
  • 网络Palermo;olivia palermo
  1. 费伯奇(Fabergé)最近请奥利维亚•巴勒莫(OliviaPalermo)、艾琳•欧康娜(ErinO’Connor)以及安德丽亚•瑞斯波罗格(AndreaRiseborough)代言其Treillage珠宝系列后,它们很快就销售一空。

    When Faberg é recently placed its Treillage collection on Olivia Palermo , Erin O'Connor and Andrea Riseborough , the jewels sold briskly .

  2. 在利比亚,现在有50万至100万叙利亚及撒哈拉以南非洲的人等着逃往欧洲,意大利巴勒莫(Palermo)的高级检察官毛里齐奥斯卡利亚(MaurizioScalia)表示。

    In Libya , there are 500,000 to 1m Syrians and sub-Saharans waiting to flee to Europe , senior prosecutor Maurizio Scalia in Palermo said .

  3. 费耶罗酒店(Soler5862;fierrohotel.com;双人间129美元起)坐落在巴勒莫好莱坞街区(PalermoHollywood)上的一处绝佳地点,性价比极高,配备的设施(不同枕头可选,奈斯派索[Nespresso]咖啡机)都是远为更贵的酒店才会使用的。

    With a great location in Palermo Hollywood , the Fierro ( Soler 5862 ; fierrohotel.com ; doubles from $ 129 ) is great value , with the amenities ( pillow menu , Nespresso machines ) of a much more expensive hotel .

  4. 巴勒莫(Palermo)——歌德曾称之为拥有无法形容之美的城市——或许是目前西欧唯一能让你走在二战瓦砾堆中感受发展状况的城市。

    Palermo - a city Goethe once claimed was possessed of an impossible-to-describe beauty - may now be the only city in Western Europe where you can still find yourself picking your steps through World War II rubble , just to give a sense of development here .

  5. 在巴勒莫一家医院里动个简单手术,就可以一劳永逸地免除痛感。

    Simple surgery in a Palermo hospital would permanently relieve the pain .

  6. 游船于6月14日抵达巴勒莫。

    The cruise liner called at Palermo on june14th .

  7. 对巴勒莫港防波堤破坏原因的讨论

    A discussion on the reason of destruction of Breakwater at port palermo , italy

  8. 巴龙一个星期睡她一次然后就回巴勒莫。

    The Baron screws her once a week and then goes back to palermo .

  9. 他被一封由信使专送的紧急信件召至巴勒莫。

    He was called to Palermo by an urgent message delivered by a courier .

  10. 我家搬到巴勒莫,将在那念大学。

    We 're moving to Palermo in october , where I 'll go to university .

  11. 现在,尤文和国际米兰都希望得到他,同时还包括巴勒莫。

    At the moment Juve and Inter are on his trail , but also Palermo .

  12. 巴勒莫与拉齐奥已经到达同意双方进行守门员交换的边缘。

    Palermo and Lazio are on the verge of agreeing to a goalkeeper swap deal .

  13. 你怎么不象他一样在巴勒莫陪你母亲呢。

    How come you didn 't be like him and be with your mother in palermo .

  14. “和巴勒莫参加下赛季的冠军联赛将是非常美好的.”

    " To fight for the Champions League with Palermo next season would be beautiful . "

  15. 一个世纪后,人们仍能看到罗莎莉娅睡在巴勒莫的卷尾墓穴里。

    One century later , Rosalia can still be seen sleeping in the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo .

  16. 佛罗伦萨队昨晚战胜巴勒莫队,大大增加了他们本赛季晋级的可能性。

    Fiorentina 's win against Palermo last night has considerably increased their chances of promotion this season .

  17. 这间引领潮流的秘鲁料理餐厅位于巴勒莫好莱坞区,装潢优美,拥有一间宽敞的庭院。

    The Peruvian trendsetter 's Palermo Hollywood cebicher í a is sleek , with a spacious patio .

  18. 游船于6月14日抵达巴勒莫。希特勒这天表现得十分通情达理。

    The cruise liner called at Palermo on June 14th . Hitler was being most reasonable this day .

  19. 四天的休息后,将对阵巴勒莫,一个冠军级别的球队。

    Only four days separate us from the match against Palermo , a team of Champions League level .

  20. 巴勒莫后卫安德雷。巴尔扎利的经纪人降低了即将来临的和尤文图斯的会谈的重要性。

    The agent of Palermo defender Andrea Barzagli has played down talk of an imminent move to juventus .

  21. 在巴勒莫的表现不是他们正常的水平,但并不是因为心理问题。

    The performance in Palermo was under their norm , but it was not due to some psychological factor .

  22. 在巴勒莫,我问:“如果欧元垮了,情况会很糟糕吗?”

    In Palermo , the answer to my question " would it be bad if the euro died ? "

  23. 据塔查大夫说,老头子仍然在同巴勒莫市的新兴的黑帮闹纠纷。

    He was still having trouble with the new Mafia in the town of Palermo , Dr. Taza said .

  24. 但是下周我们必须小心,巴勒莫有一个很好的阵容。

    It was far too important to pick up a positive result , seeing that Palermo were not playing .

  25. 巴勒莫中后卫克亚尔似乎将在下个夏季转会市场引起一番轰动,两家伦巴第的俱乐部已经加入抢购其行列

    The Rosanero stopper is likely to spark an auction next summer and the Lombardy sides have now joined the hunt

  26. 第四波疫情的最后一个有记录的受害者是一个来自巴勒莫的小女孩,名叫罗莎莉娅,隆巴尔多。

    One of the last documented victims of the Fourth Wave was a little girl from Palermo , Rosalia Lombardo .

  27. 这名边锋在这月底已经与佛罗伦萨和巴勒莫的转会联系在一起。

    The winger has been associated with a move to either Fiorentina and Palermo by the end of this month .

  28. 现在我们即将面对和巴勒莫的比赛,希望在联赛中也回到胜利的道路上。

    Now we have to concentrate on Palermo and are objective is to get back to winning in the league .

  29. 塔查大夫主动提出,在他每一次到巴勒莫逛妓院时,顺便也带上迈克尔,但迈克尔谢绝了。

    Dr. Taza offered to take Michael into Palermo with him on his weekly visit to the bordello but Michael refused .

  30. 第二回合在巴勒莫的比赛将是决定性的,我们将带着强烈的渴望参加下回合之战。

    The return in Palermo will be important , there is a great desire to go through to the next round .