
  • 网络peak wavelength;peak wave length;PeakWaveLength
  1. 结果表明,这种非对称分布可以认为是由于自发辐射峰值波长短于增益峰值波长所造成的。

    The results indicate that the reason of the asymmetry is from the shorter peak wavelength of the spontaneous radiation than the gain peak wavelength .

  2. 结合实验结果,我们可以看出在混合应变量子阱结构中,从偏振自发辐射谱峰值波长差不能推断两种量子阱的能带填充效应大小。

    Combining other people 's experimental results , it is concluded that in the mixed strained layer quantum well structure , we can 't determine the band filling effect in the two kinds of strained layer quantum wells from the peak wavelength difference of the two polarized spontaneous emission spectra .

  3. LED峰值波长测试校验的探讨

    Discussion on Correction of LED Peak Wavelength Testing

  4. 并以该数学模型为基础,运用多种不同峰值波长的LED来合成所需要的光谱分布。

    A variety of different LEDs with different peak wavelengths were utilized to synthesize the required spectral distribution .

  5. 量子阱红外探测器响应峰值波长的Raman散射测量

    Measurement of response peak wavelength of quantum well infrared detectors by Raman scattering

  6. 影响发光二极管(LED)颜色的光谱参数有:峰值波长、带宽、主波长和质心波长。

    Peak wavelength , bandwith , domain wavelength , and centroid wavelength are factors affecting on light color of LED .

  7. 采用微型光纤光谱仪测量了LED的峰值波长、半高宽、光强的角分布及不同温度下的LED光谱。

    The peak wavelength , half-maximum line breadth , angular distribution of intensity and spectrum at different temperatures of LED are measured using micro-optical spectroscopy .

  8. 峰值波长和带宽反映了LED发光的物理特性,主波长反映了LED发光的目视感觉,质心波长是LED的几何对称波长。

    Peak wavelength and bandwith stand for the physical property of light of LED , domain wavelength corresponds to feel of eyes , centroid wavelength is geometric symmetry wavelength of LED .

  9. 实验结果表明CO和C2H2气体&最大吸收峰值波长分别为1546.6nm和1531.52nm。

    The experimental results demonstrated that peak wavelength of CO and C2H2 gas absorption spectrum is 1546.6 nm and 1531.52 nm , respectively .

  10. 本文首次在理论上分析了短腔长MOEMSFabry-Perot可调谐滤光片中,空气腔厚度和峰值波长之间的关系。

    The relation between the air gap thickness and peak wavelength in short cavity MOEMS Fabry-Perot filter are analyzed with Transfer Matrix Method .

  11. 实验研究了激光新染料DCM在不同溶剂、不同浓度时的激光特性,测量了它的调谐范围和峰值波长。

    The characteristics of laser dye DCM , such as tuning range and peak wavelength in different solvents and at several concentrations have been studied experimentally in detail .

  12. 针对光纤光栅应变传感器接收信号弱且信噪比低这一问题,提出了应用DSP技术来抑制噪声,提高Bragg峰值波长检测精度的方法。

    The fiber Bragg grating strain sensor has some disadvantages such as poor received signal intensity and the low signal-to-noise ratio . The method that can improve the detection precision of the Bragg peak wavelength is presented .

  13. 本文基于LED光谱曲线测试原理,提出了LED峰值波长的校验比对方法,分析了发光二极管LED和半导体激光二极管LD作为参考标准灯遇到的问题,并讨论相应技术解决方案。

    Based on the principle of LED optical spectrum testing , This paper presents the method of correct LED peak wavelengh . Light emitting diode and Laser diode as Standard lamp , analyzed the meeting problems and discussed relevant technical solution .

  14. 同时,也可以看到单面镀膜的SLD振荡波长与增益峰值波长不重合的现象。

    Meanwhile oscillation with lasing wavelength different from the peak wavelength of the gain is predicted for one-facet AR coated superluminescent diodes .

  15. 多芯片白光LED的色温、能效(辐射光效)和显色性可以通过选择LED芯片的峰值波长以及改变各个LED芯片的相对功率来进行调节与优化。

    The correlated color temperature ( CCT ), luminous efficacy of radiation ( LER ) and color rendering of multi-chip white LED may be regulated and optimized by selecting the peak wavelength of LED chips and changing the relative power of each LED chip .

  16. 管芯功率达到440mW以上,饱和电流3A以上,峰值波长1430nm,远场发散角为40°×14°。

    The output power above 440 mW and the saturation current above 3 A have been achieved . The measured far-field divergence angle is 40 °× 14 ° .

