
  • The Lich King;WLK
  1. 我们想用小号再来击杀一次巫妖王(普通难度),不过这个看起来对我们的DPS是相当巨大的挑战!

    Hopefully we will manage to kill the Lich King with our alt raid in Normal but the DPS requirements seem quite high !

  2. 我们还计画在巫妖王之怒中加入PVP区域,冬拥湖,有着世界性PVP任务以及攻城武器。

    We have plans in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion for a world PvP zone , Lake Wintergrasp , which will feature world PvP objectives and siege weapons .

  3. 该公司首席执行长丁磊(WilliamDing)在上周的电话会议上说,公司正在努力,以求尽快把《巫妖王之怒》提交给政府审批。

    William Ding , chief executive of NetEase , said in a conference call last week that the company is working hard to submit'Wrath of the Lich King'for government review as soon as possible .

  4. 巫妖王在Putricide教授,鲜血女王Lana'thel和辛德拉苟萨被击败前不会被激活。

    The Lich King may not be attempted until Professor Putricide , Blood-Queen Lana'thel , and Sindragosa are defeated .

  5. 巫妖王:还有伯瓦尔佛塔根和他一起陪葬。

    The Lich King : And Bolvar Fordragon died with him .

  6. 有趣的是,西瓦娜斯和巫妖王是相连的。

    Interestingly , Sylvanas is connected to the Lich King .

  7. 这种趋势会在《巫妖王之怒》中延续吗?

    Is this trend going to continue with Wrath of the Lich King ?

  8. 巫妖王:这是怎么回事?

    The Lich King yells : What is this ?

  9. 一位新的巫妖王坐魔兽世界巫妖王之怒在了冰封王座上。

    A new Lich King now took poe ion of the Frozen Throne .

  10. 只要巫妖王活着,西瓦娜斯就不会被杀。

    As long as the Lich King lives , Sylvanas can never be killed .

  11. 每当此效果跳跃一次,巫妖王的力量就会增加。50000码范围,瞬发。

    Whenever this effect jumps , The Lich King 's power will increase.50000 yds .

  12. 我们要向巫妖王复仇!

    We vowed vengeance against the Lich King !

  13. 玩家将在阿尔萨斯堕落成巫妖王之前与他并肩作战。

    Players will be fighting alongside Prince Arthas before he falls to the Lich King .

  14. 巫妖王必将被战胜!

    The Lich King will be defeated !

  15. 无敌,魔兽世界巫妖王的陨落主题曲。

    The song of invincible from World Of Warcraft : Fall of the Lich King .

  16. 暴雪今天更新了两张新的巫妖王的愤怒的截图。

    Blizzard Entertainment released two new screenshots of Wow : Wrath of the Lich King .

  17. 巫妖王给了我真正的力量,我会次次杀死我的父亲。

    The Lich King gived me the true power , I will kill my father ereyonce .

  18. 巫妖王:走吧,离开这里!永远也不要回来。

    The Lich King : Now , GO ! Leave this place , and never return .

  19. 巫妖王喊道:不可能

    The Lich King yells : Impossible

  20. 在《巫妖王之怒》中蜘蛛人不会作为一个新加入的可选种族出现。

    You won 't see them as a playable race in wrath of the Lich king .

  21. 你们从巫妖王之怒的冬拥湖中学到了什么?

    Q.What have you learned from the inclusion of Wintergrasp in Wrath of the Lich King ?

  22. 为了巫妖王!

    For the Lich King !

  23. 由于走了捷径,阿尔萨斯在寒冰王冠魔兽世界巫妖王是谁的山顶截住了伊利丹。

    The Shortcut fulfilled its purpose and Arthas intercepted Illidan on the peak of the Icecrown glacier .

  24. 当我完成以后,你会乞求我的仁慈,而我会毫不留情巫妖王之怒的粉碎你的希望。

    When my work is complete , you will beg for mercy and I will deny you .

  25. 很显然,他们在这个传说中表现都很突出,甚至包括我们的巫妖王小阿童鞋。

    Obviously they figure prominently in the lore , up to and including the Lich King himself .

  26. 在《巫妖王之怒》中“旧”的声望不会给你新的奖励。

    You shouldn 't see any " old " faction providing rewards in Wrath of the Lich King .

  27. 在一统诺森德大陆之后,巫妖王准备着手执行他真正的任务。

    Left to rule his kingdom unopposed , the Lich King began preparing for his true mission in the world .

  28. 自从联盟和部落联手对抗巫妖王之怒,已经过去三年了

    Three years has passed since the mortal races banded together and stood united against the wrath of the Lich King

  29. 在巫妖王之怒中,快补越来越有赢面,因为即将到来伤害的特性使然。

    Increasingly in LK , it 's just the fastest spell that wins because of the nature of incoming damage .

  30. 他说正是巫妖王祖达克灵魂兽导演了这一切,巫妖王的目的是利用霜祖达克任务之哀伤控制阿尔萨斯。

    He explained that the Lich King , the Lord of the Scourge , manipulated Arthas into taking Frostmourne to himself .