
jù bò
  • giant;thumb
巨擘 [jù bò]
  • (1) [thumb]∶大拇指

  • 于齐国之士,吾必以仲子为巨擘焉。--《孟子.滕文公下》

  • (2) [giant]∶比喻杰出人物;在某一方面居于首位的人物

  • 医界巨擘

巨擘[jù bò]
  1. 文艺复兴时期的文学巨擘:斯宾塞、莎士比亚、多恩与弥尔顿

    the titans of Renaissance literature : Spenser , Shakespeare , Donne and Milton .

  2. 他的父亲是一位商业巨擘。

    His father is a merchant prince .

  3. 在19世纪50年代,人们认为列奥纳多·达·芬奇无法与提香和拉斐尔等文艺复兴时期的艺术巨擘相比,他们的作品价值几乎是《蒙娜丽莎》的十倍。

    In the 1850s , Leonardo da Vinci was considered no match for giants of Renaissance art like Titian and Raphael , whose works were worth almost ten times as much as the " Mona Lisa " .

  4. 甚至连谷歌(Google)这样的业界巨擘也觉得自己必须跳上这辆社交媒体的时尚花车。

    Even mighty Google ( GOOG ) felt it had to jump onto the social bandwagon .

  5. 美国家装业巨擘家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)过去两年间,也已陆续关闭其在中国的5家超市。

    Home Depot , the US home improvement giant , has closed five of its Chinese superstores in the past two years .

  6. 即便对bp这样的巨擘而言,发现新油田也是一件大事,可以增强其储量基础。

    Even for giants like BP , the discovery of a new field is a major event , shoring up its reserve base .

  7. 在苹果(Apple)与三星(Samsung)法律诉讼的最新进展中,知名设计师与科技巨擘针锋相对。

    Star designers are being pitted against tech titans in the latest episode of Apple 's legal battle with Samsung .

  8. 然而,首先他要效仿那些猎头巨擘LinkedIn和Monster。

    But first he is going after the jobs giants , LinkedIn and Monster .

  9. 2018年,反对科技巨擘(BigTech)的声音将扩散到科技行业雇员群体,很多人质疑他们所做的工作是否真的在拯救世界。

    The Big Tech backlash will spread to technology industry employees in 2018 , as many question whether the work they do really is saving the world .

  10. 碰巧,叶真理也是银行业巨擘汇丰(HSBC)的一名长期客户。

    As it happens , Mr Ye Gon was also a long-time client of banking giant HSBC .

  11. 壳牌和BG将成为液化天然气行业的巨擘。

    Shell and BG will be an LNG behemoth .

  12. 据报道,众多新基金将在该地区发起,而一些国际巨擘包括索罗斯基金管理公司(sorosfundmanagement)在内在香港开设办事处的消息,成为了头条新闻。

    Dozens of new funds were reported to be springing up in the region while global heavyweights including Soros Fund Management grabbed headlines as they opened offices in Hong Kong .

  13. 拥有茂名炼油及石化厂的中国炼油巨擘中石化(Sinopec)不愿置评。

    Sinopec , the Chinese refining giant that owns the Maoming refinery and petrochemical complex , declined to comment .

  14. 市值达2000亿美元的中国电商巨擘阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的马云在收购香港英文报纸《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)的问题上搞得一团糟。

    Jack Ma of Alibaba , the $ 200bn Chinese ecommerce giant , is making an awful mess of the purchase of the South China Morning Post , Hong Kong 's English-language daily .

  15. 本月初,中国电子商务巨擘阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)申请在美国上市,有望成为美国历史上规模最大的IPO之一。

    Earlier this month , China 's e-commerce giant Alibaba Group filed to go public in the U.S. in what could be one of the biggest IPOs in American history .

  16. 科技巨擘苹果(Apple)计划将过去10年来游客经常造访的那家旗舰店,从如今已成为地标的玻璃方屋下方的地下室中搬出。

    Apple , the tech group , plans to move out of the basement where it has operated a flagship store-cum-tourist attraction for the past decade , underneath a now-iconic glass cube .

