
  • 网络industrial endoscope;FIE-A;wcm-II
  1. 工业内窥镜在球磨机研究上的应用

    Application of Industrial Endoscope in Ball Mill Research

  2. 工业内窥镜应用于变压器短路故障综合诊断实例

    Application of industrial endoscope on transformer short-circuit

  3. 工业内窥镜的视频图像采集与处理系统实现

    A Practical System of Video Image Capture and Processing for Industry Electronic Endoscope

  4. 基于图像处理的三维工业内窥镜研究

    Research on 3D-industrial endoscope based on image processing

  5. 光纤工业内窥镜及其应用

    Speculum and its application in optical fiber industry

  6. 工业内窥镜视频图象采集系统,是通过专用的视频图像采集卡将内窥镜图像输入计算机,并实现了视频图象的实时显示、处理和保存。

    This paper introduces the study , principle and implementation of a practical system of video image capture and processing for industry electronic endoscope .

  7. 一种工业用内窥镜摄影系统

    An Industrial Endoscope Photographic System

  8. 针对航空发动机篦齿盘均压孔上产生的表面裂纹,采用基于工业视频内窥镜的孔探技术对其进行自动视觉检测。

    An inspection approach to surface cracks of the aperture on an aeroengine labyrinth disc is studied based on the industrial videoscope in this paper .

  9. 在工业虚拟内窥镜所涵盖的诸多技术中,漫游技术是其中最重要的一环,而中心轴径提取的好坏直接影响着漫游时的效果。

    Industrial virtual endoscope contains a good many technology , in which navigation technology is the most important , while the extraction of centerline has direct effect on the navigation .

  10. 工业用视频内窥镜在故障诊断中运用实例

    The Example of Diagnosis and Maintenance by Using Industrial Video Frequency Endoscope

  11. 随着现代工业检测技术的发展,集光、机、电以及计算机图像处理系统于一体的电子视频工业内窥镜在高端工业,如汽车制造和航天航空工业得到了广泛的使用。

    Detection technology with , the development of modern industry , set light , mechanical , electrical and computer image processing system was integrated electronic video endoscopy in high-end industrial industries such as automotive and aerospace industry has been widely used .