
chā bié shuì lǜ
  • differential tariff
  1. 实行差别税率,合理设计关税;

    Exercise differential export tax rates and institute rational tariffs ;

  2. 荷兰的水资源管理委员会参与水资源税的制定与管理,并且实行区域差别税率,有利于平衡各种利益。

    In Dutch , the Water Resources Management Committee takes part in the design and management of water resources tax .

  3. 分别研究了单一产品时、两种产品时的统一税率的确定以及两种产品时的差别税率。

    It researches on the setting of uniform tax rate under single commodity or Double commodities and the different tax rate between two products .

  4. 在税率设置方面,物业税应采用比例税率,根据土地、房屋的实际用途来设置差别税率;土地闲置税可以按照城镇土地级别的土地闲置时间实行差别比例税率。

    In terms of tax ratio , property tax should be collected with proportional tax rate ; vacant land tax can be implemented with differentiated rates by time and grades .

  5. 今后,在降低汽车购置阶段税赋、推行差别税率、提高地方税收的比例方面还要进一步深化改革。

    In the future we need to deepen the reformation on the aspects of decreasing of the vehicle purchasing tax , implementation of the tax rate difference and increasing of the percentage of the local lax income .

  6. 在政策内容上,要贯穿于企业的创办、发展、再投资、科技开发、联合改组各个环节上,运用差别税率,规定起征点等来促进扩大就业规模。

    About the policy content , we can practice different tax rate and tax point during the process of creating , development , reinvestment , technological studies , association and reorganization of companies to promote employment . 4 .

  7. 为了促进产品结构升级,提高竞争力,应该细化消费税的税率档次,对车辆购置税实行差别税率,改生产型增值税为消费型增值税。

    Obtained the conclusion that in order to promote the product structure , enhance the competitive power , the consumption tax rate should be subdivided , the vehicles purchase tax should be established different tax rate , the increment duty should be changed into the expense increment duty .

  8. 水资源污染税的征税对象是在我国境内排放污水的单位和个人,采用行业差别的比例税率,在排放阶段进行征收。

    The tax collection targets were the units and individuals who used water resources and polluted in our country .