
  • 网络Pakistan;Ba State
  1. 巴国城市发展及其特点初论

    On the Development and its Characteristics of the City in Ba State

  2. 春秋战国时期,巴国的城市获得了一定的发展,从文献可知者有江州、垫江、平都、阆中、枳5座都城。

    In the period of Warring States , the city of Ba State acquires certain development .

  3. 出版诗集《清江寻梦》、《巴国俪歌》,散文集《风流地·风流人》等。

    He published poetry anthology " Seek Dreams of Qing River ", prose anthology " Romantic Place , Romantic Person ", etc.

  4. 古瑞希说,在巴基斯坦呼吁印度调查巴国士兵马克苏被杀一案后,至今尚未获得印度的正式回应。

    Qureshi said there has been no official response from India yet after Pakistan called for India to investigate the death of the pakistanian soldier maqsood .

  5. 湖北包山楚墓出土竹简中,纪年简文有大司马悼滑将楚邦之师徒以救郙之岁一简,其中的郙是国名,即巴国。

    " Fu ", on one of the chronological slips of the inscribed bamboo slips unearthed from the Chu Tomb at Baoshan , Hubei , is the name of the Ba Kingdom .

  6. 随着两国势力的此消彼长,巴国逐渐退入峡江地区,楚国则不断西进,将势力向峡江地区拓展。

    With the shift in forces between the two kingdoms , Ba kingdoms gradually retreated into the Three Gorges region , while Chu kingdom expanded towards west continuously to the Three Gorges region .

  7. 待在这个工作几年后,衣籁到政府税务部门工作,在那里,对于巴国女性被对待的方式,她表达了内心真实的想法,也引起众多的争议。

    Elahi stayed at that job for a few years and then worked for the government 's tax department , where she made waves expressing exactly how she felt about the treatment of women in Pakistan .

  8. 《今日早报》消息,9日下午,重庆巴国城广场四个西装笔挺的年轻人坐在地上聊天,不一会儿就有三人躺倒在地上不动弹了。

    Four young men in suit were having a chat at Baguocheng Square in Chongqing on the afternoon of Nov.9 , but soon three of them fell asleep on the ground , Today Morning News reports .

  9. 我必将你们的儿女卖在犹大人的手中,他们必卖给远方示巴国的人。这是耶和华说的。

    And I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the children of Judah , and they shall sell them to the Sabeans , to a people far off : for the LORD hath spoken it .

  10. 新的定居点建在吉罗。以色列于1967年战争期间占领了这片西岸土地,之后就开始兴建城市定居点。巴勒斯坦意在东耶路撒冷建立未来的国都,而以色列在此建设住宅是对巴国的否认。

    The new homes to be built in Gilo , an urban settlement that Israeli raked on land it captured on the West Bank during the 1967 War , for this area of east Jerusalem is where the Palestinians want to put the capital of their future state .

  11. 但政府称,周四巴基耶夫离国时没有带上他曾掌管总统安全部门、并面临数宗谋杀指控的兄弟。

    Bakiyev left Thursday without his brother , who headed the presidential security service and faces murder charges .

  12. 秦巴山区是我国南北药用植物的荟萃之地,南北药材兼备,且垂直分异现象明显。

    Qinling Bashan Mountains : This region is the convergent place where the southern medicinal plants and the northern ones meeting , and have obvious vertical difference .

  13. 基列的一半,并亚斯他录,以得来,就是属巴珊王噩国的二城,是按着宗族给玛拿西的儿子玛吉的一半子孙。

    And half gilead , and ashtaroth , and edrei , towns of the kingdom of og in bashan , were for the children of machir , the son of manasseh , for half of the children of machir by their families .

  14. 进入夏商以后,古老的巴族活跃在这里,建立起泱泱巴国,创造了自成一系的巴文化。

    After the birth of Xia and Shang Dynasty , ancient Ba tribe flourished in this area and established a great Ba State and created Ba culture .