
  • 网络embedded computer system;Embedded Systems;ARM
  1. 另外,还研制一块基于嵌入式计算机系统RS232串口的调制解调器。

    In addition , manufacture a modem based on PC104 bus embedded computer system 's RS232 serial port .

  2. 本文研究了基于AT91RM9200的嵌入式计算机系统的多参数监护仪,该多参数监护终端是由多参数监护模块,嵌入式计算机系统和GPRS模块构成。

    A multi-parameter monitor based on embedded computer system is presented . It consists of multi-parameter monitoring module , embedded computer and GPRS module .

  3. 远程多参数监护终端是整个系统的核心,它主要由多参数监护模块,嵌入式计算机系统,GPRS无线模块构成。

    Monitor terminal which consists of embedded computer and GPRS module is the core module of the whole system .

  4. 本文以星载并行嵌入式计算机系统为背景,阐述其并行嵌入式操作系统PEMS(ParallelEmbeddedMultiprocessingSystem)中关键技术研究与实现。

    In this article , we introduce the design and implementation of key technologies in PEMS ( Parallel Embedded Multiprocessing System ), which is the operating system of the satellite-carried parallel computer system .

  5. GM2飞行器地面测控系统是一个嵌入式计算机系统,具有对被测对象的测试、控制、模拟功能。

    GM 2 Test and Control System is an embedded computer system , it has test , control and simulation functions to the object .

  6. 现代雷达嵌入式计算机系统的电磁兼容分析

    The Analysis on Electromagnetic Compatibility for Embedded Computer System of Modern Radar

  7. 基于嵌入式计算机系统的人防警报控制系统设计

    The design of aerial defence alarm control system based on embedded computer

  8. PC机与嵌入式计算机系统串行通讯的硬软件实现

    Application of Hardware and Software in Serial-Communication between PC and Embedded System

  9. 高级嵌入式计算机系统在自动化仪器仪表中的应用

    The Application of Advanced Embedded Computer System in the Field of Automatic Instruments

  10. 嵌入式计算机系统软件的可靠性和鲁棒性

    Reliability and robustness of software for embedded computer systems

  11. 文章给出了一种用于手持设备的嵌入式计算机系统设计方案。

    This paper presents design of an embedded computer system for handheld equipment .

  12. 面向21世纪的嵌入式计算机系统及应用

    Embedded Computer System and Application in the 21st Century

  13. 用于手持设备的嵌入式计算机系统设计

    Design of Embedded Computer System for Handheld Equipment

  14. 本文采用嵌入式计算机系统,设计了一套高性能便携式的计算机测试系统。

    Based on the in-embedded computer system , a high-performance portable computer test system is designed .

  15. 嵌入式计算机系统中的故障注入技术

    Fault Injection in Embedded Computer systems

  16. 本文就实时应用领域中小规模嵌入式计算机系统软件可靠性和鲁棒性进行了分析。

    This paper analyses software reliability and robustness for Small scale embedded computer systems in real-time application .

  17. 研究分析了星载嵌入式计算机系统可靠性存在的问题、可靠性设计准则、可靠性建模、可靠性预计和分配以及元器件的可靠性技术。

    The design criterions , modeling , precomputation , assignment and electronic component of reliability of the on-board embedded computer were analyzed .

  18. 本论文介绍了嵌入式计算机系统在声音与振动(声振)信号检测和分析技术领域中的应用研究,并结合课题研究的实际工作对嵌入式系统软硬件开发作了详细的阐述。

    This dissertation describes the research and application of embedded system which is designed for the technology of sound / vibration signal detecting and analysis .

  19. 随着计算机系统在工业控制领域的广泛应用和发展,嵌入式计算机系统在工控领域的应用也显示出其无可比拟的优势和良好的发展前景。

    With the application and development of computer system in the area of industrial control system , embedded computer system shows its advantage and promising application prospect .

  20. 简要论述了嵌入式计算机系统的定义、特点及构成;分析了嵌入式系统当前应用现状及未来发展走向。

    The definition , characteristic and structure of embedded computer systems are discussed briefly , application stalication status quo and development trend of embeded systems are analyzed .

  21. 设计的基于PC/104嵌入式计算机系统的虚拟仪器,具有测量各种电学信号和时频信号功能;

    This paper presents a design of virtual instruments based on PC / 104 embedded computer system , which has the functions of measuring some electrical signal and time frequency signal .

  22. OSEK/VDX规范是欧洲汽车行业在20世纪90年代中期开发的一个有关汽车电子设计的规范,它提供了将各种先进汽车电子设备有机组合在一起的网络化嵌入式计算机系统的开发规范。

    OSEK / VDX specification is a vehicle electronic designation specification developed by the European auto industry during 1990s , and it provides embedded computer system development standards for network connection of advanced automotive electronic equipment .

  23. 本文把可穿戴计算机界定为一个嵌入式计算机系统,分析了可穿戴计算机与嵌入式计算机系统的关系,叙述了嵌入式计算机系统的一般概念和器件选型应该遵循的基本原则。

    In this paper , wearable computer is regarded as an embedded computer system . The relationship between them is analyzed . Then some general concepts of embedded system and basic principles to choose embedded devices are stated .

  24. 主要包括CAN总线应用系统设计技术、单片机与嵌入式计算机系统软硬件设计技术、信号调理技术等关键技术的论述,并对装甲战车虚拟仪表可靠性技术做了一些初步研究。

    It includes the critical technology like the design method of CAN bus application , system software and hardware design method of microcontrollers and embedded computers and signal processing technology . It also do a preliminary study in the reliability technology of virtual instruments .

  25. 嵌入式计算机系统的诞生,标志着计算机进入了通用计算机系统与嵌入式计算机系统两大分支并行发展的时代,从而导致20世纪末计算机的高速发展时期。

    The appearance of embedded computer system marks computer comes into the concurrent development period of the two primary branches of general computer system and embedded computer system , which results in the rapid development of computer at the end of the 20th century .

  26. 随着嵌入式计算机系统日益广泛地应用于军事领域,越来越多的军用指挥控制系统和通信设备等都希望系统拥有强大的图形显示功能、友好的图形用户界面,以满足人机交互的需求。

    With the embedded computer systems become more widely used in military field , more and more military command and control systems and communications equipments want to have a powerful graphics display capabilities and friendly graphical user interface to meet the needs of human-computer interaction .

  27. 航空发动机FADEC双冗余嵌入式实时计算机系统架构设计

    Frame Design of Aeroengine FADEC Double-Redundancy Embedded Real-Time Computer System

  28. 采用高可靠性的二业PC104嵌入式计算机作为系统的测试主机。

    We introduced highly reliable industrial embedded computer PC 104 as the testing system 's main computer .

  29. 航空摄影陀螺稳定平台的嵌入式计算机控制系统

    Development of Embedded Computer Control System for Aerial Photography Gyro-Stabilized Platform

  30. 控制系统分为嵌入式计算机控制系统和运动控制器。

    The control system is divided into two parts : the embedded computer control system and the motion controller .