
  • 网络bahrain;Bahrain Island
  1. 源头服务器来自突尼斯和巴林岛

    originating from servers in Tunisia and Bahrain .

  2. 在巴林岛,周五,皇储在电视台发表讲话,呼吁民众平静下来。

    In Bahrain , the crown prince went on television Friday and appealed for calm .

  3. 在巴林岛,已经没有医生和护士为被安全部队打伤的示威者治疗了。

    In Bahrain doctors and nurses who treated protesters injured by security forces have vanished .

  4. 巴林岛70%的人口是什叶派教徒,但是政府由逊尼派穆斯林领导。

    Seventy percent of Bahrain 's population is Shi'ite , but Sunni Muslims lead the government .

  5. 源自巴林岛和突尼斯

    originated in Bahrain and Tunisia .

  6. 我今天早上与巴林岛同僚通电话,直接表达了我们对安全力量行为的深切担忧。

    I called my counterpart in Bahrain this morning and directly conveyed our deep concerns about the actions of the security forces .

  7. 2005初审结束后,杰梅恩杰克逊就安排了一架私人飞机,随时待命把迈克尔送往巴林岛。

    When the 2005 trial wound down , Jermaine Jackson arranged to have a private jet on standby to take Michael to Bahrain .

  8. 英国外交部称,五名英国人驾驶赛艇从巴林岛开往迪拜的图中被伊朗海军拘留。

    Five Britons have been detained by the Iranian navy while sailing a racing yacht from Bahrain to Dubai , the Foreign Office ( FCO ) has said .

  9. 巴林首都;位于巴林岛的北端。

    The capital of bahrain ; located at the northern end of Bahrain island .