
  • 网络kongtong mountain
  1. 崆峒山昆虫群落及其多样性研究

    Study on Insect Communities and Diversity in Kongtong Mountains

  2. CVM在崆峒山非使用价值评估中的应用

    The Application of Contingent Valuation Method In Evaluating Non-Use Values of Kongtong Mountain

  3. 崆峒山为道教历史名山。

    Kongtong is a famous place in the history of Taoism .

  4. 明清时儒释道兼容并蓄,成为崆峒山地区这个西北宗教圣地的一个显著特征。

    It became a significant feature of religious sites in the Northwest Area .

  5. 其次,本文构建了崆峒山风景名胜区旅游资源价值分类系统。

    Secondly , the paper set up the value classifying system of Kongtong Mountain .

  6. 崆峒山风景名胜区旅游资源价值评估和客源市场调查研究

    The Study of Tourism Resource Values and Tourist Markets for Kongtong Mountain Scenic Spots

  7. 「黄帝问道」的现实化与崆峒山的文化景观

    Materialization of the legend Yellow Emperor asking the way and cultural sights in Kongtong mountain

  8. 研究分析和讨论了太统&崆峒山地区主要植被类型、分布规律以及种子植物区系;

    The main vegetation types and distributional law as well as floristic characteristics in the Taitong-Kongtong Mountain region were studied .

  9. 崆峒山早期道教是固原道教文化生成的源头;

    The early Taoism , raised in the Kongtongshan Mountain , is regarded as the developmental source of the Guyuan Taoism Culture .

  10. 崆峒山种子植物区系与其他植物区系相似性分析

    Analysis of the Similarity Between the Flora of the Seed Plants of Kongtong Mountain in Gansu Province and the Floras of Other Eight Regions

  11. 今天的崆峒山之旅将由我全程陪同,希望通过我的讲解能使您对崆峒山有更深的了解,也希望通过我的服务能给您的旅程增添一分快乐。

    It is my great pleasure to be your guide to show you around this beautiful place , to tell you more about the great mountain and to make your trip more fantastic and joyful .

  12. 据初步统计,甘肃平凉太统&崆峒山自然保护区有维管植物103科,377属,750种,其中种子植物90科356属713种(含变种)。

    According to preliminary statistics . There are 750 species ( including varieties ) wild vascular plant in this area . Which attached to 130 families and 377 genera , among them 90 families , 356 genera and 713 species are seed plants .