
  • 网络Process decision-making;Technology Decision
  1. 防砂工艺决策专家系统开发及应用

    Development and application of sand control technology decision expert system

  2. 与生产资源相适应的工艺决策模型

    Technology Decision Model Conformable to Resources of Production

  3. 敏捷制造中基于AI及Internet技术的电火花加工工艺决策

    AI and Internet Based EDM Technological Decision-making Under Agile Manufacturing Environment

  4. 本文对飞机起落架抗疲劳制造工艺决策支持系统开展研究,设计开发基于Web的飞机起落架抗疲劳制造工艺决策支持系统,实现其部分功能需求。

    In this thesis , Web-based decision-making support system for anti-fatigue manufacturing process of aircraft landing gear is studied .

  5. 智能化人机混合工艺决策CAPP系统的研究

    Research of the User-system Commingled Process Decision-making and Intelligent CAPP System

  6. CAPP系统工艺决策过程的AOV-网表示法及拓扑排序分析

    AOV-network Representation and Topological Sort Analysis of Process Planning in CAPP Systems

  7. 基于ANN的箱体类零件CAPP系统的工艺决策

    The Technical Decision of Box Parts CAPP System Based on Artificial Neural Network

  8. 工艺决策是CAPP系统开发的关键。

    Process decision is the key point to the development of CAPP system .

  9. 面向产品的CAPP装配工艺决策

    The Assembly Process Decision of CAPP for the Product

  10. 基于特征的回转体CAPP工艺决策方法研究

    A Research of Process Decision-Making Methods for Turned Components CAPP Based on Features

  11. CAPP开发工具工艺决策建模的研究

    Research on process decision modeling in CAPP development platforms

  12. 基于PHP技术的快速成形工艺决策系统的研究与开发

    The Research and Exploitation on the RP Process Decision-making Systems Based on PHP Technology

  13. CAPP专家系统中工艺决策的实现

    Realization of Process Decision in CAPP Expert System

  14. 基于对象的CAPP工艺决策方法

    Object - based Method of CAPP Process Decision

  15. 在Oracle关系数据库的支持下,采用一定的数据变换和传递机制,提供了工艺决策模块所需的零件特征信息。

    With support of Oracle RDBMS , process decision-making system access part feature information by data transforming and transmitting .

  16. 工艺决策是CAPP系统的核心,它包括工艺规划和工序设计两方面的内容。

    Process decision-making is the core of CAPP system . It concludes two contents : process planning and operation design .

  17. 因而工艺决策方法以及各种知识库和数据库的建立也成为智能CAPP的关键问题。

    According to this , the construction of the process decision-making logics and knowledge databases are the two most important parts of intelligent CAPP .

  18. 本文课题源于北京市教育委员会资助科技项目基于MIS的印刷机械智能工艺决策系统研究。

    It combined with advanced research project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission-funded , which is the study of MIS-based intelligent decision system for press manufacturing process .

  19. 应用实例表明,所开发数控纵切机床智能CAPP系统和工艺决策方法能提高工艺设计效率和质量,缩短工艺设计周期。

    Applications suggest that the system and the means for decision-making improve the efficiency and quality of technique design , meanwhile shorten the period of it .

  20. 工艺决策建模是CAPP开发工具的研究难点,亦是开发工具走向实用化和商品化的瓶颈所在。

    Process decision modeling has been a huge difficulty in constructing CAPP development platforms all the time , and also a bottleneck hampering pragmatization and commercialization of CAPP .

  21. 智能化、集成化是CAPP系统的主要发展方向,利用人工智能技术进行工艺决策是智能CAPP系统的关键技术。

    Intelligence and integration are main developing directions of CAPP system . Process decision based on the artificial intelligence technology is the key technology of intelligent CAPP system .

  22. 本文在三维绘图软件的基础上针对回转体零件CAD/CAPP系统的集成以及CAPP系统中工艺决策的方式进行了研究。

    The paper has been researched the integration of the CAPP system and the methods of process decision aimed at the revolved parts based on the 3D drawing software .

  23. 因此,采用一般方法难以描述的通用工艺决策建模问题,转而采用AHP法则能比较容易地满足不同制造企业的工艺设计需求。

    Therefore , the decision making model in process planning that is hard to be represented by generic methods , now becomes much easier to be established to meet various manufacturing enterprises .

  24. 本文论述了CBR在CAPP中应用,提出了基于实例推理的气门工艺决策,研究了实例修正及实例知识获取模型。

    It is based on the method of Case Based reasoning which has been developed and applied in CAPP . The paper deals with the application of CBR in CAPP .

  25. 通过对齿轮类零件CAPP系统的研究,将神经网络应用于齿轮类零件的CAPP系统的工艺决策中。

    Upon research on a CAPP system dedicated to gears and similar parts , a neural network is used in the decision making on the appropriate process route of gear CAPP system .

  26. 提出了混合式集成化CAPP系统的核心思想,并建立了融合实例推理技术、采用多种工艺决策方式的集微观工艺设计与宏观工艺过程管理为一体的混合式集成化CAPP系统的体系结构。

    Bring forward the core idea of hybrid integrated CAPP system , established the systematic structure of hybrid integrated CAPP system which comprised of instance reasoning technique and multiple process decision-making mode and macro process management .

  27. 随着现代制造技术的快速发展,CAPP越来越受到企业的广泛关注,工艺决策是CAPP系统中最重要的关键技术环节之一。

    With the rapid development of modern manufacturing technology , the enterprise is more and more widespread concerned on CAPP , process decision-making is one of the most important key technology areas in the CAPP system .

  28. CAPP系统对于零件CAD模型信息的准确、快速、有效的识别,以及工艺决策的合理性等方面,是CAPP系统成功的关键。

    The system of CAPP can well and truly , quickly , effectively recognize the model message of the part 's CAD and reasonably make the decision-making of process , which is the key of the system of CAPP .

  29. 首次提出了并行设计环境下各类机械传动集成CAD软件的设计原理与方法,以完成机械传动的选型、参数、结构设计及工艺决策等相关任务。

    It is the first time to put forward the design principle and method of CAD software of the integration of mechanical drive under the concurrent design conditions so as to fulfill the tasks of type selection , design parameters , configuration and processing technology of mechanical drive .

  30. 针对CAPP系统的三个技术关键&零件CAD信息的描述与输入、工艺决策的实现、工序图和工艺文件的自动生成,进行研究并提出了相应的技术策略。

    Viewing the three technology cruxes of CAPP system , namely , the description and input of CAD information , the realization of the technological decision and the automatic generation of the procedure drafts , the relevant technology strategies have been given out and used .