
  1. 我们是不是要走到海之崖山之隅,一直到老?

    Are we to go to sea cliffs , until hangang mountain old ?

  2. 黄崖山事件后,李光炘采取去宗教化的手段以保存学派命脉。

    After the Religious Event of Huangyashan , Li Guangxin took de-religion measures so as to maintain the lifeline of academic studies .

  3. 特别是城北丹崖山峭壁上那座凌空欲飞的蓬莱阁,更有气势。

    Specially on the north end of town Dan cliff mountain cliff that place flies high the Penglai Chinese style pavilion which wants to fly , has the imposing manner .

  4. 面对元朝的种种威逼利诱,文天祥始终坚贞不屈,于至元十九年(1282)十二月就义于元大都。祥兴二年(1279)正月,元将张弘范率水军攻打崖山,与行朝进行最后决战。

    In the 2nd year of Xiangxing ( 1279 ) , The fleet of the , Yuan led by Zhang Hongfan assaulted Yashan , the last decisive battle with the remaining Southern Song .