
  • 网络work order;work sheet;W/O
  1. 在此基础上,我们对工单系统进行了需求分析、设计和实现,对工单系统的各运行模块进行了详细的描述,对系统的主要执行流程进行了设计。

    On this basis , it designs the main process of electronic work order system through the analysis , design and realization about the demand system which is described in details .

  2. 福州电信现有的BSS(businesssupportsystem)业务支撑系统在日常宽带工单查询、管理与统计方面存在较多不足。

    The current BSS ( Business Support System ) of Fuzhou telecommunications industry has many shortcomings at the aspects of inquiry , management and statistics of daily broadband work order .

  3. 单击工单的“archive”(存档)按钮。

    Click the " archive " button for the job .

  4. ADSL工单自动发放系统设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of ADSL Worksheet Auto Distribution System

  5. 针对炼化企业设备维护的工单管理系统,分别进行组织模式、静态结构和动态行为的UML建模分析。

    Organization pattern , static structure and dynamic behavior of Workorder Management System ( WMS ) are studied based on UML for equipment maintenance of petrochemical plant .

  6. 介绍了电信业工单工作流管理系统,从模型的角度描述了组成工作流的基本要素,阐述了基于COM组件的系统组成部分和结构。

    A netcom order workflow management system is introduced , the fundamental elements of the model are described , the parts and structure of the system are expounded based on COM components .

  7. [1]工单管理系统作为OSS的一个子系统,贯穿了整个电信运营活动,是生产调度中心。

    As one sub system of OSS , ticketing management system , which is the schedule center , runs through the whole telecommunication operating activities .

  8. MAXIMO是从国外引进的大型设备维修管理系统,具有较先进的管理模式和规范的工单流程。

    MAXIMO is an imported equipment maintenance managing system with advanced management mode and normalized work sheet flow .

  9. 锦西石化设备管理PM模块主要有:设备台帐管理、可靠性为中心的管理、预防/预测性维护管理、设备维修工单管理、备品配件管理、报表分析等几部分组成。

    Jinxi petrochemical equipment management PM modules include : equipment account management , reliability-focused management , prevention / predictive maintenance management , equipment maintenance and repair work order management , spare parts management , reporting and analysis .

  10. 针对MES系统的主要功能生产指挥调度,对其从功能结构、工单数据结构等方面进行了详细设计,并实现了制丝和卷包生产调度功能。

    Take scheduling , the main function in MES , as an example , it designed from the function structure , single data structure and carried out the scheduling function of tobacco-manufacturing and packaging .

  11. 本章首先介绍了工作流在ERP系统中的应用模式,然后结合ERP中的EAM模块的工单处理业务流程说明了工作流的应用流程。

    Firstly , the patterns of usage of workflow in ERP system are introduced . After that , corresponding to the EAM module of an ERP system , we show how to use workflow technology in a worksheet management process .

  12. 该工作辅助管理系统与通信公司现有的办公系统和工单系统紧密衔接,以工作分解结构WBS为基础,对企业的项目过程进行细粒度的有效的管理和控制。

    This work aid management system links the communications enterprise of existing office system and single system with in WBS ( work breakdown structure ) as the foundation , to effective manage and control the enterprise project process .

  13. 在此基础上,设计资产管理系统的体系结构,并利用模块化方法设计EAM系统,对工单管理、资产管理、库存管理、设备管理和资源管理核心子系统进行详细的分析。

    On this basis , architecture of the asset management system is designed and modular method is applied to design the EAM . Then , the worksheet management , assets management , storage management , equipment management and source management are discussed .

  14. XFS系统性能提升的目标是:在移动运营系统BOSS和HLR之间构筑一条高速、稳定的数据处理通道,解决工单积压问题,建立HLR用户数据分析平台,改善移动业务运营支撑系统的性能。

    The advance of XFS aims at building a high-speed and stable channel of data process between BOSS and HLR , resolving the problem of forms overflow and establishing a flat of analyzing the database of subscribers from HLR to enhance the capability of BOSS .

  15. 新建工单时可以使用默认工单。

    The default job can be used in a new job .

  16. 新工单即显示为活动工单。

    The new job is now displayed as your active job .

  17. 用户定义的人工操作不能添加到默认工单中。

    User-defined labour operations cannot be added to the default job .

  18. 工单将被关闭并从列表中移除。

    The job is closed and is removed from the list .

  19. 接着您必须单击关闭工单的按钮。

    You must then click the button for closing a job .

  20. 激活、重命名、关闭和删除打开的工单。

    Activate , rename , close and delete open jobs .

  21. 鞍山网通障碍工单管理系统

    The Obstacle Work List Management System of Anshan Network Communication

  22. 修理工单重休假可修系统平均停机时间研究

    Research of the expected downtime for repairable system with single repairman vacation

  23. 修理工单重休假的单部件系统的可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis of One Unit System for a Vacation of a Repairman

  24. 密切监督生产工单的执行和完成情况。

    Have close monitor on the WO implementation and output .

  25. 引导文式工单在汽车发动机检修教学中的实践

    Practicing the Guided Worksheet in Teaching of Automobile Engine Diagnosis and Repair

  26. 人工操作成功添加到工单。

    Labour operations are successfully added to the job .

  27. 基于规则描述的分布式电信业务工单处理系统

    Distributed processing system of telecom service worksheets based on the description of rules

  28. 通过文本字段更改工单名称。

    Change the job name via a text field .

  29. 在文本框中更改工单名称。

    Change the job name in a text box .

  30. 显示打开的工单列表需要花费很长时间。

    It takes a long time to display the list of open jobs .