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  • 网络BAGA;John Bargh;Bago
  1. 巴格,把这个给用的着的人。

    Bug , give this to somebody who can use it .

  2. 我们尊贵的大使巴格威格子爵对她另眼相看。

    Viscount Bagwig , our excellent ambassador , paid her marked attention .

  3. 愿阿妈和巴格万的祝福把爱和喜悦带入你的关系之中。

    May Amma Bhagavan 's blessing bring love and joy into your Relationships .

  4. 巴格万,我们怎样才可以更好地帮助人们觉醒?

    Sri Bhagavan , how can we best help people move into Awakening ?

  5. 巴格诺尔德对在利比亚的意大利人的威胁也是早有觉察。

    Bagnold was aware of the dangers posed by the Italians in Libya .

  6. 在星期一的会议上,董事会主席巴格表示董事会站在阿曼斯一边。

    In its meeting Monday , board chairman Solomon badger says the board stands by Ammons .

  7. 内蒙古巴格毛德地区油页岩工业评价及开发前景

    The industrial appraisal and development prospects of oil shale in the Bag Mod area of Inner Mongolia

  8. 伊拉克航空公司原计划从周六(9月18日)起恢复巴格达到约旦安曼和叙利亚大马士革的航班。

    Iraqi Airways had planned to resume flying this Saturday from Baghdad to Amman , Jordan and Damascus , Syria .

  9. 不幸的是新西兰师分不出更多的人了,巴格诺尔德甚至不得不返还给该师一些新西兰官兵!

    Unfortunately the New Zealand division could not spare more men and Bagnold actually had to give a few of the originals back to the division !

  10. 巴格认为此项研究结果就是固有偏见的证据,更别说其他经济上的不平等,比如更低的工资和更少的启动津贴。

    Bug says the results may be evidence of inherent biases that could hold women back & along with economic inequalities , such as lower wages and smaller start-up grants .

  11. 巴格诺尔德拥有很大的自由权限,可以征召志愿者,他早就决定要征召自治领官兵,因为他认为这些人比英国人更能在沙漠里独立生存。

    Bagnold was given a free hand to call for volunteers and decided early on to look for more robust " colonial forces " that were coming into theater , assuming they would be more self reliant than British units .