
  • 网络saxicolous
  1. 在光秃岩石上的演替系列是岩生演替系列。

    A sere on uncovered rock is a lithosere .

  2. 西部Y探区X井烃源岩生烃潜力评价

    Evaluation on Hydrocarbon Generation of Source Rocks of Well X in Y Exploration Region

  3. 东海盆地X凹陷烃源岩生烃特征

    Hydrocarbon generating Characteristics of Source Rocks in a Seg of East China Sea Basin

  4. 但Qom组源岩生烃量不足。

    Hydrocarbon-generation amount of Qom Formation was not enough . 5 .

  5. 岩生植物金发草Pogonatherumpaniceum遗传多样性及化感作用的初步研究

    The Primary Study of Genetic Diversity and Allelopathy a Rock Plant , Pogonatherum Paniceum

  6. 应用Easy-Ro(%)数值模拟方法对下白垩统烃源岩生烃史的研究表明,本区主要生油期为晚第三纪-第四纪,不存在二次生烃作用。

    Applying the Easy-Ro ( % ) model to the hydrocarbon generating history research of the lower Cretaceous source rocks shows that the main oil-generating period is from late Tertiary to Quaternary , and does not exist the second hydrocarbon-generating event during the geological time .

  7. 岩生越桔化学成分的研究

    Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Vaccinium scopulorum W. W. Smith

  8. 热带旧大陆的附生、岩生或陆生蕨类植物。

    Epiphytic or lithophytic or terrestrial ferns of tropical Old World .

  9. 伊犁盆地侏罗系煤岩生烃潜力评价

    Evaluation of Hydrocarbon generating Potential of Jurassic Coal in Yili Basin

  10. 应用化学动力学计算生油岩生烃量

    Calculating hydrocarbon generation quantity of source rock using chemical kinetic modeling

  11. 岩生植物金发草生长发育对水分的响应

    Growth of Rock Plant Pogonatherum paniceum under Different Soil Moisture Content

  12. 苏北盆地低熟烃源岩生烃组分剖析

    Hydrocarbon generating Macerals of Low Mature Source Rocks in Subei Basin

  13. 碳酸盐岩生烃机制的新认识

    A new understanding of hydrocarbon generation mechanism of carbonate rocks

  14. 三种野生岩生草本植物的抗旱性综合评价

    A comprehensive assessment of drought-resistance of three wild rocky-slope grasses

  15. 英国岩石园及其岩生植物的选择应用

    The rock garden and application of various rock-plant in Britain

  16. 凝灰质岩生油岩的有机地球化学初步研究

    A primary study of tuffaceous source rock by organic geochemistry

  17. 碳酸盐岩烃源岩生烃增压规律及其含义

    Pattern of pressurization from hydrocarbon generation in carbonate source rocks and its significance

  18. 辽河西部凹陷古近系烃源岩生烃动力学特征

    Hydrocarbon-Generating Dynamic Characteristics of Paleogene Source Rocks in Western Depression , Liaohe Basin

  19. 柴达木盆地烃源岩生、排烃特征模拟研究

    Simulation of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion characteristics of source rocks in Qaidam Basin

  20. 恢复烃源岩生烃门限是盆地模拟不可缺的一部分。

    It is very important to reconstruct hydrocarbon generation thresholds of source rocks .

  21. 多旋回盆地复杂生烃史条件下烃源岩生烃量研究

    Study on the hydrocarbon-generation amount under the complex geological history in the poly-cyclic Basin

  22. 临清坳陷太原组煤系烃源岩生烃演化特征

    Characteristics of hydrocarbon generation of coal-measure source rock of Taiyuan Formation in Linqing Depression

  23. 碳酸岩生油岩中沥青变质程度和沥青热变质实验

    The extent of asphalt alteration in oil-generating carbonate rocks and thermal alteration experiments on asphalt

  24. 湖相碳酸盐岩生油岩研究进展

    Advances on lacustrine carbonate source rock research

  25. 我国聚煤盆地煤系烃源岩生烃评价与成烃模式

    The Evaluation of Coal-Measure Source Rocks of Coal-bearing Basins in China and Their Hydrocarbon-Generating Models

  26. 下古生界碳酸盐岩生烃条件及二次生烃潜力评价&以临清地区TG5井为例

    Evaluation for Hydrocarbon Generating Conditions and Second Potential of Lower Paleozoic Era Carbonats Source Rock

  27. 鄂尔多斯盆地中部地区下古生界碳酸盐岩生烃潜力探讨

    The Discussion on Hydrocarbon-generated Potential of Lower Paleozoic Carbonates in the Central Part of Erdos Basin

  28. 根据煤系烃源岩生排烃模拟实验结果,可以建立演化阶段划分标准,另外,煤岩中显微组分的生烃能力还须进一步研究。

    C. The division criterion of evolution stage could be established according to the simulation results .

  29. 碳酸盐岩生屑颗粒定量研究&点计数法的理论分析与应用

    Quantitative study of bioclastic grains in carbonate rocks : Theoretical analysis and application of point-counting method

  30. 柴达木盆地北缘中、下侏罗统烃源岩生烃潜力拉斑玄武岩质粒玄岩

    Hydrocarbon Generative Potentials of Middle and Lower Jurassic Source Rocks in Northern Margin of Qaidam Basin