多的是跟大海联系在一起。

    It is well known that Britain , especially London , is famous for its foggy weather and blue sky is rare in the island nation , so blue color is more related to the sea .

  23. 菲律宾是一个拥有超过7000个岛屿的国家。地震在这个国家屡见不鲜。

    The Philippines is a nation of more than 7000 islands . Earthquakes are common there .

  24. 爱琴海岛屿和周边国家的史前文明。

    The prehistoric civilization on the islands in the Aegean Sea and the surrounding countries .

  25. 这个由13000个岛屿组成的国家是世界第六大人口国。

    a nation made up of over 13000 islands it is the sixth most populated country in the world .

  26. 考虑一下这种情况,一个由若干岛屿组成的国家,它的经济活动被不发生经济活动的海洋所分割。

    Consider a nation as a collection of islands of economic activity separated by seas in which no activity occurs .

  27. 第二个问题在于,这些国家本身全都在南中国海占有岛屿,一些国家还在填海造岛。

    The second problem is that each of these countries has occupied its own islands , and some are doing their own land reclamation .

  28. 西沙群岛地处祖国边陲,维持其生物多样性对维持岛屿正向演替和国家的海防安全具有重要意义。

    The Xisha Archipelago is in the border area of our country , it is important to maintain of the island succession and the defence of national coast by maintaining biodiversity of the island .