  17. 样品质量达到了设计要求。测量结果表明,样品在10K下的光荧光谱的峰值波长为926.26nm。

    The experimental results show that sample 's quality meets the requirement of design and photoluminescence peak wavelength is 926.26 nm at 10 K .

  18. 实验结果表明,在强电场中,(HyCd)Te具有很强的Franz-Keldysh效应,因而可能导致光吸收峰值波长向长波长方向的明显偏移。

    Our experimental measurements show that the Franz-Keldysh effect does have significant strength in ( HgCd ) Te and may lead to a considerable shift of the optical absorption edge toward the longer wavelength in a strong electric field .

  19. N型外延硅经过碳注入、氢气氛下高温退火和电化学腐蚀后,发出峰值波长位于431nm左右的蓝色荧光。

    Blue luminescence with peak wavelength of about ( 431 nm ) is obtained from epitaxial silicon after C ~ ( + ) implantation , annealing in hydrogen and electrochemical etching sequentially .

  20. 设计并制造了二维近红外枕形PSD,对其进行实际测试,其光谱响应峰值波长为920nm,灵敏度达到0.626A/W。

    With the results , a new silicon based near infrared 2-D pincushion PSD is designed and fabricated . The experimental results show that the peak spectral sensitivity of our device is 0.626 A / W at 920 nm wavelength .

  21. 闪烁体的荧光光谱峰值波长610nm和荧光衰减时间短于3ns。

    The fluorescence spectrum peak of the scintillators is about at 610 nm , the fluorescence decay time is shorter than 3 ns .

  22. 研究了不同载流子浓度、DBR膜层数对增益特性的影响,发现了有源区内量子阱堆位置的改变将导致增益峰值波长移动。

    The different carrier density and layers number of DBR will affect the gain characteristic and the wavelength of the peak gain will shift with the variation of position of the quantum well stacks in active region .

  23. 通过对光源闪烁频率的调节,控制其功率,从而改变光源发射的峰值波长和对人体的刺激频率。弱激光作为复合光治疗系统的重要部分,采用波长650nm的半导体激光器。

    We can module its power by switching flicker frequency , so to change the transmitted peak wavelength and stimulating frequency .

  24. 用波长为308nm的XeCl激光器作泵浦源,横向泵浦,获得了峰值波长为440nm的蓝光波段激光输出。

    With a 308 nm XeCl laser as the pump source , the laser output at 440 nm wavelength was obtained from the materials under transverse pumping .

  25. 未镀膜4μm深腐蚀器件的功率可达10mW,斜率效率为0.4W/A,峰值波长为681nm,峰值半宽为0.5nm。

    For a 4 μ m uncoated deep eroded laser device , the slope efficiency is 0.4 W / A , the output power about 10 mW , the peak wavelength 681 nm and the width 0.5 nm .

  26. 该激光器的峰值波长为815~825nm,阈值电流为130mA。

    Its wavelength ranges from 815 to 825 nm , threshold current is 130 mA at room temperature under CW operation .

  27. 研究结果表明:InP在SiO2微球空隙间具有较高的结晶质量,填充较致密均匀,与相同晶格周期的SiO2光子晶体相比,InPSiO2光子晶体的反射光谱的峰值波长发生明显的红移。

    Results show that InP of high crystalline quality is homogeneously distributed inside the silica matrix , and compared to photonic crystal SiO_2 with same crystal lattice period , the peak wavelength of reflectance spectrum of photonic crystals InP-SiO_ ( 2 ) suffers a red shift under InP filling .

  28. 对植物光合作用吸收光谱的分析后,采用叶绿素a和叶绿素b吸收光谱的两个峰值波长(660nm和450nm)作为红光模块和蓝光模块的峰值波长。

    Through the analysis of Photosynthesis absorption spectrum , we use the two peak wavelength ( 660nm and450nm ) of the chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b absorption spectrum as the peak wavelength of the red module and the blue module .

  29. 该器件采用单量子阱光电分别限制异质结结构,激光器的峰值波长为808±3nm,工作电流100A时,输出功率大于1200W(占空比为1%),光谱半宽小于4nm。

    The peak wavelength of the laser is 808 ± 3 nm , with the output power ( 1 % duty cycle ) of 1.2 kW for FWHM < 4 nm at the driving current of 100 A.

  30. 利用反射型Solc滤波器实现了温度传感,峰值波长移动达到0.03nm/℃,其灵敏度是光栅温度灵敏度的2.5倍。

    Compared to the fiber bragg grating sensors , the sensitivity of the temperature sensor based on reflective Solc-type filter can be improved 2.5 times , and the wavelength shift induced by temperature variety is 0.03nm / ℃ .