
  • 网络Papua Province;Irian Jaya
  1. 巴布亚省当地居民一直感到被边缘化。

    Locals in Papua province have long felt marginalized .

  2. 其中最艰难的拍摄地点在印尼巴布亚省的丛林中

    Nowhere was the filming trickier than in the jungles of West Papua .

  3. 这个地区,在新几内亚岛位于巴布亚省,一直以其丰富的生物多样性。

    The area , located in the Papua province of the island of New Guinea , has long been known for its rich biodiversity .

  4. 在巴布亚省,我曾徒步数小时前往不同村庄,路上连一个标志都没看到过,更别说能够引导你前往当地红薯种植园的标志了。

    In Papua , I had hiked hours to villages without seeing a single sign , let alone one directing you to the local sweet potato plantations .

  5. 拉瓦语(Laua)是巴布亚新几内亚中央省使用的语言,为梅卢安语族的一员,已接近灭绝。

    Laua is spoken in the Central Province of Papua New Guinea .

  6. 亚拉维语(Yarawi)是巴布亚新几内亚莫罗贝省莫罗贝镇附近的一种语言。

    Yarawi ( or Suena ) is spoken in Papua New Guinea , near Morobe town in Morobe Province .