
bēng tān
  • collapse;avalanche;fall down;eboulement;slacktip
崩坍 [bēng tān]
  • [avalanche] 悬崖、陡坡等崩裂散裂;崩塌

  • 山崖崩坍

崩坍[bēng tān]
  1. 压缩态J-C模中的崩坍-复原现象

    Collapse and revival phenomena in the squeezed state Jaynes-Cummings model

  2. 崩坍落石灾害是常见的山区地质灾害之一。

    Collapse and rockfall is familiar geohazard in the mountainous area .

  3. 房顶崩坍了。

    The roof fell down .

  4. 崩坍的冰雪倾泻而下。

    Avalanches rushed down .

  5. 利用地理信息系统与知识推论模式分析崩坍地潜势

    Integrate GIS and Knowledge Inference Model in Potential Landslide Hazards Mapping Analysis

  6. 台北市信义区山坡地潜在崩坍地区划定之研究

    Delineation of Potential Landslide Regions on Hillslope Land of Hsing-Yi District in Taipei City

  7. 曾文水库集水区表土冲蚀与崩坍比例之初步研究

    The Preliminary Study in the Ratio of Sheet Erosion and Landslide in Tzeng Wen Watershed

  8. 峭壁正在逐渐崩坍。

    The cliff is gradually crumbling away .

  9. 利用这方程讨论了孤子正交相振幅的崩坍与再生效应。

    The phenomena of collapse and re-vival are discussed for the quadrature phase amplitudes of soliton .

  10. 崩坍落石灾害具有隐蔽性、不确定性,其防治工程决策主要应从对崩坍落石灾害危害程度的认识和对崩坍落石灾害危害风险的把握两方面入手。

    The prevention decisions should fully be understood in the hazard degree of and the hazard venture collapse and rockfall .

  11. 决策方法:基于对崩坍落石灾害危害程度的认识,设计防止灾害产生或减轻灾害的工程措施;根据对崩坍落石灾害风险的认识,对防治工程作取舍。

    Based on the understanding of the hazard degree , the corresponding engineering measurements for preventing or reducing the hazard are designed .

  12. 灾难性边坡崩坍发生的机率其实很低,而记录无声地震的仪器也使及早发出预警成为可能。

    The chances of catastrophic flank failure are slim , and the instruments that record silent earthquakes might make early warnings possible .

  13. 在克孜尔千佛洞地区崩坍的堆积层表面查找地下旁侧的山崖中是否有被埋石窟。

    To find out that whether there are grottos located inside the precipice which had been buried by the accumulation of mountain creep .

  14. 支沟纵坡陡,沟内的砂岩、泥页岩岩体受多期不同方向构造应力作用而破碎、滑坡、崩坍发育,有形成泥石流条件。

    Gradient of branch gullys are steep . Sandstone and shale in gullys are broken under structure stress fields of several periods and different directions .

  15. 这既归因于贸易状况的恶化,同时也是由于国际资本流动的崩坍后者是全球金融危机的直接后果。

    This is due to both the deterioration in trade and the collapse of international capital flows the latter a direct result of the global financial crisis .

  16. 以实际崩坍潜势分析案例,证明前述空间分析架构之合理性与正确性。

    And thirdly , the studies of potential landslide hazards mapping analysis provide geographical practical cases to prove the rationalization and justness of the conceptual spatial analysis framework .

  17. 但当场景搬到了火山岛,最困难的部份,便是如何拿捏适量的水注入适当的位置,免得当初是为了避免崩坍,最后却不慎导致崩坍。

    But when it comes to volcanoes , the extreme difficulty lies in putting the right amount of fluid in the right place so as not to inadvertently generate the very collapse that is meant to be avoided .

  18. 刘云若认为世上一切都可谓之情,但现实社会中的各种情一一崩坍,唯有男女之情在其作品中屹立不倒。

    Liu holds that everything in the world can be named as affection , but all kinds of affection collapse one after another only except the one in his works between men and women that will stand erect forever .

  19. 因为这一天他在煤矿中工作,矿坑因为支柱损坏而崩坍,他英勇地撑住一根支柱,救出了许多伙伴,而他自己却被压死了。

    One day , when he was working down the pit , the props , damaged , gave way and the pit caved in . he grasped one prop that was about to fall and held fast to it . Many of the miners got out of danger , but he was crushed in the pit .