
  • 网络Mature process;technical maturity
  1. 传统等离子体增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)技术,工艺成熟,制备的薄膜质量高,较适合大规模工业化生产。

    For the high technical maturity and the high deposition quality , traditional plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition ( PECVD ) technology was wide applied in the large-scale industrial production .

  2. 通过不同林龄木材物理性能和纤维形态、化学分析及纸浆造纸性能确定工艺成熟龄。

    The technical maturity of the plantation was determined according to physical property of wood , fibre form , chemical components , and pulp characters .

  3. 其中Si基光波导开关由于其成本低、可靠性高、器件制作工艺成熟等诸多优点而备受重视。

    Especially , Si-based optical waveguide switches are more promising owing to low-cost , high reliability , and very mature fabrication technology .

  4. 可成功合成本研究所需PLGA,低分子肝素-PLGA涂层工艺成熟。

    The synthesis of PLGA and techniques of coating are successful .

  5. 保温材料EPS具有低导热系数、有一定的强度和韧性、可规模化成型、工艺成熟以及施工便利等优点。

    Thermal insulation materials EPS has a low thermal conductivity coefficient , a certain strength and toughness , forming easily , mature technology and so on .

  6. 甲醇可由煤或天然气合成,目前已达到用1.5t标准燃料合成1t甲醇的水平,合成工序比合成汽油简单,工艺成熟,能量效率高。

    The methanol can be synthesised by coal or natural gas , and the synthetic process is simple , the technology is ripe and the efficiency of the energy is higher in comparison with that of the gasoline .

  7. 种子成熟期迟于纤维工艺成熟期两个星期,于种子成熟期收获,NG1的单纤维支数比工艺成熟期下降仅5.20%,原麻产量提高4.04%,而种子增重达26.11%。

    Seed maturity was later two weeks than fiber maturity . When seeds matured , NG 1 fiber counts decreased only 5.20 % , raw ramie yield increased 4.04 % , and seed weight increased 26.11 % , compared with that when fiber matured .

  8. 凝液回收工艺成熟,操作灵活;

    The condensate recovery techniques are mature and their operation is flexible .

  9. 加工工艺成熟,箱体、刀架等重要部件采用整体加工,确保配合精度;

    Well construction with unique machined for all mechanical parts to ensures precision ; 3 .

  10. 非晶硅材料由于成本低廉,工艺成熟,针对非晶硅薄膜晶体管性能提升的课题具有很高的实用价值的。

    Amorphous silicon is the major material for TFT because of its low cost and matured process flow .

  11. 1984/85年榨季甘蔗蔗糖分和工艺成熟期间自然气象要素的关系

    The relation of the essential meteorological factors and sucrose content at the milling sugarcane ripening stage of 1984-85

  12. 结论:该制剂配方合理、工艺成熟、质量可靠,是值得推广应用的氟中毒治疗剂。

    In this paper , areas onable formulation and a reliable method for preparation and quality control are provided .

  13. 本文采用高温固相法制备Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+,Dy3+长余辉发光粉,该方法工艺成熟、条件控制方便、能形成良好的晶体结构。

    This method has the mature craft , convenient control , and the materials can form good crystal structure .

  14. 现场实施结果证明:所优选的酸液体系具有很强的针对性,配套工艺成熟。

    Site implementation results show : The preferred acid system is highly targeted , and the supporting technology is mature .

  15. 单纤维支数1900~2000支以上,全年工艺成熟期152~160d左右。

    The number of single fibres was 1900 to 2000 . The whole ripening duration in a year was 152 to 160 days .

  16. 螺旋钢管因其制造工艺成熟、成本较低,是流体输送管道主要使用的一种钢管。

    Spire steel tube , for manufacture technology maturation and low cost , has become one of the main application fluid transportation pipeline .

  17. 单晶硅太阳能电池因其电转化率高,制造工艺成熟,可靠性好而首先被用于航天领域。

    Because of its high conversion efficiency , mature producing techniques and good reliability , solar cell was firstly used in space field .

