
qí qū bù pínɡ
  • Rugged;bumpy;rugged and rough;rugged and uneven
  1. 铺好的宽阔道路渐渐变窄,成了一条崎岖不平的小径。

    The wide paved road degenerated into a narrow bumpy track .

  2. 这块沥青断了,路上到处都是崎岖不平的。

    This asphalt is cracked and the road is all bumpy .

  3. 他们驶过数英里崎岖不平、多石的土地。

    They drove across miles of rough , stony ground .

  4. 山路崎岖不平。

    The mountain path is rough and rugged .

  5. 学习的道路是崎岖不平的。

    The road of learning is not smooth .

  6. 崎岖不平的道路颠坏了汽车。

    Rough roads had battered the car .

  7. 落基山脉有崇山峻岭和崎岖不平的道路。

    The Rocky Mountains have rugged mountains and roads .

  8. 当这一数据与有关其质量的独立信息结合起来时,所得出的新数据可揭示这些天体的表面是否崎岖不平,有无厚厚的大气层,甚至能告诉我们它们有无行星环或卫星。

    When combined with independent information about their mass , the new data should reveal insights on whether the worlds are rocky or have thick atmospheres , even whether they have rings and moons .

  9. 拉文已经将他的比赛从崎岖不平的后院上升到了NBA的赛场。

    LaVine has ascended from those rugged backyard games to the NBA court .

  10. 经过各种测试的BS系统可以保证在崎岖不平的山路上使用。

    The BS system is used on several models and has proven its superior dependability in rugged mountain use .

  11. 美联储(fed)认为,国债收益率上升是崎岖不平的正常化过程的一部分,因此无意仓促出手应对,但将密切关注市场走势。

    The Federal Reserve sees the rise in yields as part of a bumpy normalisation process , and is not inclined to be bounced into any immediate policy reaction , but is monitoring market developments carefully .

  12. 22位中国家长挤坐在一辆灰色的小型巴士里,沿着一条崎岖不平的车道向科巴姆堂学校(CobhamHall)缓缓行进,这是一所位于肯特郡乡间、占地70公顷的女子寄宿学校。

    Packed into a grey minibus , 22 Chinese parents are trundling down a bumpy driveway towards Cobham Hall , a girls boarding school set in 70 hectares of Kent countryside .

  13. 最先进的减震悬架保证汽车在最崎岖不平的道路上也可以平稳通行。

    State-of-the-art suspension guarantees a smooth passage over the bumpiest road .

  14. 这条路变得愈来愈崎岖不平,愈来愈泥泞。

    The road became mumpier and mumpier , muddier and muddier .

  15. 一旦我们离开路径,路面就变得崎岖不平。

    Once we left the trail the going was rough .

  16. 他在崎岖不平的山路上磕磕绊绊地行走。

    He stumbled on the rough and rugged mountain path .

  17. 石磨被琢好,然后费力用雪橇运下那崎岖不平的山坡。

    Millstones had been cut and laboriously sledged down the rough mountainsides .

  18. 他抱住儿子在一条崎岖不平的路上奋力前进。

    He struggled along the rough road holding his son .

  19. 颠簸前进不规律、崎岖不平或颠簸地前进。

    To proceed in an irregular , bumpy , or jerky fashion .

  20. 道路变得崎岖不平,非常难走。

    The road became uneven , little more than a rough track .

  21. 理查德所到之处荒无人烟,崎岖不平。

    The country in which Richard found himself was wild and rough .

  22. 而选择攀登西面梯道,则要经受崎岖不平的梯级。

    Those who climb the Western Steps experience a more rugged climb .

  23. 在那条崎岖不平的路上我们吃足了苦头。

    We had a hell of a trip on that bumpy road .

  24. 到车站去的路崎岖不平。

    The way to the station is rather rough .

  25. 这些崎岖不平的路弄坏你汽车的轮胎。

    These rough roads play the devil with the tyres of your car .

  26. 陡峭的山路崎岖不平。

    The steep mountain path is rugged and rough .

  27. 他们在崎岖不平的道路上旅行了好几个星期。

    They journeyed for several weeks over rough roads .

  28. 明知前路崎岖不平,一个人还是要继续他的旅程吗?

    You knew the journey isnt smooth , would you continue ur journey ?

  29. 马车沿着崎岖不平的道路颠簸前行。

    The wagon jogged along on the rough road .

  30. 这条小路继续穿过崎岖不平的石头地面。

    The path continued over rough , rocky ground .