
  • 网络differential settlement;differential subsidence
  1. Usher模型在某原油储罐地基差异沉降预测中的应用研究

    Application Study on Differential Settlement Prediction for Foundation of a Crude Oil Tank with the Usher Model

  2. 桩筏基础差异沉降控制措施研究

    Study on the control measures of differential settlement of piles-raft foundation

  3. 应用MARC软件,建立路桥过渡段差异沉降的三维计算模型。

    Applying for MARC software , three-dimensional numerical model of differential settlement at bridge-subgrade transition section was built .

  4. 理论和实践均表明:CM长短桩复合地基可以有效提高地基承载力,减小建筑物沉降量,降低差异沉降。

    Theoretical study and engineering practice show that it can effectively improve foundation bearing capacity , reduce building settlement , and cut down the settlement difference of foundation slab .

  5. 用CFG桩复合地基处理不均匀地基的差异沉降地基土的随机地震反应的一个解法

    Application of CFG Pile Compound Ground Base in Non Homogeneous Soil Improvement A procedure for solving stochastic seismic response of nonhomogeneous soil deposits

  6. EPS能较圆满地解决软基的过度沉降和差异沉降以及桥台和道路相接处的差异沉降,减少桥台的侧向压力和位移等问题。

    Utilizing EPS can decrease excessive subsidence and discrepant subsidence of soft subgrade , reduce lateral pressure and displacement of bridge pier , and so on .

  7. 实践表明,EPS硬泡沫塑料具有质轻、施工方便等优点,采用直立式结构能进一步减小地基压力,同时节约占地,能有效的减小新老路基间的差异沉降。

    The practice indicated that the EPS roadbed have advantages of light weight and convenient construction , erection structure will reduce more ground press and land area .

  8. 研究结果:通过对对地下商业街立柱进行两次托换,第一次托换消除可能产生的1.7~2.4mm的差异沉降。第二次转换时,消除地下商业街侧墙与立柱可能产生的最大沉降差8.4mm后。

    Research results : After two underpinning to marketplace structure , the possible different settlement of 1.7 ~ 2.4 mm are banished and then the maximal settlement between side walls and pillars of 8.4 mm is eliminated .

  9. 地基差异沉降时管道的纵向力学性状分析

    Analysis of Longitudinal Mechanical Properties for Pipeline during Foundation Uneven Settlement

  10. 控制差异沉降的复合桩基优化设计方法

    Optimum Design of Composite Pile Foundation to Control the Differential Settlement

  11. 差异沉降对建筑物上部结构的地震反应分析

    Influences of seismic response due to the differential settlement on the superstructure

  12. 土工网处理桥头差异沉降的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Alleviating Bridge Approach Settlement with Geonet

  13. 桩筏、桩箱基础减小差异沉降的调平设计

    The reducing differentia settlement level-adjust design of pile-raft and pile-box

  14. 软土地基上控制建筑物差异沉降的降水处理方法

    Dewatering in Controlling Differential Settlement of Building in Soft Clay

  15. 采用泡沫胶板调整差异沉降的基础设计方法

    Foundation design method with foam rubber to adjust differential settlement

  16. 拓宽道路工后差异沉降的危害性及防治措施

    Dangerous and Measures on Differential Settlement in Widen Out Road

  17. 拓宽路堤路面铺设时间应以新老路堤工后差异沉降大小为控制标准。

    Time for pavement can be determined by post construction differential settlement .

  18. 新老路基拼接中差异沉降的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation on Differential Settlement of Jointing of New and Old Roadbed

  19. 基于路面结构开裂的路桥过渡段差异沉降控制标准研究

    Research on Design Criterion of Bridge-Approach Settlement Considering Pavement Cracking

  20. 人车路系统分析模型在差异沉降指标确定中的应用

    Application on People-Vehicle-Road Analysis Model on Differential Settlements of Bridge-Approach

  21. 交通荷载作用下近桥台处差异沉降与路面结构开裂研究

    Study on approach settlement and pavement cracking adjacent to abutment under traffic loading

  22. 差异沉降是群桩复合地基的一个不容忽视的问题。

    Differential settlement is an important problem in composite foundation of pile group .

  23. 基于差异沉降控制的地基基础优化设计方法

    Optimized Design Method of Foundation Based on Differential Settlement

  24. 路桥过渡段差异沉降控制标准与人车路相互作用

    Differential Settlement Control Criterion of Bridge-Approach and People-Vehicle-Road Interaction

  25. 高速公路扩建工程差异沉降控制技术研究

    Research on the Controlling Technology of Deferential Settlement in Express Highway Widening Projects

  26. 地裂差异沉降的泊松旋回过程分析

    Analysis for taphrogenic differential settlement with Poisson cycle method

  27. 半填半挖式路基差异沉降对沥青路面结构影响分析

    The influences of the asphalt pavement deformation due to the differential subgrade settlements

  28. 软粘土层上的油罐差异沉降陕北石油秩序

    Differential settlement of oil storage foundation on soft clay

  29. 上海仲盛商业中心逆作法施工中的差异沉降控制技术

    Control Technology of Differential-settlements in Shanghai Zhongsheng Commercial Center

  30. 基于路面应力分析高速公路拓宽工程差异沉降控制标准

    Analyzing the Standard of Differential Settlement in Expressway Extension Project Considering Pavement Stress