
  • 网络engineering technology
  1. 本文阐述了农业工程科技开发对我国农业发展的重要意义。

    The paper states the importance of agricultural engineering technology in the development of Chinese agriculture .

  2. 清华毕业生、中国城市建设设计研究院总工程师徐海云把这一成功归功于中国近年来基础设施的快速发展,这为工程科技的进步提供了机遇。

    Xu Haiyun , a Tsinghua alumnus and the chief engineer of the China Urban Construction Design and Research Institute , attributed the success to the rapid development of China 's infrastructure in recent years , which created the chance for progress in engineering technology .

  3. 但是对于工程科技研究所主席JeremyWaston来说,人们应该为这件事感到高兴而不是害怕。

    But for Jeremy Watson , president of the Institute of Engineering and Technology , this is something that the world should be cheerful rather than fearful about .

  4. 推广施工新技术提高工程科技含量

    Popularizing New Construction Technology to Improve the Scientific and Technological Content

  5. 中国铁路工程科技发展思考

    Thoughts on Development of Science and Technology for Railway Construction in China

  6. 依靠工程科技创新发展先进节能技术

    Depend on Scientific Works Innovation and Develop Advanced Energy-saving technology

  7. 论工程科技及工程人才的培养

    Engineering Science and Technology VS the Fostering of Engineering Talents

  8. 重大工程科技进步管理研究

    A Research on the Progress in Science and Technology of Great Projects

  9. 安徽工程科技学院学报总目次

    Journal of Anhui University of Technology and Science

  10. 关于农业工程科技发展与创新的思考

    Thoughts on Development and Recreation of Agri-engineering Technology

  11. 内河航道整治工程科技进步的回顾和展望

    Review and Prospect for the Advance of Science and Technology of Waterway Regulation Works

  12. 四是突破了一批重大工程科技难关。

    S & T breakthroughs have been scored in a host of major projects .

  13. 中国纺织工程科技回顾与展望

    Science , Technology and Engineering : The Retrospect and Prospect of China 's Textile

  14. 岩土工程科技论文的写作

    Writing of Scientific Paper in Geotechnical Engineering

  15. 推进农业工程科技创新,建设社会主义新农村

    Promoting the innovation of agricultural engineering science and technology , building new socialist countryside of China

  16. 对我国工程科技人才育用战略的思考

    Thoughts on the Strategy of Qualified Scientists and Technicians in the Domain of Engineering in China

  17. 对当前我国农业工程科技创新的主要内容及对策的思考

    Reflection on the Main Contents and Countermeasures of Agricultural Engineering Science and Technology Innovation in China

  18. 陕西工程科技技工学校是陕西职业培训机构的典型代表。

    Shaanxi Engineering and Scientific Technical School is a typical representative of the professional training and education .

  19. 加快岩土钻掘工程科技进步推动勘察施工业更大发展

    To speed up scientific and technological advance of ROCR-SOIL drilling engineering and to propel the exploration and construction industry forward

  20. 《石油地面工程科技成果专辑》第1辑出版

    The First Part of " The Special Collection of The Achievements in Scientific And Technical Research of Petroleum Surface Engineering " Published

  21. 如何培养创新型工程科技人才,是当前国内外高等工程教育改革的焦点问题之一。

    How to cultivate innovative engineering and technical talent is hot spot of domestic and abroad higher engineering education reform in recent years .

  22. 种质资源是国家战略资源,是生产力的基础资源,是遗传育种的基本材料,是生物工程科技创新的核心材料。

    Germplasm resources are the strategic resource of the nation , the basic resources of productivity and the essential material for genetic breeding .

  23. 其次,对于政府来讲,要采取相关政策措施,加大对风电工程科技人才培养的扶持,给与政策倾斜。

    Secondly , the Government should adopt relevant policies and measures to increase wind power engineering and technological personnel training support , to give preferential policies .

  24. 工程师为人类物质文明的进步做出了巨大的贡献,工程科技是工程师推动社会经济进步的手段。

    Engineers have contributed enormously to the progress of human society in material wealth . Engineering science and technology is the method by engineers to promote social and economic development .

  25. 弹性地基上板的计算题目一直是广大工程科技职员所关心的题目,由于它在工程中有着广泛的应用,如建筑物的基础、机场跑道、公路路面等。

    The computation of plate on elastic foundation is concerned by many engineering scientific personnel because it is widely used in engineering , such as footing , airport runway , and public roads .

  26. 提出21世纪初我国化纤工程科技发展的方向和重点是加强常规产品差别化、功能性,提高工艺和装备水平和高性能纤维的产业化,研究开发绿色和新型纤维。

    It points out that the engineering and technical trend mainly are exploring differential and functional fibers , upgrading technology and equipment , producing high performance fibers , and developing green and new fibers .

  27. 深层搅拌技术在我国软土地基加固处理方面的应用只有20多年的历史,但其发展速度之快、应用区域之广引起了岩土工程科技工作者的广泛兴趣。

    Deep mixing technology used in reinforcing and handling of soft soil foundation for only twenties years , and was attention by many engineers studied in geotechnical engineering for high speed of development and wide application .

  28. 因此重大工程科技进步管理无疑是管理科学与工程学科应研究的前沿课题之一,无论是在理论上还是在管理方法上都有待我们进行探索和研讨。

    Therefore , the management of ST in great projects is doubtlessly one of the advanced subjects of Management Science and Engineering Subject , and we should make explorations and researches on both the theory and the management methods .

  29. 对于这类引水隧洞围岩的稳定性分析与研究是必不可少的,直接关系着生命财产安全,如何进行稳定性评价是目前工程科技界关注的热点问题。

    The analysis and study of surrounding rock stability is very necessary , which relates to our life and property security . How to evaluate surrounding rock stability is a hot problem in the world of engineering and science .

  30. 随着科技的发展,计算机数值计算越来越显出其重要的地位,这是因为在数学的各个分支和工程科技领域都离不开大量繁琐的计算。

    With the development of science and technology , Calculation mathematics is becoming more and more important for large amount of calculation in other branch of mathematics and engineering , so it becomes a very important branch of mathematics .