  18. 该渗透剂质量稳定、工艺成熟、性能独特,可广泛用于纺织印染行业中。

    This agent with stable quality , mature technology and distinguished properties , is recommended for the wide uses in textile dyeing and printing .

  19. 目前常减压蒸馏流程工艺成熟、改造优化空间小,生产中存在的主要问题是原油加工能耗高。

    Now the technology of atmospheric and vacuum distillation process is mature with little transformation space , and the main problem is high energy consumption .

  20. 林分材种出材率表可以应用于生产实践,也可用于计算林分工艺成熟龄。

    The outturn table of each wood assortment can be applied in practice , and also in calculating the technical cutting age of the stand .

  21. 主要原物料均进口、生产工艺成熟、产品质量稳定、价格合理,深受客户信赖。

    The major raw material is imported , processing is better the quality is stable , the price is reasonable to be believed by customers deeply .

  22. 场效应晶体管作为微电子领域集成芯片的基本组成单元,具有制作工艺成熟,构造简单等特点。

    As the basic unit of micro electronic integrated circuit , Field Effect Transistor ( FET ) possesses the characteristics of well-developed fabrication process and simple structure .

  23. 该工艺成熟、简单、可靠,已用于国外一些炼厂,并可大大改善大气污染,提高回收副产品的质量。

    The ripe , simple and reliable process had been used to some refineries abroad , remarkably improved atmospheric pollution extent and increased quality of recovery by-product .

  24. 其中酸腐蚀法制备多晶硅绒面又因为其工艺成熟,价格低廉等优势成为了目前多晶硅太阳能电池行业制绒的主要方式。

    Acid etching method weave structure of poly-silicon surface with its mature technology , low-cost advantage to become the main way of Texturing of polycrystalline silicon solar cell industry .

  25. 由于渐开线圆柱齿轮有着良好的传递性能、加工刀具简单、工艺成熟等优点,所以被广泛应用于机械传动中。

    Involute tooth profile gear has a good passing performance , as well as simple processing tools , mature technology , et al . So involute cylindrical gears are widely used in mechanical transmission .

  26. 甲醇作为国际公认的清洁代用燃料,因其成本低、原料来源广泛、生产工艺成熟、可再生,受到人们越来越多的关注。

    Methanol is regarded as a clean alternative fuel internationally , which has been received increasing attention , due to its low cost , wide range sources of raw materials , mature product process and renewable .

  27. 半导体气体传感器因其具有结构简单,成本低廉,灵敏度高,工艺成熟等优点,被广泛用于可燃性气体、有毒气体的检漏报警,以及环境气体的监控等领域。

    Semiconductor gas sensors , which have simple structure , low cost , high sensitivity and mature fabricating technique , are now widely employed in detection of toxic and inflammable gases and metering of atmospheric gases .

  28. 研究结果表明,远红外加热(炉温控制在100℃)所制备的预浸带性能及相应复合材料压力容器性能与现行工艺成熟的电加热制品性能相当。

    The results show that , when the temperature of far infrared oven is 100 ℃, the properties of prepreg and its composite vessels are similar to the properties of those made with electric heating process .

  29. 经过10余年工业生产,工艺成熟,性能稳定,在金矿、铜矿、铅锌矿、水泥厂等广泛使用,取得了显著的经济和社会效益。

    With an industrial production experience of over ten years , ripe technology and stable performances , it has been widely used in gold , copper and lead-zinc mines and cement plants with remarkable social and economic results .

  30. 本文设计的电子天平中,选用了电阻应变式传感器,它具有制作方便、工艺成熟、价格便宜、精度高、稳定性好及已有系列产品等方面的独到长处。

    This article choose resistance-strain sensors to design high - precision electronic balance , because it has such advantages as easy production , well-rounded processes , low cost and price , therefore it is preferred at home and abroad .