
  • 网络control of industrial pollution
  1. 加强工业污染防治实现环保全面达标天钢工业污染防治对策

    Strengthening Control of Industrial Pollution to Reach Comprehensive Standard of Environmental Protection

  2. (八)环境综合整治三、工业污染防治和城市环境综合整治

    III. The Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution and the Comprehensive Improvement of the Urban Environment

  3. 抓紧工业污染防治,实现环境保护目标

    Firmly Grasping Industrial Pollution Prevention and Treatment , Realizing Environmental Protection Goal

  4. 工业污染防治措施逐步完善。

    Measures for preventing and controlling industrial pollution have gradually been perfected .

  5. 我国纺织工业污染防治现状与发展趋势

    Current Situation & Development Trend of Environment Protection in Chinese Textile Industry

  6. 乡镇工业污染防治战略初探

    The strategy of pollution prevention and control of rural industry

  7. 关于印染工业污染防治的研究

    Study on preventing the pollution of print and dye trade

  8. 试论我国工业污染防治的政策取向

    The tendency of our national policy for preventing industrial pollution

  9. 我国工业污染防治中的利益冲突与协调研究

    Research on Interest Conflict and Coordination for Preventing and Controlling of Chinese Industrial Pollution

  10. 工业污染防治的政策法规体系初步形成。

    Policy and legislation for preventing and controlling industrial pollution have taken initial shape as a coherent system .

  11. 工业污染防治和城市环境综合整治各地区工业污染治理情况

    III. The Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution and the Comprehensive Improvement of the Urban Environment Industrial Pollution Abatement by Region

  12. 70年代,中国的工业污染防治主要集中在点源治理上。

    In the 1970s efforts to prevent and control industrial pollution in China mainly concentrated on the control of point sources .

  13. 在颁布的环境保护法律法规中,也对工业污染防治作出了明确规定。

    The laws and regulations on environmental protection that have been promulgated include explicit provisions on the prevention and control of industrial pollution .

  14. 实现工业污染防治的战略转变。或工农业污水造成污染。

    Changes in the strategy for the prevention and control of industrial pollution have been effected . or contamination with industrial or farm waste .

  15. 各级地方政府结合本地实际情况,制定了地方性的工业污染防治政策。

    Local governments at all levels have worked out local policies on the prevention and control of industrial pollution in accordance with their actual conditions .

  16. 根据第二次全国工业污染防治会议的精神,提出了进一步防治工业污染的具体措施。

    In accordance with the spirit of National Conference of Industrial Pollution prevention and treatment to pose further the concrete measures of industrial pollution harness .

  17. 通过1994年底随中国工业污染防治技术代表团赴日考察所见,对日本的环境保护主要技术加以综合论述。

    As the members of China 's Study Group for Japan 's Industrial Pollution Control Technologies , this paper reviewed and discussed the environmental protection technologies of Japan .

  18. 长期以来,环境保护工作重点放在工业污染防治和城市环境综合整治方面,农业环境保护相对滞后。

    For a long time , environment protection focuses on industrial pollution control and comprehensive improvement of urban environment , which makes the protection of agriculture environment lag behind .

  19. 城市污水处理厂对周边环境污染及防治初步研究三、工业污染防治和城市环境综合整治

    Study on Pollution and Remediation of Circumjacent Environment of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant ; III. The Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution and the Comprehensive Improvement of the Urban Environment

  20. 浅谈我校社会治安综合治理的现状及对策三、工业污染防治和城市环境综合整治

    On the Comprehensive Administration of Public Security and the Countermeasure in Kunming Metallurgy College ; III. The Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution and the Comprehensive Improvement of the Urban Environment

  21. 试论我国污水治理的产治分离体制工业污染防治的目标是大力削减污染物排放。

    Discussion on the System for " Separate Production from Treatment " concerning Sewage Treatment in China ; The aim of the prevention and control of industrial pollution is to substantially cut the discharge .

  22. 但污水处理任务仍很艰巨,必须采取加强工业污染防治,建设大批新的污水处理厂和控制面源污染等对策。

    But the work of waste water treatment is still difficult , so we must adopt some measures , such as strengthening industrial pollution control , constructing some waste water treatment plants and controlling plan pollution sources .

  23. 作为发展中国家,中国面临着更为严峻的环境保护与经济发展、工业污染防治与产业绩效提高间的权衡问题,但是有关环境规制对中国产业绩效影响的研究还较为缺乏。

    As the developing country , China is facing more a severe trade-off between environmental protection and the economical growth , industrial pollution control and industrial performance . However , the related research about the impact of environmental regulation on Chinese industry performance are far from enough .

  24. 我国工业废水污染防治的战略、对策与费用效益分析

    The Strategy , Countermeasures and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Industrial Wastewater Control in China

  25. 工业污染的防治与环境保护策略

    Strategies on Prevention of Industrial Pollution and Environment Protection

  26. 膜分离技术及其在造纸工业水污染防治中的应用

    Membrane Separation Technology and Its Utilization in Paper Industry

  27. 强化建设项目环境管理,促进工业污染源防治工作

    Strengthening Environmental Management on Construction Project , Promoting Harness on Industrial Pollution Sources

  28. 第三章工业噪声污染防治

    Chapter III Prevention and control of industrial noise pollution

  29. 关于农村工业废水污染防治的法律思考

    Legal Consideration of the Control of the Pollution from Industry Waste - water in Rural

  30. 中国的能源工业及其污染防治

    Chinese energy industry and pollution prevention