  17. 看看一个多世纪以来全球摄影领域的领军企业柯达(kodak)等企业巨擘吧。

    Look at dinosaurs such as Kodak , the world leader in photography for over a century .

  18. 当然,科技行业那些曾经的巨擘(例如,Wang和ICL)都已消失。

    Certainly , companies that were once big names in technology - Wang and ICL , for example - are no longer around .

  19. 中国搜索引擎巨擘百度计划以19亿美元收购网龙公司(NetDragonWebsoft)的子公司91无线(91Wireless)。若交易成功,这将成为中国互联网业最大一笔收购交易。

    Chinese search engine giant Baidu plans to buy the entire share capital of NetDragon Websoft 's subsidiary 91 Wireless for $ 1.9bn , making it the biggest acquisition deal in China 's internet industry if it succeeds .

  20. 上周二,RWC从养老基金巨擘Hermes收购三支单边做多基金。

    Last Tuesday , RWC acquired three long-only activist funds from pension fund giant Hermes .

  21. 它们不相信哪个政府有胆量或权力让花旗集团(citigroup)或德意志银行(deutschebank)这样的巨擘倒闭,将其资产转到另一家银行。

    They do not believe that any government would have the nerve or power to close a Citigroup or a Deutsche Bank and transfer its assets to another bank .

  22. 他推动摩根大通越来越多地参与到了科技公司的资本运作,其中最引人注意的就是中国电子商务巨擘阿里巴巴(Alibaba)备受期待的首发上市。

    And he 's been increasingly pushing the firm into tech deals , most notably , the much-anticipated initial public offering of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba .

  23. 英国石油(BP)将全面冻结该公司员工今年的薪资。这是一家石油巨擘为应对最近数月的油价暴跌而采取的最新的削减成本举措。

    BP will freeze salaries across the company this year in the latest move to cut costs by an oil major to address the impact of the plunge in the oil price in recent months .

  24. 德国阻止EADS与BAE合并,错过了缔造全球航空航天巨擘的机会。

    Germany shot down the EADS-BAE merger , missing an opportunity to create a global aerospace giant .

  25. 运动服装巨擘耐克(Nike)未能继续逃脱经济衰退的影响,第四季度销售数据已首次体现出全球放缓对该公司的影响。

    Unable to keep outrunning the recession , sportswear behemoth Nike has shown the first impact of the global slowdown in its fourth-quarter sales .

  26. 奥普拉温芙瑞(OprahWinfrey)是有史以来最成功的生活时尚巨擘,她总是让自己的生活成为工作的关注焦点。

    The most successful lifestyle guru , Oprah Winfrey , has always made her life a central focus of her work .

  27. 去年,韩国科技巨擘三星电子(SamsungElectronics)移动设备收入下滑近五分之一,该公司公布2014年第四季度盈利大幅下滑。

    Samsung Electronics ' revenue from mobile devices fell nearly a fifth last year , as the South Korean tech giant revealed a sharp contraction in earnings in the final quarter of 2014 .

  28. 淡马锡也是中国阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的早期投资者。后者作为电子商务巨擘,年成交额已经超过2500亿美元,比亚马逊(Amazon)和eBay加起来还要多。

    Temasek was an early investor in China 's Alibaba , an e-commerce titan whose annual transactions today exceed $ 250 billion , or more than Amazon and eBay combined .

  29. 中国油气行业三巨头中的炼油巨擘中石化(Sinopec),今年迄今为止股价已累计上涨34%,轻松超越了中石油。

    Sinopec , the refinery arm of China 's oil and gas triumvirate , has seen its share price rise 34 per cent year-to-date , comfortably outpacing PetroChina .

  30. 去年,电商巨擘阿里巴巴(Alibaba)完成了历史上最大规模的首次公开发行(IPO),筹资250亿美元,市值超过2000亿美元。

    Last year , Alibaba , the ecommerce giant , completed the biggest initial public offering in history , raising $ 25bn and establishing its market capitalisation at more than $ 200bn .