
  • 网络ENGINEERING;Engineering and Technology;Engineering & Technology;Engineering Technology
  1. 这篇文章将向你介绍IBM工程与技术服务部门是如何在这四个区域部署RationalPortfolioManager来创建一个无边界的资源环境。

    This article will introduce you to how IBM Engineering and Technology Services has deployed Portfolio Manager in these four areas to create a borderless resource environment .

  2. 在奖金方面,工程与技术、建筑、教育方面的PhD处境一样,不如硕士。

    The premium for a PhD is actually smaller than for a master 's degree in engineering and technology , architecture and education .

  3. 第五、第六和第七名分别是创意艺术与设计(17万8415个学位)、工程与技术(16万4975个学位)和教育学(14万5445个学位),这三者的热度差别不大。

    The 5th , 6th and 7th are respectively Creative Arts & Design ( 178415 ) , Engineering & Technology ( 164975 ) and Education ( 145445 ) , and the differences among them are similar .

  4. 科学家曾用这一手套控制第二代航天机器人,这种机器人和《星球大战》电影中的R2大神一样可以在执行航天任务中提供工程与技术支持。

    The glove helped scientists control Robonaut 2 , a humanoid that provided engineering and technical assistance on space mission just like Star Wars ' R2-D2 .

  5. 早日建立中国工程与技术科学院

    Establishing the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Technology as Early as Possible

  6. 第二阶段,近代工程与技术呈现半分离状态;

    In the second stage , engineering and technology re-present in semi-isolation state ;

  7. 化学工程与技术学科设置环境化工方向研究生学位教育的必要性

    Necessity of Graduate Degree Education of Environmental Chemical Engineering in Chemical Engineering and Technology Subject

  8. 然而,飞艇却留下了人类工程与技术的重要记录。

    They did , however , leave an important record of human engineering and technical skills .

  9. 软件质量工程与技术研究

    Software quality engineering and technology

  10. 系统工程与技术经济分析

    Systems Engineering and Techno-Economic Analysis

  11. 蒸发与凝结是一类在工程与技术领域有着广泛而重要应用的相变现象,但由于其复杂性,现有理论仍难以准确预测蒸发与凝结流率。

    Evaporation and condensation phenomenon has been studied actively for decades because of its extensive and significant applications in various fields of technology and engineering .

  12. 中科院重庆绿色智能技术研究院和空间应用工程与技术中心的科学家们,经过努力终于携手完成了这一耗时两年的项目。

    Scientists with both CAS 's Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology and the Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization were behind the two-year-long project .

  13. 材料的化学信息是理解科学、工程与技术领域各种过程、机制和材料行为的最基本要素。

    Chemical information of materials is essential to the understanding of all kinds of processes , mechanisms and properties of materials in science , engineering , and technology .

  14. 工程与技术、工程伦理学与技术伦理学的关系如何,是我国科学技术哲学领域关注的问题之一。

    The relation between engineering vs technology and engineering ethics vs technology ethics is one of the concerns among the field of philosophy of science and technology in China .

  15. 实际上,尽管工程与技术鉴定委员会鉴定了美国的许多工业工程和工业工程与技术项目,但这些项目之间仍然存在很大的区别和灵活性。

    In fact , even though ABET accredits many IE and IET programs in the United States , there remains much variance and flexibility among each of the programs .

  16. 知识工程与CAD技术相结合是先进设计技术发展的必然趋势。

    The combination of Knowledge-Based Engineering ( KBE ) and CAD is a certain direction in the field of advanced design .

  17. 基于逆向工程与SLS技术的环氧树脂模具制造研究

    Epoxy mould manufacturing research based on reverse engineering and SLS technology

  18. 为了提高项目管理系统开发的标准化、规范化和高效性,本文主要基于领域工程与J2EE技术研究面向科技计划项目管理领域的Web应用框架。

    In order to improve the criterion , standardization and efficiency of project management systems development , this paper research a web application framework for the science and technology plan project management based on domain engineering and J2EE technology .

  19. 文章对MBR在医疗废水中的应用实例进行了工程与经济技术分析。

    " Medical Sewage Treatment Technology Guide " issued by State Bureau of Environmental Protection and " Water Pollution Discharge Standard of Medical Organization " being made all give priority to MBR .

  20. JeanneThereseH.Andres是英国剑桥大学化学工程与生物技术系的菲律宾籍博士生。

    Jeanne Therese H.Andres is a Filipino PhD candidate at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge , UK .

  21. 智能工程与控制技术:历史、发展与未来

    Intelligence Engineering and Control Techniques ── History , Development and Future

  22. 论纺织工程与现代技术的嫁接

    Discussion About the Grafting on the Textile Engineering with Modern Technology

  23. 河北省林业生态工程建设与技术创新

    Achievements of Hebei province forestry ecological engineering construction and technical innovation analysis

  24. 小电流接地选线的工程实践与技术探讨

    Engineering practices and discussion of weak current grounding wire selection

  25. 试述弹药工程与爆炸技术专业的教学改革

    Reform on the Teaching and Learning of Ammunition Engineering and Explosive Technology

  26. 广东省雨雪冰冻灾害森林生态修复工程规划与技术

    The Planning and Technology of Post-frost Forest Ecological Rehabilitation in Guangdong Province

  27. 复杂产品虚拟样机工程方法与技术;

    The means and technologies of the virtual prototyping engineering for complex product ;

  28. 南京奥体主体育场钢屋盖工程难点与技术措施

    Difficulties and Technology Measures in Steel Roof Project of Nanjing Olympic Main Stadium

  29. 沪蓉国道清江特大桥工程设计与技术特点

    Design and Technical Features of Qingjiang Great Bridge In Hu_Rong National Trunk Highway

  30. 弹药工程与爆炸技术本科示范专业的建设与改革

    The reform and development for the specialized subject of ammunition engineering and explosion technology