
  • 网络Tool automation;Vehicle Automation
  1. 本教程的主要目标是帮助从事IBMSystemsDirector的开发人员和测试的人员使用Selenium工具自动化GUI测试。

    The main objective of this tutorial is to help developers and testers working on IBM Systems Director to automate the GUI testing using the Selenium tool .

  2. 使用Calibre的命令行实用工具自动化电子出版

    Automate electronic publishing using Calibre 's command-line utilities

  3. AOP的目标是通过把问题分解成一系列功能模块和一系列贯穿多个功能模块的方面,然后再通过工具自动化的重新组织这些模块和方面,以获得系统的实现。

    The purpose of Aspect-Oriented Programming ( AOP ) is to divide the problem automatically reassembled into a series of function models and aspects crossing many function models by a reorganization of these tools the models and aspects into a whole program .

  4. 工具自动化过程,他们能让过程走得更快。

    Gojko : Tools automate processes-they make a process run faster .

  5. 这些工具自动化并简化现有部署流程,减少出现错误的可能性。

    The tools automate and simplify the existing deployment process to reduce the likelihood of any errors occurring .

  6. 由于这一点,手动干预的评价,由工具自动化支持,就是必要的了。

    Because of this , a measure of manual intervention , helped by tool automation , is necessary .

  7. 社会效率的提高一个是工具自动化水平的提高,另一个是分工的价值。

    Of social efficiency raise one is tool automation level , another is the value of division of labor .

  8. 呈现一个结合使用ApacheAnt和相关的文档/图表生成工具实现自动化的例子。

    Present an automation example that uses Apache Ant in conjunction with the relevant document-or diagram-generating tool .

  9. 但由于IBMSystemsDirector产品不断发展,屏幕经常会发生变更,因此这就要求所用的工具能自动化动态屏幕。

    But as the IBM Systems Director product evolves , there are frequent changes in the screens , which requires a tool to automate the dynamic screens .

  10. 应用统一建模语言(UML)技术和RationalROSE建模工具对自动化立体仓库智能调度系统进行了UML建模,从而形成了自动化立体仓库智能调度软件的软件体系结构模型;

    The architecture of AS / RS intelligence scheduling system software has been designed with Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) modeling technique and Rational Rose .

  11. Herrin在产品测试、云计算、快速配置工具、自动化和Linux方面有深厚的背景。

    Herrin has a strong background in product testing , cloud computing , rapid provisioning tools , automation , and Linux .

  12. 探讨了软件自动化测试原理、自动化测试支撑工具以及自动化测试案例的设计方法,并据此完成了SSE系统自动化测试案例的设计;

    Discusses software 's automation test theory , automation test 's supporting tools , and automation TestCase 's design method , based on which complete the design of SSE system 's automation TestCase ;

  13. 熟练使用相关电子硬件工具设计自动化工具。

    Familiar with electrical hardware design for automatic machines ;

  14. 工具和自动化会有帮助。

    Tooling and automation has proven to be instrumental .

  15. 较新的做法可以通过工具实现自动化,出错的可能性更小。

    The newer practices can be automated by tools and are less susceptible to error .

  16. 关于项目的度量标准是通过在项目过程中日常使用的现有工具的自动化方法获取的。

    Metrics are captured about a project through automated means from existing tools used daily throughout a project .

  17. 报告模块是体现计算机信息系统安全评估工具半自动化性能的重要模块,协助测评人员完成评估任务。

    The report module that shows the semi-automatization is a important part in the information system security evaluation tool .

  18. 一套完整的自动化测试管理系统包括自动化测试管理平台、自动化测试工具及自动化测试脚本。

    A set of this complete system consists of automated test management platform , automated testing tools and automated test scripts .

  19. 工具能够自动化的进行最初的转换,也可以在设计模型和实现模型进行演进时帮助他们保持步调一致。

    Tools can automate the initial transformation and also help to keep the design and implementation models in step as they evolve .

  20. 因此,提高软件测试工具的自动化程度对于确保软件开发质量、降低软件开发成本非常重要。

    Therefore , raising the automation level of software test tool is very important for ensure software development quality and reduction software development cost .

  21. 它不但适用于航天领域各种武器及运载工具的自动化测控系统,也适用于其它工业自动化测控领域。

    It can be used not only in automation test control system of diversified weapons and launch vehicles , but also in other industrial automatic test and control system .

  22. 目前最为成熟的软件自动化测试技术是使用自动化测试框架指导软件自动化测试,它有效地弥补了单一依靠测试工具进行自动化测试所带来的一些局限。

    Currently , the most practical approach for automated testing is using automated testing framework . It can efficiently offset limitation brought by depending on only one test tool .

  23. 大多数人在想到敏捷测试时,先涌上心头的是工具、自动化、何时以及如何测试,还有团队中测试人员的职责。

    The first things many think about when considering Agile Testing are tools , automation , when and how to test , and the role of testers on a team .

  24. 不久前,敏捷社区,特别是那些创始人们,曾抵制了支持诸如故事卡片和大型可视图表等工具的自动化敏捷工具思想。

    Not too long ago , the agile community , especially its founders , resisted the idea of automated agile tools in favor of tangible artifacts like story cards and big visible charts .

  25. 在现代生产制造企业中,作为生产工具的自动化设备无疑是最重要最关键的,而生产设备中很大一部分转速低、承受载荷大、间歇运动为主的低速重载设备。

    In the modern manufacturing enterprises , it is undoubtedly the most important and crucial equipment is the means of production automation equipment . And most of these equipments are consisted of low-speed , heavy-load , and low-speed intermittent movement equipments .

  26. 持续集成近年来得到了广泛的研究:持续集成常用的支撑工具,自动化测试和持续集成的关系,持续集成在中小项目中的应用,日构建和持续集成的区别。

    Continuous integration in recent years obtained the extensive research : continuous integration common support tools , the test automation and continuous integration relationship , continuous integration in small and medium-sized project application , the difference between construct and continuous integration .

  27. 仿真工具软件MATLAB自动化技术的研究与实现

    The Reasearch and Implementation of Automation Techniques of Software MATLAB

  28. 对于RationalQualityManager,有几种方法可以运行由其他测试工具创建的自动化测试。

    With Rational Quality Manager , there are several ways to run automated tests created with other test tools .

  29. IBMRationalFunctionalTest工具包含对自动化框架的丰富支持,甚至支持那些缺少时间或专业技术来开发精细基础结构的团队。

    IBM Rational Functional Test tools include rich support for automation frameworks , even for teams who lack the time or technical skills to develop elaborate infrastructure .

  30. 我能够花费几个月时间来学习一种测试工具并搭建自动化GUI测试集。

    I was able to spend several months learning a test tool and building an automated GUI test suite .