
  • 网络Barcelona;university of barcelona;UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA
  1. 这场战役目前在陆地上,即巴塞罗那大学温室中进行。

    The battle is currently being waged on land , in greenhouses at the University of Barcelona .

  2. “这个项目有两个方面,”欧洲商业稻米项目地项目经理、巴塞罗那大学研究人员克沙维尔·塞拉特说。

    " The project has two sides , " says Xavier Serrat , Neurice project manager and researcher at the University of Barcelona .

  3. 来自西班牙巴塞罗那大学、加拿大蒙特利尔神经学研究所和麦基尔大学医院的研究人员发现,患这种病的人,他们负责处理声音的脑皮层区域与处理奖赏的皮层下区域之间的连通性较弱。

    Researchers at the University of Barcelona ( Spain ) and the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital of McGill University ( Canada ) have discovered that people with this condition showed reduced functional connectivity between cortical regions responsible for processing sound and subcortical regions related to reward .

  4. 巴塞罗那自治大学(AutonomousUniversityofBarcelona)的20岁学生法兰(MariaFabregatFarran)从15岁开始,每次考试都会带上一个红色的手镯。

    Since the age of 15 , Maria Fabregat Farran , a 20-year-old student at the Autonomous University of Barcelona , has always worn a red bracelet while taking exams . '

  5. 来自巴塞罗那自治大学全球生态小组的研究者对多重植物进行了研究,包括麻栎、黄菀、石南花和金雀花。

    The researchers from the global ecology unit at the Autonomous University of Barcelona looked at a variety of plants , including holm oak , yellow fleabane , heather and Spanish broom .

  6. 今天三月份,奥斯卡在巴塞罗那的瓦尔德希伯隆大学附属医院接受了长达24小时的换脸手术。

    He underwent the24-hour operation at Barcelona 's University Hospital Vall d'Hebron in March .

  7. 比如,巴塞罗那泊普法布拉大学(UniversitatPompeuFabra)的研究者们发现,人们在使用第二语言的时候似乎能够做出更多理性的决策——这可能是因为外语让人们与决策之间拉开了距离。

    Researchers at Barcelona 's Pompeu Fabra University found , for instance , that people seem to make more rational decisions in their second language - possibly because it distances them from the decision .