
  • 网络abies faxoniana;Abies fargesii var. faxoniana;Abies chensiensis
  1. 川西亚高山红桦&岷江冷杉天然次生林的空间格局分析

    Spatial Pattern Analysis in a Natural Secondary Betula-Abies Forest at Sub-Alpine Area of Western Sichuan , China

  2. 我们着重关注了小尺度范围内的空间关联特性,优势种不同径级树木与岷江冷杉幼苗、幼树空间关联性表现各异。

    Particularly , we focused on spatial association at small scale . Spatial association of different size class of dominant tree species varied with seedlings and saplings .

  3. 各径级间在小尺度范围内正关联较强,随尺度增大,空间关联趋于零,在所有尺度上都未出现负关联,说明岷江冷杉种内关系协调。

    Spatial association turned from strongly positive association to zero with the increasing of scale . However , there were no negative spatial associations in size-classes at all scales . It indicated that the population had a harmonious relationship internally .

  4. 岷江流域冷杉树干液流的动态变化规律

    The Dynamics of Stem Sap Flow of Abies fabric in Minjiang Valley