
  1. 崭新生活空间的创作与体验

    Creating and experiencing the new living space

  2. 我们也在为你的到来做着各种准备,想让你一出生就能很快适应这个崭新生活环境。

    We 're busy in preparing for your birth to make you fell cozy as soon as you come to the brand new world .

  3. 这次演讲涉及“死亡”话题,可能对即将开启崭新生活的毕业生来说不够具有吸引力,但对他们父母来说可谓价值颇丰。

    With touches of the macabre , the speech rang true , if not for graduates on the cusp of shiny new lives , then certainly for their parents .

  4. 大学生活对她来说是一种崭新的生活体验。

    Collegiate life was a totally new experience for her .

  5. 在城市之外建房给新的家庭带来崭新的生活

    Building houses outside the cities to give new families a new life .

  6. 在他面前是崭新的生活。

    A new life lay ahead of him .

  7. 新的一年美好象征着崭新的生活篇章。

    A new year beautifully symbolizes a new chapter opening in the book that is your life .

  8. 事实证明,她发现的不仅仅是一个崭新的生活,还包括一个谋生的新途径。

    What she stumbled upon was not only a new life but a new way to make a living .

  9. 但我们还是得回家-我们可以在此开始崭新的生活伍迪

    But we need to go home . - We could have a whole new life here , Woody .

  10. 塞丝经历了极为痛苦的过程才最终战胜了充满伤痛的过去并开始了崭新的生活。

    Sethe goes through an excruciating process before she overcomes her painful past and starts a brand new life .

  11. 纳米技术的最终目标是直接操纵单个原子和分子,制造新功能器件,从而开拓人类崭新的生活模式。

    The final target of nanometer technology is to manufacture new function devices that can control atom or molecule directly .

  12. 所以当她第一次和保罗约会时,心中已经准备好迎接崭新的生活了。

    So when she met Paul Jobs on that first date , she was primed to start a new life .

  13. 今天我退役了,一扇门关上,但另一扇正在徐徐打开,门外有崭新的生活等着我认真品读。

    The door of basketball is closed , but another door has just opened which will lead me to a new life waiting for me to experience .

  14. 从中学和家庭的保护下进到大学和一个崭新的生活环境里,这个转变可说是一段迷人又有趣的时光,而到麻省理工来则又更具挑战性和趣味性。

    The transition from high school and home to college and a new living environment can be a fascinating and interesting time , made all the more challenging and interesting by being at MIT .

  15. 当她还沉浸在崭新校园生活的遐想之中时,男朋友打来的祝贺电话将她拉回到现实:她和男朋友的感情十分真挚,但他可能不会追随她去北京。

    While she was imagining new life on her future campus , a congratulations call from her boyfriend pulled her back to reality : She was in a committed relationship with someone who is unlikely to follow her to Beijing .

  16. 崭新的大学生活让他格外兴奋。

    He is understandably excited about college life .

  17. 作为女人的她谈到自己的崭新新公共生活。

    Speaking about her new and newly public life as the woman she knew she was .

  18. 总之,郡也经营戒毒,房屋住所以及就业安置等缓刑犯人需要用来营造崭新的清净生活的项目。

    After all , the counties also run drug-rehabilitation , housing and job-placement programmes that the probationers need to build new and cleaner lives .

  19. 在这种背景下,各类商业移动应用大量出现且竞争日趋激烈,创造了一种崭新的移动生活方式。

    In this context , a large number of various types of commercial mobile applications are becoming popular and thus create a new mobile life style .

  20. 从实践上看,大学新生面对的是崭新的学习生活环境,在大学开始阶段,几乎80%的新生都会对大学环境存在陌生感,必然会出现环境适应问题。

    From a practical point of view , college freshmen face is different learning and living environment , the university environment for almost new strangeness , so they must be certain environmental adaptation problems .

  21. 后来爸爸妈妈受洗了,开始了他们崭新的基督徒生活。但是我当时的信念却开始被深深的疑惑侵蚀瓦解。

    By then mom and dad had been baptized , thrilled to start a newly freshened Christian life , while the unfathomable pools of doubt had started to consume me whole , starting off with chunk by chunk .

  22. 在接下来的1年里,好好生活,用崭新的方式过生活。

    Live your life like you 've never lived it before in the next 1 year .

  23. 放弃所谓的完美生活的幻觉,我们才能真正的开始自己崭新的新的生活。

    Only if we give up the imaginary perfect life can we totally begin our new life .

  24. 听起来这是让你以一杯新鲜的芒果汁开启崭新一天的生活的一个很有效的理由。

    Sounds like a valid reason to start your day with a glass of fresh mango juice .

  25. 我们正处在崭新的时代,生活和艺术都在急剧地变化,新的生活、新的风貌、新的审美情趣向我们展开新的挑战。

    We are in a new times and the new life , new style and new aesthetic interest are challenging with us .

  26. 这么做,你将获得一个崭新的开端与生活,立足在欢乐、丰饶、健康及良好的内在状态之上。

    In so doing , one receives a new beginning and new life based upon joy , abundance , good health and an inner state of well being .
