
  • 网络Chuandongbei;northeastern sichuan basin;northeast sichuan province
  1. 川东北HL长兴组储层特征及有利区预测

    Reservoir characteristics of Changxing Formation in hl , northeastern Sichuan Basin and favorable area prediction

  2. 川东北HL长兴组生物礁气藏地质特征

    Geological characteristics of Changxing Formation bio-reef gas reservoir , in hl , northeastern Sichuan Basin

  3. 川东北涡暴雨的环境场及Q矢量分析

    The environment field and the Q-vector analyses for heavy rain of vortex over Northeast Sichuan Basin

  4. APR工具在川东北高含硫超深气井测试中的应用

    Application of APR tools to ultra-deep gas wells with rich h_2s in northeastern Sichuan Basin

  5. 本文回顾了目前国内外致密砂岩储层预测的研究现状,并以川东北地区陆相上三叠系须家河组四段致密含气砂岩储层为应用实例,基于3D地震资料开展储层预测。

    Take the upper Triassic Xujiahe fourth formation of dense gas-bearing sandstone reservoir which are continental sedimentary in the northeast of Sichuan as an applied example . The reservoir prospection is carried based on 3D seismic data .

  6. 川东北天然气项目水土保持工程施工监理进程曲线图见(图c7-1)。

    See chart c7-1for supervision progress curve of water and soil conservation measures for Northeast Sichuan natural gas project .

  7. 喜马拉雅运动使川东北地区遭受抬升剥蚀,储集层温度降至低于120℃,TSR反应停止。

    The Himalayan orogeny caused the uplift and erosion of NE Sichuan area , the reservoir temperature fell to less than 120 ℃ and the TSR ended .

  8. 侏罗纪中期至白垩纪末期是川东北飞仙关组古地温最高时期(120~180℃),也是TSR反应发生的最主要时期。

    The period from mid-Jurassic to Late Cretaceous is a period with the highest paleotemperature ( 120-180 ℃) for T_ 1 f in NE Sichuan Province , and also the most important period for TSR reaction .

  9. 川东北地区山地高精度地震勘探技术

    High - resolution seismics in the mountainous terrain of northeastern Sichuan

  10. 川东北地区山地三维高分辨率地震采集技术

    The 3-D high-resolution seismic acquisition in mountainous of the northeastern Sichuan

  11. 川东北宣汉&达县地区地层剥蚀厚度恢复

    Restoration of erosion thickness in Xuanhan-Daxian area , northeastern Sichuan basin

  12. 川东北地区褶皱构造成因新说

    A new view on the genesis of fold structures TN Northeast Sichuan

  13. 我国川东北地区油气资源丰富,储层裂缝发育,构造复杂,是典型的复杂地表、复杂构造地区。

    The northeast part of Sichuan province is rich in hydrocarbon resources .

  14. 川东北超深井碳酸盐岩储层酸化工艺研究裂缝性碳酸盐岩储集层

    Acidizing process for carbonate reservoir of ultra-deep wells in northeastern Sichuan Basin

  15. 新型承压堵漏技术研究及在川东北地区的应用

    The Application and Research of the New Leakage Control under Pressure Technology

  16. 川东北地区热流史及成烃史研究

    Hydrothermal History and Hydrocarbon Generation History in Northeastern Sichuan Basin

  17. 川东北的花样年华栾川旅游资讯

    Blossom age for the northeastern Sichuan Luan Chuan travel Express

  18. 川东北地区河坝构造岩石物理特征及工程应用研究

    Research on Rock Mechanical Characteristics and Engineering Application in Heba Structure Northeastern-Sichuan

  19. 川东北地区长兴期生物礁结构分类及分布

    Structure Classification and Distribution of Reefs of Changxing Group in Northeast Sichuan

  20. 川东北地区大斜度井套管可下入研究

    A Study on Casing Running in Highly-deviated Wells in Northeastern Sichuan Basin

  21. 川东北海相碳酸盐岩气藏模式及勘探前景

    Gas Reservoir Model and Exploration Prospects of Marine Carbonate in Northeast Sichuan

  22. 影响川东北地区深井机械钻速的原因分析与对策

    Factors on the ROP and Countermeasures for Deep Wells in the Northeastern Sichuan

  23. 川东北地区恶性井漏层段地震预测技术探索

    Preliminary study on seismic prediction for severe leakage horizons in the Northeast Sichuan

  24. 在川东北地区演化为碳酸盐蒸发台地。

    The northeastern Sichuan area is evaporative carbonate platform .

  25. 纵弯叠加褶皱地区应力场研究-以川东北地区为例

    Research on the stress fields in superposed fold Area-An example from northeastern Sichuan

  26. 川东北地区恶性井漏处理技术探索

    Techniques of treating seriously lost circulations in Northeast Sichuan

  27. 川东北地区经济发展缓慢之反思

    Reflection of the Slow Economical Development in Northeast Sichuan

  28. 川东北地区空气钻井燃爆分析与预防

    Causes of air drilling downhole burst in Northeast Sichuan basin and preventive measures

  29. 川东北地区须家河组沉积相与储层特征

    Sedimentary facies and reservoir features of the Xujiahe formation in northeastern Sichuan basin

  30. 川东北宣汉-达县地区储层预测技术

    Reservoir prediction technique in the Xuanhan-Daxian area of the northeast of Sichuan , China