
ɡōnɡ bīnɡ bù duì
  • Engineering unit;engineer troops;sappers
  1. 环境保护署(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)在写给陆军工兵部队的书面评论中说,这些沙堤的修建可能来不及阻止石油上岸。

    In written comments to the Army Corps of Engineers , the Environmental Protection Agency said the berms might not be built in time to stop oil from hitting shore .

  2. GSA和美国陆军工兵部队也曾经为此而奋斗过。

    The GSA and the Army Corps of Engineers have struggled with that .

  3. 陆军工兵部队还是会来的。

    Army Corps of engineers will be through eventually .

  4. 我们做了极大努力加速炮兵及工兵部队的建设。

    We made every effort to step up the building of our artillery and engineer corps .

  5. 伊利诺斯河工兵部队业务经理麦克·塞博纳说道。

    said Mike Zerbonia , operations manager for the Army Corps of Engineers on the Illinois River .

  6. 上周,美国陆军工兵部队在密苏里州的土结构防洪堤炸开一个3公里宽的口子。

    Last week , the Army Corps of Engineers exploded a three-kilometer-wide hole along an earthen levee in Missouri .

  7. 方法采用普查法对东南沿海某导弹部队、某工兵部队等3920名官兵进行了皮肤病流行病学调查,并采用多种措施对高发皮肤病进行防治。

    Methods Epidemiological investigation into skin diseases was done among 3,920 servicemen from south-eastern coastal troops such as missile unit and engineer troop .

  8. 美国陆军工兵部队检查后报告称,有326座堤坝急需修复。

    The Army Corps of Engineers says of those checked so far , 326 are found to be in urgent need of repair .

  9. 在飓风卡蒂娜来袭,使得其他社区处于更大的危险中之后,美国陆军工兵部队正在调查其是否在新奥尔良建立新的征收系统。

    The US army corps of engineers is investigating whether its new levy system built around New Orleans after hurricane Katinaput other communities at greater risk .

  10. 镇上唯一的纪念碑上写著:?本公路全长104公里,由国军工兵部队所建,柬埔寨政府以及总理洪森敬赠。

    " Gift from Prime Minister Hun Sen and the royal government of cambodia , 104km of road built by the army engineering unit ," reads the town 's only monument .

  11. 它还揭露称军队司令官们两年前采购了27辆高尔夫球车他们将这些球车说成是给军队医院购买的机动轮椅、以及给工兵部队购买的轨道侦察车。

    It also revealed that army commanders had procured 27 golf carts two years ago by passing them off as mechanised wheelchairs for military hospitals and as track alignment reconnaissance vehicles for sapper units .

  12. 新奥尔良陆军工兵部队自然灾害部的主任吉洛伊说,这样的确会影响湖的自然生态,不过这仅仅是暂时的:

    Lee Guillory , the Natural Disaster Manager for the Army Corps of Engineers in New Orleans , says this does disrupt the natural ecology of the lake , but only for a while .

  13. 动工前,陆军工兵部队提交了一份报告,指出这座水坝应发挥四个用途:防洪、发电、确保下游流量足够航行,并“保证亚特兰大获得充足且日益增加的供水。”

    Before the building started , the army corps of engineers filed a report citing the four purposes the dam would serve : flood control , power supply , ensuring an adequate downstream flow for navigation and " Assur a sufficient and increased water supply for Atlanta . "