
  • 网络The Treaty of Paris;Peace of Paris;Peace Treaty of Paris
  1. 1856年的今天,1856年巴黎和约被签署,结束了克里米亚战争。

    1856-The Treaty of Paris ( 1856 ) is signed , ending the Crimean War .

  2. 《巴黎和约》(1856)

    Peace Treaty of Paris ( 1856 )

  3. 展览将包括乔治-亚当斯签署的《巴黎和约》,它结束了大革命;

    The display will include the Treaty of Paris , signed by John Adams , which ended the Revolutionary War ;

  4. 1583年英格兰宣称纽芬兰属英国,尽管这个宣告在《巴黎和约》(1763年)前一直遭到法国的反对。

    England claimed Newfoundland in1583 , although the claims were disputed by France until the Treaty of Paris ( 1763 ) .

  5. 历史上的今天-巴黎和约1763年的今天,法国根据巴黎和约割让加拿大给英国,结束法国和印度的战争。

    Treaty of Paris 1763 - France ceded Canada to England under the Treaty of Paris , which ended the French and Indian War .

  6. 卡斯尔雷又从英国的长远利益出发,力促反法同盟与法国签订温和宽大的《巴黎和约》,并大力支持波旁王朝复辟。

    For the long term interest of britain , he urges the alliance countries to conclude the Paris Treaty that is mild and lenient to France and actively support Bourbon restoration .

  7. 1763年的英国征服之后,法国根据《巴黎和约》的规定将新法兰西割让给了英国,成为英属殖民地。

    The second , the British North America Period . As a result of the British Conquest of 1763 , France was forced to cede New France to Great Britain , thus it became a British colony .